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Monkey Cartwheels

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Posts posted by Monkey Cartwheels

  1. It's terrible that it's gotten to the point where if someone tells me they are Christian, I kinda cringe. Luckily enough the people I do know are a lot like you.


    I agree with everything you said. Some of these Americans are just so.. ugh. "Hey, I'm the best Christian there is cause I tell people that God hates fags!" Or they use their religion to gain power. That's the one that really gets me.


    Oh well, I believe in Karma and I believe strongly in the afterlife. No one escapes it. We all have to pay our dues.

    Yeah it sucks that we get so looked down on for being Christian. I personally love it when people only find out I'm a Christian if they ask or it comes up in conversation and they say "I thought you were. You never swear or anything", it means that I am a normal functioning member of society. Which Christians should be, not outcasts or elitist or anything other than normal people.


    It's not only Americans, its like that all over the world.


    I don't believe in Karma but I do know that God does judge everyone by their heart and if its full of hate then God punishes that but he rewards those who do good and promote His kingdom. Which I kinda like to think I sorta do not to bad at...

  2. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS PRICELESS! How did he do that?

    Haha, chur.

    I had the camera set with a shutter speed of about 3-4 seconds (How long it takes to take the picture).

    He stood as still as possible.

    My sister moved the sparkler across in that arch.



    That is how you urinate fire

  3. Yeah I would not at all be surprised if he was drunk. Booze and drugs is such a massive part of the music industry and there has been loads of rumors around for a long time that we was on drugs/booze a lot. Still not the way you want to go out

  4. I wish more people thought the way you do. Well, especially Americans. It's sick how they use the Bible here. It stains the very name of Christianity in my eyes.


    I like the fact that you don't push your beliefs. It's a personal thing to you and that is wonderful. We can all learn from each other and I'm glad that we do. We just each have our own thoughts on it. I just wish with all my heart that more people thought like you. No matter how we view it, it should be up the person. The way I always see it is, "it's between them, their conscious and God".


    I like the way you said that it's not a religion but a personal relationship with Christ. That's an awesome way of putting it. It's like the way I see Wicca. It's not a religion, it's more about your personal relationship to the Divine. I think that God smiles on those who stick to their convictions but without hurting others. I can't be 100% sure of this but it's just a feeling I get.


    Yeah so do I, I personally cannot stand to be around other Christians. Most of them are self centered assholes who think they are better than others because they follow God. They all seem to forget the verse "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23. We have no right to consider ourselves above anyone else for any reason. And if someone does then they are an asshole and I hope someone punches them square in the face.


    Pushing your beliefs on someone has never worked ever in history. Its the whole "lead a horse to water thing", I can only offer what I know to them and after that its all on them.

    Christianity is a personal relationship, sitting in church acting all high and mighty will not bring you closer to God, you need to humble yourself and accept that you are not worthy. You cant say "look at my flash church building, I'm a terrific Christian".

    God smiles upon those who live in the world but stay true to their values. Its always been about that...


    Most Christians are dickheads and I completely understand why so many people hate us

  5. I get what you're saying but I'm a little confused on some parts because you lost me a bit. In the terms of gay marriage, or as I call it marriage, you don't mind if gays do it because to you it will always just be marriage? Is that the gist of it?


    Sorry, just want to make sure I understand because if that's the case you are one of the few I know who doesn't care either way. I believe marriage should not be made legal by any religion. If you want to have a ceremony at a church, synagogue, or whatever that's fine but you should have to see a judge to get legally married. That's just how I feel about it. I think it's best to separate religion from the state. It makes things less messy.


    I think if Jesus were alive today, he would be for marriage. Love is love.

    Yeah I re-read it and I do sorta jump all over the place with my thoughts....

    Basically my thoughts on gay marriage is that I don't care if they want to be gay because it does not directly impact my life in any way. And I have no right to tell people how they should lead their lives and I don't want to discriminate against anyone for any reason.


