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Posts posted by cbmac12

  1. Hi guys, been awhile....


    My life has had some rather sad moments- 2 deaths of 2 young people (10)&(18) within a day of each other.


    I am slowly returning back to the internet. Have missed everyone!!!


    I saw that Rupert was in Paris- talking how it's one of his favorite places :) awwww...Emma of course is from Paris ;) we also know the did many HP junkets there too. Very cute!!!!



  2. Feminism is one word: equality. I am disgusted how SOME men think we women are not equals. If you are a believer in the Bible as I am, Adam and Eve were created equally. It is sad that people can't see we are all equal-both men and women and that's what Emma's trying to get across. She believes in equality, hence HeForShe :)

  3. Watching HP marathon...can I just say the Romione moments are just freakin AWESOME to see over and over again?! :)


    SS: Ron and Hermione meet for first time "dirt on your nose"; Ron saves Hermione from troll; Hermione not thinking and wanting to go over to Ron when he fell off horse and was hurt :(


    CoS: Ron eating slugs sticking up for Hermione after Malfoy the slug calls her Mudblood grrrr....; Ron losing it when Malfoy says he hopes it is Hermione who is the next to die > :( Ron see Hermione petrified


    PoA: Hermione leaning on Ron's shoulder when Buckbeak gets killed; bickering over Scabbers and Crookshanks (gots to love their bickering heehee)


    GoF: AHHH it begins- Yule Ball (nuff said ;))


    OOTP: I call this movie the "get a room movie"- the sexual tension was undeniable- no question.


    HBP: the " seriously you 2 bozos, GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY" ;) moments "what if she (Ginny) looked over here and saw you snogging me...; "you've got toothpaste and almost touches her face awwww :); "Hermione's got nice skin, wouldn't you say as skin goes I mean; THE HOSPITAL BED SCENE!!!! Btw, another thing I notice in HBP, Hermione smiles rarely here- Ron is spoken for...starts to smile again in the hospital scenes.


    DH 1&2 :too many teehee....sooooo happy: THE SEXY PASSIONATE MAKE OUT SCENE AKA THEIR FIRST KISS ;) the hand holding; Malfoy Manor :( them MARRIED WITH KIDS.



  4. Yeah Ashley, it is crazy!!! Growing up in the 90's I remember theories about Hitler had escaped. This was a demon/devil reincarnated and I truly believe nothing was going to stop him from trying to reclaim power.


    This movie just looks incredible!!!!


    Yeah I know!! I haven't seen Rupert's movies here either- my state does not show them >:( I have seen Driving Lessons though. But that's it. I am waitin for CBGB to come to my cable.


    Anywho INTENSE yet beautiful are those eyes :) she looks intense and determined. The trailer has be begging for it to be opened here!!!


    Merry Christmas all of my peeps here!! :)

  5. Ashley, I watch the show Hunting Hitler and it is beyond crazy to think he escaped.


    I watched Anne Frank doc the other day and to this day it still sickens, disgusts, angers me that this event ever happened.


    Emma I feel with Daniel Bruhl is going to blow everyone away. We need it here soon!!!!!!


    It will be 75th anniversary next yr that our country (USA) entered the war against those horrific people aka the Nazis.


    Btw it's interesting to note that Rupert Grint just completed a project relating to the Nazis ( believe he plays the friend to a young Hitler). Nazi subject will never go away, we all in our world need to make sure never to repeat history.

  6. Love this!!!!! :) yes yes and yes to what you said Ashley. But from my understanding and could be wrong, Roberto has a girlfriend- she was on his instagram account. He called his g/f his boo awwww :) every time Emma is seen with a guy, the media assumes he is her b/f. Kinda insulting to think girls can't be just friends with guys and guys can't be just friends with girls. Ah well...

  7. So Grintson is busy doing their charity type work/ethical work :) anyone else just want to be able to take their kindness and charity and somehow smash it into some kind of form and market it?! ;)




    DONT STOP BELIEVIN IN GRINTSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  8. Oh good Lord HES BAAAAAACK...Thessalie, it's just a troll...thought elves are seen this time of year not trolls. Just ignore him Thess-he is just senseless. Anyway Colonia will be AMAZING..a show on now called Hunting Hitler and they are in Argentina and Spain...guess those Nazis were in the South American area too.

  9. So we failed- my friends and I HAD the tix- we were 600th in line online of course and the tix place didn't use iPad compatible so it kicked us off. We got into line again but this time 31,000th in line. We got up to the front, had tix in the basket...then...stupid website stole them from us. We were very distraught and ANGRY. Apparently the website did this to many people.


    It sounds like Albus maybe heading towards the dark side? Or he will be like Harry- very mopey and keep to himself. He has a bagillion cousins so it will be interesting to see his interactions with them- Rose starts Hogwarts the same time as him!


    Like you Trixie, I will wait.

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