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Posts posted by Thessalie

  1. I went last night! I thought it was a lot of fun. As far as movies go, it is definitely not a good quality movie. I almost felt like the writers/creators knew it would be crap so they made it ridiculous. I kind of liked that in a way. The movie was so ridiculous at times. However, I laughed crazy hard. I loved it! I highly recommend seeing it with a group of friends!


    That's hard ! haha


    Actually, I laughed so much, and I love music so much that it really entertained me a lot, and I loved it for that. Not my favorite movie ever, but a really good movie that I will buy in DVD when it's sold in France. 

    (The last time I checked, in june I believe, it was in DVD in the USA and... waiting to be in thatres in France. That's lame !)



    Sorry to edit but I MUST put this video here :

  2. The name of the topic made me laugh ! 

    I actually still buy CD's sometimes, but it's a little expensive (usually around 15€ in France), so I ask them for Christmas, or I sometimes legally download the album when my bank offers me a 10€ Itunes card for example. 


    I feel that we can be angry with the industry because the record companies take too much money on the artists' work, but i feel that if I like and artist, he brings me a lot of emotions so it's normal to thank him and buy his art. Even though Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney, ther are all rich, well it's still their voice, their work, if I like, I buy ! 


    However, as it's expensive, I usualy listen to music on deezer or youtube. 

  3. I loooove her songs =) 

    I'm not a fan or hers though, because I don't like her style and I never really liked her live performances. EXEPT for Diamonds - I'm in love with this song and really adored a lot of performances of Diamonds.


    The album "Loud" was a bit disappointing, and I think "Rated R" is my least favorite, even though I like some of the songs she made. I never listened her two first albums, I started with "Good girl gone bad". 

  4. I discovered her as Demi's friend and as a singer, I never watched her on TV. 


    Honestly, I always thought that she had an interesting voice, but not enough strength to be a singer. I watched her sing live several times (on youtube) and always felt desapointed. To me she has a weak voice... 

    I like some of her songs though, such as "Bang bang bang", or "Come and get it" ! 

  5. My favorite and most inspiring is Footprints


    One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.


    In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.


    This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,


    “You promised me Lord,

    that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?â€


    The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.â€


    Though I'm agnostic and not a believer, I though that was a beautiful poem. 

    I have one I love that I would like to share with you : 


    Max Ehrmann 





    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender

    be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

    and listen to others,

    even the dull and the ignorant;

    they too have their story. 


    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

    they are vexations to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,

    you may become vain and bitter;

    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 


    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;

    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs;

    for the world is full of trickery.

    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

    many persons strive for high ideals;

    and everywhere life is full of heroism. 


    Be yourself.

    Especially, do not feign affection.

    Neither be cynical about love;

    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

    it is as perennial as the grass. 


    Take kindly the counsel of the years,

    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,

    be gentle with yourself. 


    You are a child of the universe,

    no less than the trees and the stars;

    you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you,

    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 


    Therefore be at peace with God,

    whatever you conceive Him to be,

    and whatever your labors and aspirations,

    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 


    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

    it is still a beautiful world.

    Be cheerful.

    Strive to be happy. 


    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

  6. Hello everyone ! 


    As I am reading again HP7, something came to my mind. It's about the French translation of the book as I am reading it in French. I will try to explain the best way possible, it's not a post only for the French speaking people ! 


    First, a little grammar point to introduce my problem. 

    In English, you say "you" wether you are talking to 1 person, many people, wether you "respect" them or not. 

    In French we use not 1 word for that, but two : 

    - "tu" for 1 person which is close to us (family, friends...), or a person our age for example, or someone younger (even though sometimes it's not polite). 

    - "vous" for several people at the same time OR (important part) for 1 person we are talking to, but a person we respect. For example someone older untill this person asks for the "tu", someone we don't know, a respected person such as a professor (that's different from Spain where they say "tu" a lot). 



    Well, in the books, especially in the 7th, Harry still says "vous" to Lupin and Hagrid, and that disturbs me. I know that they are adults, but they have such a close relationship, a friendship, after few month they should have started to say "tu" I believe. Just like when Harry says "tu" to Sirius, or Tonks. 


    I know that Hagrid is a teacher, but they share so much that i felt their relashionship exceeded the teacher-status. Saying "tu" is not a mark of disrespect if you really share a connection with a person, and of course Harry, Ron and Hermione could have made a difference during the lessons, and go back to "vous" during the lessons of Care of Magical Creatures.


    Does anyone has a thought to share about it ? Do you feel the same ? 

  7. I think I was about 8 years old.


    It actually was my first "real book", compared to the short stories with drawings that I was used to read. It made me love to read. Now I realise that HP1 isn't even a huge book ! But when I got it in my hands at that time, it felt almost impossible to read such a book ^^ 

  8. Oh I thought you were going to post this one which is quite funny ^^ 


    (oops... don't know how to make it appear as the video !)

  9. I actually hardly understand why so many people hate Prisonner of Azkaban. I think I'll have to watch it again cause it's been years now that I didn't see it, but I loved it when I saw it, my first impression was a lot better than with Order of the Phoenix, or Half Blood Prince. 


