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Posts posted by Karen

  1. Thank you very much! Yes, the RRF hasn't been doing so well lately but as mod I have to think up some new ideas! Feel free to post around and thank you for taking the time to read through each of the prayers :) If you have any ideas as well or special prayer requests, please feel free to message me!


    I'll be praying for everyone and I'd like to ask you all to please pray for me as finals are coming up and I have LOT to do. Pray that I can manage my stress and social life!! Peace, all.

  2. I agree, I actually really like going to church though. I don't need to necessarily, but now that I've found churches that I love (at home and at school) I like going every sunday! It's not a burden to me and I get something new out of it every week. I think that although some people don't necessarily need to go to church, God appreciates the effort. In my opinion anyway. And sometimes it's nice to just connect with like minded people, who are all there to worship God.

  3. Church to some people is like a ritual to me. It's something you do to, I dunno, I guess cleanse yourself. It's healthy I think. It gets away all of those negative feelings and emotions you have stuck to you. And on a spiritual level keeps you protected. That is just my belief anyway.


    I hate when people get judged over going to church. You aren't hurting anyone. The only problem I have is when hatred and hurt feelings happen because then something positive becomes something negative. As long as that doesn't happen and you feel safe, then go for it. Let people talk their crap.


    Church is nice, I agree. Being in that environment is really great, where everyone has gathered for the same purpose as you, to worship God. I think though, sometimes, people just go to church because it's a habit, and they don't actually get anything out of it. I used to do that, I used to HATE church. But now I know that there's more to faith than just going to church and praying! It's truly about having a relationship with God.

  4. I will be praying for you, your brother, and your family.


    I'd like to pray for my mom to get a job, and that our relationship can begin to repair because it has a looooong way to go. I'm praying God can work His healing in her life and in my life :)

  5. That's really cool, will! Yeah, I have blue eyes already so I don't have to worry about that, but I think it's kind of sad that it's something that's being made so people can change themselves. But there's already so much of that out there already, so I guess it's just another thing in the pile.


    That being said, I think that the technology is super interesting. I remember one year in bio class in high school our teacher was talking about how one day, we can just pick a hair or eye color we want and we could drink something, be injected with something, what have you, and it would change our DNA. That always stuck with me, and now I guess the advancements are being made!

  6. I am blessed AND grateful because WHO KNEW at the beginning of this year I'd have the opportunity to start a Bible study in my dorm!! I am so excited and I mean, wow. It's amazing to see where God has taken me. I am also grateful because I'm really learning how to trust in God because that is a crux of my faith. Slowly getting there :)

  7. Misconceptions about atheists:


    Atheism is a religion. It is not. It is a LACK of one.


    Atheists have no morals. We do. Like any other person of any religion out there, we have reasons to live and breathe and what we think is right or wrong. We have a way to live just like religious people do.


    Atheists are evil. I'm sorry but we are not. There are evil people of every religion and belief system out there. We are no different. We are good, honest people trying to live our lives, just like people of religion, again.


    We think nothing happens to us after we die. I believe in an afterlife myself but I do not call it heaven. I call it nirvana, or the ultimate personal resting place. I know there are other atheists like me who believe our souls move on when we die as well.


    Atheists have no faith. For me, faith is believing in something. Faith can be having faith in yourself things will get better. Faith so-and-so will make it out alive. Faith you will see that long-lost friend after so many years. We have faith, just not in a God.


    Oh, and for those who believe in heaven and hell, do not threaten us atheists with hell. We do not believe in it so your threats have zero staining power. I'm sure I'm not the only atheist who gets annoyed by this. How can we fear something we don't think exists?



    That's it for now. I'm sure there is more but that's the gist of it atm :)


    This is a great post! There certainly are a ton of misconceptions and everyone judges each other so quickly, and that's why it's important to address what separates us to at least get it on the table. Thank you for posting :)



    A simple one, I've come across, Is that people who go to church are boring and don't know how to enjoy themselves.


    This is a good one! A lot of people think I'm weird because I go to church xD


    Hmm some misconceptions I've come across recently...

    Christians are all the same - we're not, in fact we're as diverse as any other group out there. We are diverse globally, spiritually, politically, you name it!


    Actually, that's the only one I've really stumbled across. I've been really lucky in the fact that most of the people I come across are really understanding but there will ALWAYS be misconceptions so it's important to discuss them.

  8. This is so cool will! I've heard about a couple of these. Absolute pitch comes up a lot in music, mostly because it is so rare to find someone with it. So musicians talk about how awesome it would be to have it xD One of my favorite broadway actresses, Kristen Chenowith, has absolute pitch. And her voice is INCREDIBLE!


    What else...hmm. I have never heard of echolocation before but it that is so cool!! I've heard of something like it, I know that when in humans, when a sense is cut off the others have to magnify to make up for it. I know that in blindness hearing usually becomes better. This is awesome! Great topic Will! Forgive my awful sentance structure - I am EXHAUSTED.

