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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. New York, New York, it's a helluva town.

    The Bronx is up, but the Battery's down.


    The city so nice they named it twice.


    It's a lot of fun. Always something going on. It's been several years since I've been there but I always enjoy going. It's busy, everyone is in a hurry and tons of people everywhere. Lots of energy.


    If you ever go, just don't try to look like a tourist. Even if you don't know where you're going, act like you do. Plan out the places you wanna go ahead of time. Try to visit places that are off the beaten path. Find some out-of-the-way, hole-in-the-wall restaurants and truly experience the city. See at least one play or musical. Visit Times Square. Go to Central Park. Only see the Statue of Liberty if you have a lot of time because it takes most of a day. Same with the Empire State Building - it can take up a lot of time as well but not as much as Lady Liberty. If you have time see a Yankees game but go with someone who knows what they're doing and where they're going as Yankee Stadium is in the Bronx.


    Also, don't try to drive in NYC unless you know what you're doing and you're up to it. Most people walk but if where you're going is too far to walk then take a cab (they're everywhere-just have to find one that's on duty and not occupied) or take the subway.




  2. Argh, after July we're going to have no books or movies to wait for for a year each :sob: It will feel so weird :o

    Yeah, it's already changing. Just a few years ago on Emma forums most of the talk was about Emma herself, Hermione or HP. Now, at least on this forum, a lot of the talk is about so many other things. It seems we talk about Emma a minimal amount.

  3. You know this scares me like you couldn't belive i always think this is the end times.. like something keeps telling me that it might be time but Who knows.. I hope everything works Out I am so Shaking by everything i cant sleep.. :/

    I completely understand you're being scared.


    To me it seems these natural disasters are becoming more frequent, happening closer together. Not to mention political and financial unrest in much of the world and matters escalating rather quickly in the middle east. It could be the end times.


    But then again, people have also been saying this for two thousand years. We never really know. Hopefully this eases your fear just a bit and maybe you can get some rest. Just know that I understand and am hoping your outlook improves.

  4. They already sent a few aircraft's over as well to help with evacuations. Plus, there have been a ton of relief aid and such started already! I saw a whole list of places you can donate to.



    You can give $10 to the Salvation Army by texting "JAPAN" to 80888 or to the Red Cross by texting "REDCROSS" to 90999.


    Donations can also be made at donate.salvationarmyusa.org and redcross.org.

  5. Its a terrible disaster, the loss of life is horrendous. I'm sure every country that can, will send Japan any help they need.


    Nature can unleash some terrible forces sometimes.

    The U.S. has already sent troops to help. It has also been reported that the U.S. is also sending materials to contain any nuclear breach and/or overheating. The U.S. will be airlifting and bringing in equipment to help with recovery and cleanup.

  6. @Noura: I know, I can't help but feel terrified!


    @Dude: I would hate to think like that, but at the same time there is this little voice in the back of my head saying so. Well sort of. I am Jewish, and one of the theories is that before the Messiah comes there will be a time of horrible wars and natural disasters (called Gog u Magog) I have heard it translated as Armageddon. So part of me can't help thinking, maybe this is a start?

    And I am sure you are familiar with the Christian prophecy of their being political unrest and natural disasters in the end times. The Jewish time of the coming Messiah and the Christian time of the second coming of the Messiah are similar.

  7. I have this live earthquake application and I counted all the ones that happened throughout the day that are above 5.0 I swear they are more that 80 quakes off and near the east coast of Japan :sob: my god I hope it'll stop. I keep praying for them :(

    I'm afraid that the initial quake was so great that they are going to be having these aftershocks for sometime.

  8. Emma just tweeted about a riddle that she wants us to figure out. It has to do with her "new venture" what could it mean?




    I think it's a Rose.


    but i wonder what it means to her, though.

    Good guess. We'll probably have to guess several words and then put them all together to come up with the answer.