    What I mean about marriage is that I think God made marriage as between a man and a woman and that is it. Humans will change it to what they want it to be like they do most things.

    So in the eyes of humans marriage could be a man and a man or woman and woman but in the eyes of God marriage is a man and a woman. If not that then its not an "Official Godly marriage" I suppose you could say... Not that that makes them any less married but I don't think it is proper marriage I guess.


    But yeah, at the end of the day its their choice. I don't agree with gay marriage but I don't oppose it. Its unfair to look down on someone for being gay so I don't. I treat everyone from every race and lifestyle as I would like to be treated, with respect.

    I would congratulate someone for marrying someone of the same sex, I'd attend a same sex wedding. But I'm not about to go out and shag a male or protest a gay pride festival.


    Christianity is not a religion its a personal relationship with Christ. We are all accountable for our actions and at the end of the day only God really knows the answers. I just try to live my life as pure, fair and Godly as possible. I try to live like Christ would, hanging out with the sinners, gentiles, lepers and prostitutes. No good has ever come from sitting inside the walls of a church bible bashing the world, I try to be a role model and a good person and people know that I follow God and it leaves a positive impact on people. I can only tell people what I think and give advice, after that it is up to them and God what they do. The choice is theirs and God doesn't lie, He will always give the the right answer.

    That's a bit off topic but I think it kinda explains why I think what I do about gay marriage, probably not....


    And yes, I agree. I think Jesus would much rather see everyone getting on than the world bickering over something so dumb. He'd much rather see gays and straights working together to better the world and bring people to Him than squabble.


    Its not really as big of an issue as everyone makes it out to be.... Just chill I reckon.

  6. I heard that they were testing to see it alcohol or drugs was a factor, that really sucks that he was drinking. But drinking and drug abuse is such a big part of the music culture so I'm not overly surprised to be honest. Still sad as hell that a bad mistake caused such a tragedy.

  7. I'd describe myself as an atheist. I don't believe in any god, but I'm not one of those atheists who criticise you for believing in a god. It's none of my business what you believe in, and to be honest as long as you're happy then I'm happy. I don't really see religion as a barrier between who I like and who I don't like, on the same level as race or sexuality. I'd be friends with a gay black buddhist and it wouldn't bother me. We're all humans. I dislike people that are douchebags, not people that believe in a god. :P


    On the subject of sexuality, how do all you religious people feel about homosexuality? I'm curious to know where the different religions stand on it.

    I posted my thoughts on this on my tumblr a while back




    I'm sure someone will disagree with me on the matter... I'm not worried though

  8. There's been a lot of uproar about this. I found out Thursday and there was a lot of people saying he committed suicide, slit his own wrists etc. I was disgusted and disgraced knowing people were tainting his soul.


    I've said this a couple of times but I'll say it again because it can never be said enough. His talented voice will be missed.

    Man that is stupid on so many levels. I cant stand all the people giving him a bad name just because they didn't like SS. I've been told of people saying things like "This is the best thing that has ever happened to Suicide Silence" and other BS like that, makes me sick. There is no respect for the dead. But it makes me happy that so many people are coming together to show their support and respect.


    Yeah his relationship with his daughter was pretty magical. I hope when she is older she will be proud of who her daddy was.

  9. Most of you have probably never heard that name or heard of his band Suicide Silence but on Thursday morning the Mitch Lucker died in hospital from a motorbike crash he had the day before. I was never really an avid follower/listener of Suicide Silence but they brought a lot of mainstream attention to the Death Metal scene and helped a lot of people to realize that its not filled with a bunch of angry people but good guys. He was only 28 years old which is bad enough but he also had a 5 year old daughter who must be going through hell at the moment.

    Such a terrible loss of the Metal world, such a good guy and insanely talented at what he did.

    My thoughts and prayers to their family and friends, especially his little girl.


    More reading here if you want



    Sad to see a giving guy go.





