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Monkey Cartwheels

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About Monkey Cartwheels

  • Rank
    Devoted Member
  • Birthday 02/13/1993

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  • Location
    North Island, New Zealand

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  • Mood:
    If I dont like it, then it must be crap

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  6. Im not that old of a member, but I was on the old forum for maybe 4 or so months before this one appeared. All I remember about the old one was getting in trouble for having a banner too big and getting in trouble again for talking with Ashely about off topic stuff in a thread haha... Im hardly ever on this one as of recently though... But I pop in on occasions. A lot of people from my era have gone
  7. I joined a few months before this new forum become a thing. First actual conversation was with Ashley and we got in trouble for it because it was in some random thread and it was off topic. Then I started chatting with good old Jade, then Padfoot, then with Sammy (aka michief.managed). Have a loooooong conversation history with Sammy ha. I am also known to chat with Arie. I don't post so much anymore because I forget or something. Mostly hide in the PM's Tell you what though, looking through my friends on here there's some names I haven't seen in the longest time!
  8. God created genders. He isn't man or female. God exists outside of all logic, imagery and thinking we can imagine, He created it. I/we cannot comprehend what He looks like, its impossible. Just look at the (Christian/jewish) stories of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, if someone who wasn't a high priest entered it they were destroyed by the very presence of God. His voice spole the universe into creation. I imagine He is gonna be something pretty damn significant... Also what Chris said, as funny as that is, its kinda true too. Space may look pretty and all that from a distance but it
  9. Haha, I did that face on purpose because I am so br00t4l haha. Its actually not mine man, it belongs to my brothers friend. I forget exactly what make it is, but its a real new company though, and its an AR-15 (obviously) with a random scope my brother had lying around home. Such a nice rifle to hold, I asume he intends on using it for hunting but I'm not sure, hes only had it a week and hasn't fired it yet.
  10. UnderOATH. The Devil Wears Prada. Parkway Drive. The Ghost Inside. Antagonist A.D. Saving Grace. Mumsdollar. Dave Dobbyn. Trigger Theory. Creations. A LOT of small local metal bands! Oh Sleeper Escape The Fate Alestorm The Almost Prepared Like A Bride Showbread Reliant K The Chariot A Plea For Purging August Burns Red blessthefall Architects Northlane Sleeping Giant Levi The Poet Lecrae Switchfoot White Colar Sideshow ------------------------------------- Now adding Thy Art Is Murder (Thought they were crap) Norma Jean (One of my all time favorite bands ever)
  11. Dude reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead http://xchristcorex.tumblr.com/post/52051115238/stuck
  12. Damn Im so sorry I didn't read this earlier. And I am so sorry to hear that it happened. But I am also so glad to hear the positive results! Never feel guilty about prayer though Jade, it means a lot that you reached out to help your uncle in any way and he would appreciate it more than you would know. I am interested to know more results as they come in if you wish to post them here. And I am happy to offer prayer at anytime. I wish the best for your uncle right now.
  13. It is! I feel like a 17 year old haha. But still, I wish there were more photos of me floating around... Also thanks homie! Gotta rock the Hardcore clothing
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