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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. I know Right Joe.. I get Bullied and Teased Constantly from it and I always learned to Not let it get to me You Know someone Once told me.. If you keep praying for your eminences god will give you more glory he will be there for you you get closer to him with me I get pushed and pulled away from god. I think everyone has those days where one day they feel so close to god the next day they feel really distant from him.. for me it is so hard with having family that hates me for being Christin but I always tell my mom.

    But you still follow God. Because as much God is not a religion he is also not an emotion. That's part of what faith is about - continuing to walk with God even when you don't feel close to him. Sometimes when you are walking with God and don't feel close to him is when you are actually the closest because you are walking on faith, not feelings or emotions.

  2. Had to google this one: Ball of Fire


    "- And what if I can't find her?


    - It's easy: she's standing right next to you."

    The Bourne...Supremacy?



    "That's our $12.00 trade-in. You owe us a nickel!"

  3. I do believe the same--that the History of Christianity is important to know--and I do retain an interest in learning about multiple religions. However, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you Arie. Not exactly the same, but somewhat similar--the difference being that, I suppose, I am a Christian. My family is considered Catholic, but only two members of my immediate family were baptized and my siblings and I grew up outside of the scope of religion/religious study.


    I have only been to church as many times as I have fingers on one hand. I have never read the Bible in full, only certain passages. I cannot bring myself to attend mass or be inside a church for that matter. I have never been in any kind of Sunday class or religious study class, and have wondered about them since I was a young child while some of my friends attended those classes. I, therefore, cannot categorize myself.


    What I've mentioned is something I wouldn't like to admit to most people I talk with in my life. I have never viewed going to church or avidly studying Christianity as necessary, for me . I am not saying it is not necessary at all for other people. I was just not raised having religious faith, and it is both a blessing and a curse. I can choose what I would like to believe (faith-wise) more freely than others and I have the opportunity to work with and befriend people of all faiths (I grew up in a very diverse city/town), but I neither cannot have the comfort of finding solace in religious ideas or being part of a faith-based community nor do I have the privilege of being married in a church.


    I returned from uni a little over a year ago and discussed this idea with my father while walking around a lake. The sky was clear as day, but reaching sunset, and he had told me that there is a passage within the Bible which describes the following idea (I am really, really paraphrasing here :doh: ): that where two people or more congregate to pray or meditate--or what have you--there is considered a "church".


    So, that being said, I am a spiritual person. I am embarrassed to admit that I have never read the Bible completely, even though I have the Old and New Testaments sitting on my bookshelf, as well as the compiled version of the New Testament in Ancient Greek. :blush: To each his or her own, I guess. But, I do second what Arie said: I do find a lot of the technical ideas and events "confusing" and "strange". :doh:


    I'll be waiting to see what other imformative posts are in this thread so I can better learn and understand. :D:yesyes:

    You're talking about religion. Going to mass, going to church, being baptized etc.


    What Joe is talking about is faith. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. Attending mass doesn't make you a Christian. And being baptized doesn't make you a Christian. What makes you a Christian is your confession (to God) of being a sinner and having Christ in your life and the holy spirit within you. Having a personal relationship with God and Christ is what makes you a Christian. Going to church or being baptized is something you do because of your relationship with Jesus, because you crave more and want to learn. It's not something to be in place of a personal walk with God.


    There are those who will make you feel guilty for missing church or some other religious activity. But your faith is between you and God. That's not to say that as a Christian you don't need to go to church. I had a friend once who decided that his church was wherever he was and spent time secluded in his house just reading the Bible and he became more and more reclusive from his Christian brothers. Without the help, guidance and correction of other Christians he veered off the path and began believing some outlandish stuff. It would be like driving a car without street signs, maps, GPS or other kinds of navigation and directions. These things can't tell you where to go but they can help keep you on the path and steer you back if you get off course.


    Some people who want to tear down Christianity will point to things like the crusades or more recently the Westboro Baptist Church here in the U.S. as evidence that Christianity does more harm than good and that it's evil and corrupt. The thing is, is that humans are involved in all this. The Bible teaches that we are all imperfect and controlled by our flesh and not the spirit of God. So any time humans are involved things have the potential of being corrupted. So really it's the people that are the problem, not God.






