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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. You should probably contact a Mod to move this thread.



    Yeah, that's ridiculous that they gave him detention for that. I understand the rule but you have to enforce the spirit of the rule not enforce the rule at all costs. Would they have given him detention if someone called him in class to tell him his father had been killed in Afghanistan? If they were enforcing the rule, then yes. Some exceptions have to be made and I think everyone would understand why he was allowed to break the rules this time.

  2. She may or may not change schools. But I wouldn't base any of it on what Perez says. It's just a fat guy with a blog. Anyone with a computer can write a blog. And just because he's one of the better known bloggers doesn't mean that most of his blog facts aren't suspect at best.

  3. i just think that she's not REALLY serious about privacy if she's gonna be going to NY. B)

    It's fairly easy for famous people to blend in in NY. There's not paparazzi in NY like there is in LA (not to say there is none, but it's nothing like LA). You see actors just walking down the street in NY and people don't really seem to bother them. Sometimes they're just unrecognized in person. Occasionally you'll see them stop and take a picture with someone or sign an autograph but that's usually tourists. New Yorkers tend to leave them alone.

  4. So how does everyone like their coffee?

    I can drink it black or otherwise. But sometimes people make their coffee so hot it would scorch the Sun, so I put some creamer in to settle it down a bit.

  5. I used to drink coffee on a daily basis but I noticed my teeth were getting stained so I stopped. I still drink coffee, just not everyday. I like sweet tea like they make in the South. To be sweet it has to be sweetened when it's hot, 'cause if you try to put a sugar packet in after you've iced it then it just sinks to the bottom. Regular tea, I can take it or leave it.

  6. NYU has the best film related program among US unis as I know so it's possible that Emma is thinking transfering there since it will be beneficial for her movie career.

    I believe that would be USC. But maybe she doesn't wanna be an SC Trojan. Perhaps she's not a Lane Kiffin fan.;)

  7. I agree. It didn't come across as a "snub" at all and they seemed to get along just fine. At least that is how I saw it.

    Maybe you're right but it seems all the articles that I'm reading about the event describe it as a rude snub. And yeah Emma is gonna laugh it off because that's the person that she is. It's already an awkward situation so Emma's not gonna make more awkward by telling the lady off or calling her dick or something.

  8. To summarize this topic...

    - Emma was sad at the Baftas bc Rupert ignored her

    - Emma wouldn't date a smoker because then she'd be stupid

    - Chris Columbus was at the Baftas...but invisible to most...apparently

    - Daniel Radcliffe is probably a bad kisser and the kiss was only so good because Emma is so brilliant...and she also secretly thinks he sucks at kissing but that Rupert is a great kisser


    OMG. This is so...but thanks for amusing me guys...

    But wait! You left out my theory that she was tired of hearing Jo Rowling drone on and on at the awards after she'd droned on for over 4,000 pages in the books.


    I'm feeling so left out. :sob:

  9. You sound really ignorant. No one should be raped. Every victim of rape is innocent whether they're a nun, elderly, young, fat, skinny, or yes, even a prostitute. The blame lies on the rapist and this nation's rape culture that blames the victim and not the criminal.

    Wow...just wow.


    Let's back up a second here. I don't think OB was insinuating that someone should rape a prostitute. I think they were wondering why, instead of raping someone, don't they just go to a prostitute to get their rocks off. But that is making the mistake that rape is a crime of passion which it is not.


    Also, I don't know that this nation has a rape culture. Rape is something that has been going on for millennia. And we do not blame the victim. Yes, those who perpetrated the rape and/or those who are covering it up blame the victim but that is because they have a reason to. If they can put the blame off on someone else then maybe they can get off scott free.


    If anything our society believes the victim without much proof. (I'm not saying that's the case here) Someone accused of a crime is supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty but in the case of rape it's the other way around and the onus is on the accused to exonerate themselves. The onus is not upon the victim to prove the guilt of the accused. There have been many cases of a woman falsely accusing a guy of rape for one reason or another and public opinion almost always sides with the woman. It's not until much later that the truth came out that she was blackmailing or manipulating him/the system/ or the situation. But by then he is already considered guilty in the court of public opinion and it's near impossible for him to regain the credibility that he lost.

  10. In the end scene where Guber falls from the building, Rickman got mad at the director. The director told him they would drop him on the count of 3 but instead dropped him at 2. Rickman of course wasn't ready for this but the director said he got a more natural reaction this way. But it made Rickman mad that he did that.

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