    Their music if you really want to listen to it


  10. I see.

    I can't claim to know it in detail, but aren't there instructions on who to kill in a particular way for certain crimes? Are you suggesting following that too? And if not (for whatever reason), how can you still follow the rest? Because at that point it starts being a matter of interpretation and practicality....and after that ultimately comes only the rule of men through the word of god as they they see fit to interpret it at the moment.

    Dang sorry for the late reply.

    All the sorta thing to do with stoning people and all that is in the Old testament which doesn't apply since Jesus returned. The Old Testament is more a history lesson than the way we should live

  11. I get blood noses constantly. When I'm tired, out of energy, sleepy, cold, hot or just because.

    I keep getting told I should get my nose cauterized and that should fix the problem. But I REALLY do not like the sound of having the inside of my nose burnt.


    Has anybody got experience/knowledge on it and how effective it is?

  12. Oh my word! Is it that time of year already? (Well technically I missed it because I'm one day in the future but NM that!)


    Let us all celebrate with a cake I did not, repeat, DID NOT just copy off google images. I totes baked this in my free time



    It looks pretty small in the picture but it took 9 burly men and 3 oxen to lift it in and out of the oven, its well huge.


    And as you are totes my BFF for lyf I went out and got you a ring that you surely have seen before (If you haven't it will put major strain on this friendship)





  13. Ummm..... YES. Serious people are no fun!

    Too right they are!


    Well then lets be BFF's and go on crazy adventures and fight dragons and warlocks and Nazi's and dinosaurs and ducklings. Even though you live on just about the opposite side of the world... But it doesn't even matter because everyone knows that the USA is the greatest country in the world and way better than New Zealand. Don't worry about coming to me, send me your address and I'll come to you and we can adventure-er-ize it up old school style.


    God bless 'murika



  14. If you want religion in general you should read some Halocaust memoirs. There are some really wonderful ones that really do make you think and be very thankful. I can recommend a few, but the truth is they are all good.


    I always like books that sort of compare and contrast a lot of the different religions. I know there are many out there that are just about Christianity and Judaism. I know you have an interest in Judaism so maybe this is something you should look into?


    A lot of the bookstores here have religion sections, idk if its the same by you. Sometimes it's helpful just to goin and see what type of books are out there.

    I shall check out some Holocaust Memoirs, don't you worry about that! We don't really have a decent sized book store within 30km from my house. But my Amazon ones arrived today so that'll hold me down for a while.




    Karen... I have a question for you.

    You were brought up Catholic right? and just recently been getting into the other sort of denominations around now?


    Did you find the formality of Catholicism made it hard to connect with God on a real personal level? I've always wondered that, compared to the more "relaxed" style of other denominations.

  15. omgz you know what omg get ugly ;)


    haha I'm joking I don't talk like that. but nice editing, again :D

    Unfortunately that has surpassed my knowledge of how to talk like a little idiot...... haha

    Its not really nice editing, I just loaded up the contrast and added grain and then some terrible words and a love heart. But thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks :D


    @ Joe: Always enjoy your pics, seems like you are often having a great time and I really think it's cool how you show a carefree, devil-may-care (as Luna Lovegood might say) attitude. No disrespect meant by that comment, with respects to your faith. Really liked the response to lil Chris.. spot on!

    Man, why take every moment in life seriously? There is really no point, I know when I can have fun and when I need to be serious. I like to make the most of my fun time. No disrespect at all, thank you.


    Can I please be your bff????


    First off I want you to have a good hard think, "do I reeeally want to be that dudes BFF? He has a few loose bolts rattling around upstairs"


    Do you want to take that risk?

  16. Hahaha, thanks. I look at it this way... Imagine if you done it to Christianity.

    Last time I checked God is the biggest factor in Judaism which has been removed and Jesus is the biggest part of Christianity.

    So if you remove Jesus from Christianity you cant call it Humanistic Christianity. Why? Because Christianity without Jesus is pretty much Judaism....

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