    However, in the movie I could never feel any affection to Sirius as much as in the books, maybe that's what is missing for me. I don't blame Gary Oldman because he's a really good actor, but the character is a miss for me in the movies, while I used to love him in the books. 

  10. Books: For me, it's Remus. There's obviously an enormous amount of depth to his character - his trust of Dumbledore, his monthly problem (!), his strict (almost obsessive) adherence to justice and truth and, of course, the whole Tonks thing. I the films, he gets a decent role as DDA professor but everything else is pushed aside (and even in the books - JKR is not one to dwell on secondary characters, IMHO).





    I agree with you for Lupin in the books, as I was reading again HP 4-5-6, I thought that for all that he lived, we actually don't here him a lot. But I also believe that's part of his character, for example in the pensieve of Severus, when James attack severus, Remus doesn't do anything. It made me think his a passive person. 


    In the books, I wish I could learn a bit more about the students. For example, Dean and Seamus, we read the jokes and the fights, and we know they are good friends with Harry and Ron. But we don't know mush about their personalities. Same for Bill and Charlie. 

    I wish we could have a lot more about Ginny, but as she's not able to talk when Harry's present for almost 4 books, I guess we couldn't ask for more. 


    In the movies, though I loved a lot of them, I thought that all the characters are underdevelopped XD 


    And the car?

    Oh well when you don't lock your car, you can open it without any alarm switched on. That's what we see in the scene : she tries to open every car without properly "breaking in", and she finally find one car not loked. I guess that's because of the rich area, some people are just not careful. That happens even to not-that-rich people haha 

  12. Hello everyone ! 


    I just saw the Bling Ring this afternoon, here's a topic to talk about it !


    Actually I didn't really apreciate the movie. I didn't like how Katie Chang (: Rebecca - main character) plays, I thought it was not convincing, pale, annoying. Maybe it's also what her character is about, but feels like every single smile is faked, and she never has any "real energy" to me, even though she should because she's at the origin of everything. 

    The general tone of the movie was weird - sometimes you expect fun, a great dynamic, and it's just slow and mysterious. I though that maybe Sophia Copolla is trying to make us see, though slow scenes, how much the situation is out of control and how bad this all is. But it didn't work for me, I felt bored sometimes (Katie Chang's parts aren't my favorites as she didn't convinced me). 


    Even though I didn't like the movie, I thought Emma's performance was brilliant !!! Haha Maybe I'm biased...

    I didn't feel like Emma's character Nicki was a fake, I truly believed that she was quite stupid and genuine. It felt true to me, and every moment we could see Em on screen, it was funny. 


    How about you ? What did you think of it ?

  13. I'd love to see her give more updates, even if they are just tiny little messages. We didn't even get a birthday video this year, petty as it sounds. I dunno, I loved it when it was emmawatsonofficial, and there was a seperate little blog, and page with her her favourites and dislikes, and whatever, I especially loved the little drawing (the tree of all her favourite things).




    1. Does she still keep in semi regular contact with anyone from the Harry Potter cast?

    2. What sort of movie roles is she looking for in the near future?

    3. What is the status of "Your Voice in my Head" now that David Yates has dropped out of the project?

    4. What sort of movie roles have you been offered but rejected?

    5. Have you auditioned for any roles and not gotten the part?

    -> those are great ideas. Because let's not forget that with perks and the bling ring, there will be a lot of interviews - but i'm pretty sure this they quite won't ask. They will ask why this role, how she prepared, etc. Eventually we will know about her choices for her carrer, people always ask !


    The old website was better because it was more special, and more simple. The colors used to blend, the pictures were always fresh and never seen updates, we had more regular personnal messages... The new design was a mess, though the slideshow has great HQ pictures.

  14. I haven't even tried to register. Is it worth it?

    Personally, I'd be just happy with the ebooks being released via iTunes or something. I am not really into the whole "virtual experience".



    I just wish they would update something on it. I haven't been there in ages because there just isn't much to do. Yeah it's freaking awesome, but it gets boring....


    I agree on that ! I was seriously curious, though i'm not the type to like the games, quests and stuff like that. It took me a long while to understand what was Pottermore about, because I couldn't find the explaination on the website. Then I understood it was something playful that was not usable for non-registered member. Then I searched for registration, and again it took me a long while to understand that nobody can register anymore, that we just have to wait... To wait untill we forget about it yeah xD


    So I kinda lost the interest.

  15. I said "Don't agree with it--it's a waste of money! Some and/or all drugs should be legalized, regulated and taxed".


    And to go further I totally agree with Majestic122 :

    I live in the Netherlands, which is historically and presently, a liberal country. Abortion is legal, euthanasia is legal, same-sex marriage is legal and selling soft drugs is legalized here, too. That said. I see it as a smart move. Regulations cause the quality of the product to rise through inspections, money can be made off taxes and it denies organized crime part of their income. If you force these activities underground, you may encounter problems such as dealers selling poor quality goods or forcing even small-time drugs dealers to enter the world of organized crime.

    That's what I always thought, thus i can't say much more about that topic.

    The more you forbid, the more you'll be sure that it'll happen anyway ! :yesyes:


    And see above TH-976's reply, it's basicaly all that I have to say :P

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