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R/Eal Love

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Posts posted by R/Eal Love

  1. I have a doubt:

    In the scene when the trio came into Grimauld Place, are Ron and Hermione holding hands?. When I saw the movie yesterday, I think I saw it, but I'm not sure. Here is a screencap of that scene:


    possibly, or their hands could just be brushing up against each other.

  2. LOL!!!Luciana you're welcome! :) I know MAY WILL BE OUR MONTH I FEEL-so will JUNE AND JULY ;) hehe...


    R/Eal Love: LOL!!!!! My friend already told me that she will be gagging me when the kiss happens ;) I will honestly be cheering my head off..."so, what if she looked over here and saw you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave" (Hermione-HBP) No Hermione, we will be cheering our throats raw!!!!! :ohyeah:

    ya me too. one of my friends is a H/Hr shipper. After Dh part 1 we like battled for a good 45 minutes over it. it was funny because every 'moment' she came up with i just easily gave a reason why it doesn't prove H/Hr. But practically every R/Hr moment i said she couldn't prove that it is not love. You can obviousley see who won! :ohyeah: i hope i go 2 see DH part 2 with her because after im done cheering and getting kicked out i can laugh at her and rub it in her face( in the nicest way possible).


    I saw DH part 1 yesterday, and my heart melted with the Ron's speach scene again!! :wub:



    oh i know! it is so sweet and full of love. i might write the speech on a big poster and hang it in my room. i love how though after the speech ron and harry are talking and ron said " i meant it, every word."

  3. Yeah azileea, I have also heard people say that as well- I can't explain it but it just didnt sound like Hermione at that moment. I know they were told by Yates to improvise the scene so it could be for a split second they forgot what they were doing LOL


    R/Eal Love.. ITA- that was R/E there-they were being told to improvise and that was what we got ;) That amazing hot chemistry between the 2 of them...what I love watching is how very subtley they are rubbing up against each other :) As for the scene being deleted-I keep trying to think where they could have put it and it wouldnt have fit anywhere-it was Ron without his sling for one thing and when we see him in his cot, he was still wearing it. It also would have made me sad that they have that moment the 2 of them and then Ron leaves Hermione devastated. So yeah as much as I LOVE the scene between the 2 of them, I would call this more a "BTS moment" of R/E.



    yeah, i could never figure out where they would have put it either. oh, i didn't know they were told to improve, that explains it. I agree , they have such good chemsistry on and off screen. I love how ron/rupert ( not completely sure which one the scene was) was so sweet and tender. that scene is just so perfect.

  4. Hey! You were able to fix your screename which btw is AWESOME ;)


    AGREE- Ron's face for me sold it in MM-this was BA Ron-in control Ron yet scared to death...would I have liked the screaming her name? Of course because it was in the book, but again I thought that this version was just perfect. Ron running to her, Harry trying to stop him (I LOVE THIS!!! He tried to grab his leg and Ron was too fast because all he wanted to do was to get to Hermione!!)...he was willing to take on all the DE's himself. I even think for a moment Ron forgot Harry was even there because of his desperation to get to Hermione! LOVE RON!!!! :) SO where are we at now? About 2 1/2 months away from the KISSSSSSSSSSS :ohyeah::drool:


    i agree. malfoy manor might have been by favorite scene in part 1. when they kiss in part 2 i wouldn't be surprised if i get kicked out of the theater for squealing too much.

  5. hey! im R/Eal love. i love R/Hr. they are so adorable and loving.


    For me I loved panicky Ron, not knowing what to do, was like he wasn't even paying attention to anyone else except to Hermione's screams...also his "let her go" and "like hell" THAT WAS HERO Ron. I am no way saying he was not heroic when he was screaming for her in the book, it's just I preferred BA Ron-like when he is basically dragging the DE with him and is trying to get to Hermione as he is yelling at them "DONT TOUCH HER" and then punch to the gut :( Anyway Happy Easter yall in case I dont see yall til later! THAT TRAILER SHOULD BE HAPPENING SOON!!! ;)


    i completely agree. i loved it when he said " like hell." i was a little tiny bit disappointed when he didn't scream her name but overall the scene was perfect. Also in the movie his face sells it. in the book you can't really see his face but in the movie it was so obvious is malfoy manor how scared he was for her.

  6. I am not sure if you have to wait 90 days from your initial username, but once you change your username you must wait at least 90 days before you change it again. I am pretty sure I changed mine before 90 days when I first signed up in this forum, so I think you can change it before asking for assistance from the moderators. Go to your profile page, there are 4 options listed... Chat, Profile, Forums, and Settings. Click Settings there should be an option on the left that says, Change Display Name That should link you to a page where you can enter a new display name and your password. I hope that works for you. Good Luck! :doh: No matter what the username is a lovely sentiment and welcome to the forum and our delightful shipping community! :lol:


    As far as the stone skipping scene, I've yet to see it in anything other than still photos, so it will be interesting to note whether I think of it as a R/E moment or a R/Hr moment when seen in context of the film. As much as I LOVE R/E, I'm kinding of hoping their acting is good enough to take me to seeing that moment as a R/Hr moment. >.< I'm perfectly happy with my R/E moments appearing in earnst OFF screen. :D


    Oh, and my name is Jon btw! :P *waves*



    thanks. i will go and try that. You should try seeing the video. Their facial expressions, and voices are just really them. i'm not saying they're not great actors because they are. but i just see more R/E than R/HR. that could be why they cut it.i think of it more like they have so much and such great chemistry between each other that it's just impossobile for some of it not to be seen in a scene like the skipping rocks one.


    thanks so much for telling me how to change my display name. now it's R/Eal love.

  7. hey, im new here. i have been reading this forum for bout a month. i finally decided to join.


    have you guys noticed in the deleted scene with ron and hermione and skipping rocks that it seems more of rupert and emma than ron and hermione.

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