  4. I think there are several different causes with the media being one. Another, as mentioned above, is the hyper connectedness of the modern world with the Internet, texting, smart phones etc.


    Also, each generation becomes just a little more jade, a little more desensitized than the one before it. Just look at the last 20 years as an example. When the Simpsons first came out it was considered very edgy for it's time. But in time it was surpassed by Beavis and Butthead. Then that was supplanted by South Park which has outright cursing and sacrilege. Society became desensitized by The Simpsons then it took a little more to shock people and more until look at where we are now.


    Parents have also become more of friends to their children instead of parents. Look at Lindsay Lohan's mom as a perfect example. She wanted to be her daughter's friend instead of her mother. She used her daughter's fame to get into the coolest L.A. clubs instead of steering her daughter passed the pitfalls of fame.


    And parents as well as teachers aren't allowed to discipline anymore. I know growing up I got spanked. I wasn't beaten or abused and I don't have deep seated issues with my parents because of it. But I do know the difference between right and wrong and I respect others and their property. My parents did a good job of bringing me up. And since we've taken corporal punishment out of the schools kids have gotten uncontrollable.


    But it didn't just start with this generation. It's been going on. Look at the adults of today. They grew up far quicker than their parents. They had gotten drunk, had sex and done drugs way younger than their parents did or maybe their parents never did some of those things. So it would seem that they grew up faster than their parents. But really they just became more jaded than their parents; not grown up. They never matured. That's why we have a society of adults who are overgrown children, who are trying so desperately to cling to their youth and turn their children into mini-me versions of themselves. Hanging with your four year old son like he's your buddy and listening to the White Stripes together is not age appropriate for your child. Children need their parents not friends.


    Just look at an old show like Leave It To Beaver. The father on that show was a Man. Now compare him to a father of today. They are just overgrown frat boys.

  5. One way to solve that problem is for the younger population to vote. Voter turnout for the younger demographics always end up being the lowest and they're usually the ones who are affected. If you don't like you're senator and/or representative, vote them out of office.

    But with a caveat. You don't want younger voters to vote just for the sake of having younger voters vote. You want them to be informed. For instance; during the '08 presidential election a lady friend of mine worked with a younger voter and he said he was going to vote for Obama. When she asked him why he said because he's cool. But when she pressed him about what issues did he agree on with Obama or what he thought Obama might do to help the country he didn't have any answers. We don't want someone out there voting for a person or bill because they think it's cool.





    I think I remember reading somewhere that economist looking back in the great depression of the 1930s it probably would have been worse but it would have gotten better sooner. So as a country the US needs to think about do we want short term fixes that will make it better right now but has a high possibility of making it worse later on or do we want long term fixes that mights makes things harder on us as a country.

    Yes, FDR not stepping down after two terms showed the need for term limits. A lot of the things he enacted to remedy the great depression were socialist in nature and the thing is we are still paying for some of these mistakes. Many economists will tell you now that his policies prolonged the great depression instead of getting us out of it. It was WWII that got the U.S. out of the depression, not Roosevelt or his policies.

  6. 1st video: the driver in the van who nearly dodged the tractor trailer deserves a medal

    2nd video: is it wrong to say that that's hilarious?

    Yeah, the 2nd video needs a Dukes of Hazard YEEHAW! dubbed into it. Then pause it in mid-air and have Waylon Jennings say "Now folks, that's one way to avoid paying a toll."

  7. Drivers on the toll roads drive a bit faster 'cause of less traffic.

    The speed limit on turnpikes is 75 so that means you can go 85 - or at least that's how I look at it.


    And if you drove any slower than that it'd take you six days to get from Dallas to Austin (sightly joking). We were vacationing in South Padre once and my dad was studying the atlas and realized that if you left from South Padre that by the time you'd reached the border of Texas you would be half way to L.A. and you hadn't even left the state yet.


    Rush hour in D/FW is Hell or even when there's an accident on the highway.

    Well I can see why...





  8. when you think about it, yes kinect is amazing technology, but all of the motion sensing idea came from Nintendo with the Wii remote, it woukd be very hard to play CoD on kinect so thats why Microsoft are making a gun mould for future first-person shooters that will be compatible with kinect.

    The Kinect is not anywhere near being fully realized by game developers. The Kinect goes way beyond just the motion control of Wii. I've got both and there's no comparison. Just wait 'til 3D games come out and they get the logistics of motion control worked out. Then playing FPS such as COD will be like being in the game.