  9. Im sorry but I completely disagree with all of this. Science and Christianity practically do not mix at all.

    Joe, I agree with a lot of what you say and I think I get what you mean here but perhaps it was just worded differently. I do believe science and Christianity can mix. The problem arises when science gets it wrong. Science told us for a century that the Brontosaurus was fact. Then it was discovered that they had the wrong head on the wrong dinosaur. Science is continually moving. God is constant.


    Take for example Job. It is one of the oldest books in the bible. It was probably written about 1,500 years before Christ. The science of the day said that the earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas (although recent information suggests it may have been someone other than Atlas) or on the back of a turtle or pillars etc. But Job chapter 26 verse 7 says this"


    He stretches out the north over empty space

    And hangs the earth on nothing.


    Other translations say that North meant the skies or heavens. At the time it was believed by the Greeks that Atlas held up the skies so they wouldn't fall to earth but Job is saying that the skies aren't held up by anything. Job also states in this passage that the earth doesn't rest on anyone's shoulders or on the back of anything but is suspended in space by nothing.


    It may be true that Job and the author of the book of Job didn't even understand what exactly that passage meant but were inspired by the wisdom of God to utter these words. This was some 2,500 years before man came to the same conclusion about the earth.


    It has been said that when science catches up with the Bible we will know everything. I don't know that we could handle the knowledge of everything with our finite minds.

  10. I'm a bit hesitant to write anything but reading your posts was really interesting so I'll just add my opinion too. :)


    I became Christian quite recently (couple of years ago), after having read two books by a very famous Swedish man called Jonas Gardell. The books are called "About God" and "About Jesus". Jonas is very religious but in these books he is critical towards the Bible but also explains Christianity and it's history which is fascinating. I really don't believe in much said in the Bible, to me it's just a bunch of stories written by men and changed constantly during history.


    I believe in a forgiving God who loves everyone no matter what. And in Jesus because he preached tolerance, equality and love.




    That story says a lot about my relationship with God, which is everything but easy.

    I'm not trying to be critical or point fingers but I have to ask - if you don't believe in much said in the Bible (if it's just stories made up by men) then how do you believe in God and Jesus?


    If a person does believe in the Bible then they believe that Jesus died on the cross as a substitution for our sins. But I'm not exactly sure that Jesus preached tolerance. If he did, then why did he die for our sins? If he wanted us to tolerate everything (drugs, child abuse, rape, murder) then there would be no need for a substitute sacrifice because sin wouldn't exist. It would all just be moral relativism.


    God does love everyone no matter what, but that doesn't mean that He will tolerate or condone everything that we do. God is a just god. If he weren't then unrepentant murderers would get into Heaven just the same as loving, caring, good, God-believing people would. That's not right. If that's the case then why should anyone follow Jesus? Why would you even try to do good or help others? And we're back to moral relativism.


    If God is going to let everyone into Heaven no matter what they do or believe then why did He have Jesus die on the cross? Just for sick kicks? He had his only son beaten, ridiculed, tortured and murdered in the most barbaric of ways for absolutely no reason? I don't want to follow a God who is that sick and depraved.


    But I don't think that is the God that I follow. I believe that there was a reason and a need for a substitute sacrifice. I can't see Him, I can't prove Him, I can't touch Him or talk to Him face-to-face. But that's why they call it faith. I can see what He has done in my life and the lives of others.


    There are some who only want to believe in parts of the Bible. But if you don't believe some parts then why believe in any of it. If one single passage of the Bible is false, then it all must be false.


    Let me put it this way - have you ever seen a restaurant get shut down for E. Coli? If only one or two food items are responsible for the E. Coli then why do they shut down the whole restaurant? If it was only the salad that they said had E. Coli would you be willing to eat their chicken then? No, because you can't trust it. If you can't trust all of it you can't trust any of it. It's not worth the risk if you can't trust all of it. Same way with the Bible, if you can't trust all of it to be true then it's not worth the risk to trust any of it. And who are we to decide which part is the correct part and which is the false part?


    Again, please don't take this as an invitation to an argument. I'm not trying make light of you or your thoughts and I don't wanna start a flame war. I know just by having this discussion we're treading on some volatile ground.





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