  9. Mhm, I actually really like contemporary Christian music. I think the message is good and a lot of it (and heavy metal as well, as Joe has mentioned in other posts) touches upon issues that are important like self image and doubt. I like the music that's not so obvious, like stuff that could have a double meaning. It really varies on what my mood is for the day! Like right now, for example, I really like God of Wonders by Third Day and Starry Night by Chris August. Those are pretty blatant to what they refer to but they are sooo catchy!

  10. I saw this in the side topics and I HAD to respond. xD Yes, I do drink milk. Not so much at school cuz that's kinda...idk...bleh. I do put half and half (half milk half cream) in my coffee/tea though - everyday. I love milk and I drink it especially at my house, and I always used to drink it as a kid. I even like warm milk which a lot of people think is gross.

  11. LOL sounds about right, although you paint me as much more organized than I actually am. Good ideas though, thank you.


    Guys, I'm praying that I can be a successful tutor to my tutorees and that I can motivate him (hopefully "them" soon) to do the best they can!

  12. LOl I think the idea of 2012 is kind of funny because people base it off the Mayan calendar because that's the only year it goes up to and I think this is an illogical argument for a couple of reasons, the main one being that the Mayans just stopped counting at 2012 they didn't do it on purpose I don't believe - that's just what they calculated to. I mean, I can actually picture the conversation in my head:


    Mayan guy 1: Bro...our calendar only goes up to 2012. I mean, we just couldn't calculate any further.

    Mayan guy 2: HAHAHA OH mannnnnn, that's really gonna throw people for a loop once they get there! People are going to get all crazy ideas....


    I liked the second video, but I couldn't help thinking "KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!!!" xD But yeah, I'm pretty sure the world is NOT going to end. My roommate last year was so funny - her sister was a conspiracy theorist and was CONVINCED that the world was going to end on a specific Tuesday - and my roommate told me this the Sunday before the supposed Tuesday. Her sister gave her a backpack with all sorts of essential supplies - SPAM, flashlights, batteries, personal hygiene...I was like *facepalm*. And lo and behold, the world didn't end. I do think the world will end eventually, but in my opinion it will be man made because of our slow destruction of the world's natural resources. Very cool topic though, and a very controversial one!

  13. See Kim? Your prayers for a job have been answered :) It might not be right away but God does things in His time. It can be frustrating. And yes, I think all of us at some point or another have struggled with keeping faith. I think the best thing to do is google some passages about having faith and then them in your Bible and pray on them. :) And yeah, if you're in a bad mood Monday when I see you....I think you know what's gonna happen xD

  14. Thank you for posting! This is very similar to the favorite religious song topic HERE so feel free to post in there to direct the discussion that way, if you would like. So I guess what you're saying here, is what part music plays in the different types of worship.


    I am also Christian, and I really love contemporary Christian music; I think it's very touching and it gets a good message across. In Islam, they have various religious songs but from what I know they don't play them at a Mosque or during prayers. I think it's just for personal listening. I'm not sure about Judaism! I would assume that there are various religious songs for every religion and music that means something or is a part of worship in some way.

  15. I SWEAR, I SWEAR I meant to reply to this earlier. I wasn't ignoring you Kim, I promise!! I love that you posted this. I mean, I can't tell you how much I love that you posted this.


    You are right, the positive feelings that are on our minds don't necessarily have to be something that is related to gratefulness.


    I would like to say, that I also love God and I LOVE that you are so enthusiastic about it! When I think about all the good things God has done for me in this life it makes me feel very very grateful!


    Today, let's see. I'm happy because I'm going to dinner with someone tonight, not a guy or anything but just a friend from school. I like eating with people, as you know, and I think food is the best tasting with others.


    I had an AWESOME day yesterday and although I feel slightly guilty about the amount of money I spent I got a nice winter coat.


    I am slowly finding answers to my prayers and I am trying to listen for God's voice in my life!

  16. Wiccan/Pegan Stereotypes


    1. All Wiccan/Pegan's worship satan

    2. We all practice 'magic' spells

    3. We are demonic

    4. We sacrifice living things such as babies and animals

    5. We all wear black, have piercings, tattoo's and speak latin


    This is all not true. God, no one understands the Wiccan/Pegan belief...

    its always upset me because for one, We dont worship satan, that is a satanist.

    We dont ALL practice magic, some do, but its a very spiritual and nature based religion.

    Those are the main things that piss me off. If people acctualy talk to a Wiccan or Pegan

    they would see that we are not what they think we are.


    you should check out my thread on wicca, paganism, and druidry: http://forum.emma-watson.net/index.php?/topic/1434-wiccapaganismdruidry/


    I made this in hopes I'd address some of the misconceptions of new age religion and belief systems.

  17. I wish I could have seen the games but I don't have a tv in my room and even if I did there would be no special cable channels for sports network or anything so I haven't been able to see the games. It's AWFUL! :'( I think the All Blacks have got it though :) They are a good team anyways, I don't think they'd lose on their home turf. But we'll see I guess. Or rather, I won't see...but everyone else will lol xD

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