  9. I think the main problem is people don't seem to have any respect for driving anymore,

    People don't have respect for other people anymore. That's a lot of the problem.


    I constantly see people during rush hour traffic texting. I see a lot of women putting on make up and/or texting/talking on phone whilst driving. What I hate is when someone changes lanes right in front of me and I have to hit my brakes because they are going slower than me. I look in my rear view and see that absolutely no one is behind me. So if they'd just waited about 2 seconds we could've avoided almost having a wreck.


    If you've ever driven in NYC (which I have) that is crazy. But it all makes sense to them. There you have to drive like the biggest jerk in the world to get anywhere otherwise you'll be taken advantage of. I was once walking down the sidewalk in New York one night and suddenly the entire crowd in front of me just split like the Red Sea. I found myself face to face with a police car speeding down the sidewalk going the wrong way on a one way.


    In Texas most people drive 80-85 MPH (129-137 KPH) on the Interstates because otherwise it would take forever to get anywhere. Unless you're in the DFW metroplex or Houston during rush hour then you don't move.

  10. Actually in this country we are. So long as you have a reasonable belief that they committed wrongdoing. They may sue you for false imprisonment afterward but the judge and jury are more than likely to grant you the damages.


    A scenario being a retail shop floor employee witnesses a shoplifter steal some merchandise. If company policy allows it, that employee is allowed to confront the shoplifter and hold that person until police do arrive, review the evidence(such as security camera footage) and then arrest the shoplifter.


    If I'm asleep in my home and find a burglar in my home stealing my stuff. I have the privilege, if you call it that, to take my rifle, point it at the burglar warning him to either leave or stay while I call the police. I will however cross the line if I pull the trigger and kill/injure the man. (If he had a gun himself and pointed it at me, I acted in self-defense) In that case I will be charged with either a crime or sued by the burglar. (There have been occasions in which the person doing a wrongdoing has actually won a lawsuit against the people he was robbing.)

    I don't know if the laws are different in Tejas (kinda doubt it) but when I took a conceal and carry class they said if someone breaks into your house you can shoot to kill. You are to shoot until the threat is gone but if you continue to shoot after the threat has subsided is when you can get into legal trouble. So for instance if you shoot an intruder in your home and he drops his weapon and has no other recourse and you have him dead to rights you are to stop. If you put an extra one in his brain for good measure then you've gone too far.


    They are intruders inside your home and so you have reason to believe that they mean to harm you. You, as a victim, have a lot more latitude in this instance. It's when you're out in public that things get a lot more strict and tricky.


    Best protection for a home - shotgun. That way you don't have to have good aim.

  11. I have a 360 with Kinect. I like it. XBox has a lot of good games. And the Kinect is going to go way beyond gaming. It will change how we interact with computers kinda like on Minority Report. We'll have mulit-touch without having to touch anything at all. I'm sure you've seen the Kinect hacks that people are doing: Kinect Hacks on YouTube

  12. It was from Joe's Apartment. I'm not sure if it was a straight to DVD movie but it's an MTV Movie Production.


    Here's another:


    "I like smoke better than air. If I could I'd smoke in my sleep. I would still do it after it kills me."






    "We'll work up a Number 6 on 'em."


    "Number 6? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one."


    "Well, that's where we go a-ridin' into town, a-whompin' and a-whumpin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course."


    "You spare the women?"


    "Naw, we rape the shit out of them at the Number Six Dance later on. "

  13. No, it's paparazzi. Just a high ISO setting. Still stalkerish. <_<

    Some of the photos do look like they are from a paparazzi because the image is clearer. But some of the others appear to be from a cell phone probably shot by a fan or something because they appear to be shot at a further distance and look as if they are trying to take the picture on the sly. To me those look like they have resolution noise rather than noise from ISO. Plus, the paparazzi use pretty expensive cameras that can handle high ISOs in low light and those pictures aren't really even in low light.

  14. These appear to be from someone's cell phone and not a paparazzi. I'm sorry, but this just seems a bit stalkerish. As much as I love pictures of beautiful Emma these type things just seem over the line to me. If I ever saw her in public, I'd have trouble just working up the nerve to talk to her but I certainly wouldn't take pics of her from afar.

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