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Posts posted by Revan

  1. You are really amazing!!! I think G-D led me to this thread lol. And, thanks again... same to you!!!


    Well, thats incredible!! It Is!!! I know so many people who have given up on religion because of their families. But, you are strong enough to get through it!!! Which is awesome!!! Not only do I pray 3 times a day, but I talk to G-D all the time. People make fun of me for talking to myself. But, I am never talking to myself. Really, I am always talking to G-D. We just have to keep our eyes open for his answers! I agree, G-D has so many wonderful things in store for everyone. I just wish more people would realize that.


    Nothing is a coincidence, friend. He very well may have.


    As the world hated Israel, the world will hate you for your closeness to G-D. Stay close to Him, my friend; you are a rare individual. You truly are. You will go far to spread the message of love throughout the world. Never let anyone get you down, and let other believers help you carry your burdens. There will come a time when the world will realize their follies and turn to G-D, or be destroyed.


    Our hope is in the Messiah.



  2. You literally just made me cry! No joke!! Thank you so much for that!!! After some negatives posts towards me that was exactly what I needed. Wow, you are seriously amazing!!! And, I am so happy I came to this thread. OMG you are seriously amazing!!



    Amen! I couldnt agree more!!




    Wow, I cant even begin to imagine how tough it must get sometimes. And, I can only imagine how strong of a person you are! And, by the way you write I can only admire your devotion. You do see devotion like this anywhere anymore. It is truly amazing! That's a great way to put it too!! That you prayed to G-D and he answered! I think many people would look at this and laugh. But, to me it is the only answer that makes sense. I am sure you faced numerous struggles. But, non of that mattered, because you knew what G-D wanted from you. You belived, and that is the most important thing in the world.


    Thank you so much. All things you've seen here come from G-D. He's the provider of everything, so half the Psalms of David say. :) I'm always here for you if you need anything. I'm glad I met you.


    It can be very tough sometimes, yes. It tries my faith, but I endure, all with the blessing of the Lord. His answer still truly amazes me; I love it when He and I speak. It blows my mind. Keep enduring in your faith; go on, and talk to G-D yourself. See what He wants of you. G-D has great plans for you; follow them.


    Love you much.



  3. Our worship of God is much more than just entertainment or religion. It is a relationship.


    A common theme runs through all holy books. The early history of the holy book talks of those who begun mankind, how they walked with God in a very intimate way. As people became more and more finicky, and sunk deeper into darkness, they asked for more and more from God. God, being just, gave it to them.


    An example of this is the Israelites wandering through the desert. They begged God for a society, for a religion, and thus God gave them the Mosaic Law. At no time did God require this of them. INDEED, He specified all He wanted was love. :)


    Worship of God is a relationship. Don't view God as some man on a throne; He is our friend. Learn to know Him on a personal level. Pray. Invite Him into your heart in a totally irreligious way. Be personal. Be real.



  4. Oh I dont mind at all, I am very open about my religion. I am Jewish. I have a Judaism thread going if you ever have any questions!! :D


    I can definitely agree with that in ever area of life. People like things that put other people down. Its the sad truth of what has become of society. Everyone loves to make fun of those who are different then themselves. I hate that. And, I can agree with that as a Jew too. There are so many mean people in the world.


    Your so sweet!!! Thank you, that actually means a lot to me! I wish more people were like you!! I have had my views ridiculed as well, so I understand where you are coming from.


    WOW. That must be so hard!!! So what is your family then? And, what made you decide to become(?) a LDS? (I wasn't sure how to say that properly sorry >.<)


    Thanks for being open. I'm glad we can have an excellent dialogue. I've studied Judaism extensively; I say with full faith and love to you, may the Ruach Elohim fill you up for now and for all time.


    As followers of the God of Israel, we are in constant opposition to the world's will. We must endure to the end and keep His commandments. For this, we will be well blessed. :)


    Thank you so much. Means alot. <3


    It can be hard at times, yes. Most of my family is either Pentecostal Christian or irreligious. You can see how well my Latter Day Sainthood fits in. I decided to become a Latter Day Saint when a friend of mine and I started talking about the faith. She was a devout LDS, and she gave me a Book of Mormon. I prayed to God, and asked Him if this faith was not only true, but the one for me.


    He replied yes.



  5. My faith consists of and is based in Jesus Christ. Christ taught us that religion is irrelevant; what matters is your heart. Love for all fellow men, for God, and a relationship with Jesus Christ.


    Mmm I have an interesting story about that. I was talking to my Uncle Mike tonight, who is extremely Catholic, and I was telling him how I was going to non-denominational christian worship the past few days and was talking about good friday today and he was like, "well, too bad you're not going to any catholic services. we know how to do it right." and I was like "mm...yeah. okay. it's the same God, I don't think it really matters."


    That really, really frustrates me.


    God once inspired me with a quaint little saying:


    The one Zarathustra called Ahura Mazda, I follow.

    The one Paul, John, and Peter called Jesus Christ, I follow.

    The one Krishna called Brahman, I follow.

    The one the American Indians called the Great Mystery, I follow.

    The one Muhammad called Allah, I follow.

    The one Moses called YHVH, I follow.

    The One who named HIMSELF as I AM THAT I AM, I follow.

    The Ultimate One that dwells throughout the entire universe, God, I follow, I worship, I love like I do no other.


    I do believe that sums up your point.

  6. Aw your so sweet!!!! Thanks so much!!! I love when we can all get along!!! Hahaha


    That's what I figured. I tend to be super sensitive about religions. So when I, a broadway fanatic, learned about the musical I thought it was horrible! So if I though it was offensive, I can only imagine how some actual Mormons felt. But, I am happy to hear that it wasn't taken too seriously. Meaning, the official church could have taken it farther and been outspoken against it. Could have made a HUGE deal out if it. So I think it shows something very positive about your official church! That they understood it was just a silly play, and not something to take too seriously. I think most religions would have really freaked and made some huge deal over nothing. Including my own religion!!! Lol


    But, yeah I do still think it is a little offensive and wasnt the best idea! Even though it won best musical.....


    Thanks so much for answering and not writing me off as some silly girl!!! Lol


    If you don't mind my asking, what is your religion? Alternatively, what do you believe?


    Of course it won best musical. Jesus Christ taught us that the world will hate us, and I speak to anyone who calls themselves Christian when I say this, not just Latter Dey Saints. Anything we love is hated by the world; anything that puts us down is loved by the world.


    My friend, I will never write you off. I, myself, have been written off too many times myself.


    I am the only Latter-Day Saint in my entire family; my views are often ridiculed, even by my immediate family.



  7. This is such an amazing topic!!!! I actually know nothing about LDS. So this is so interesting to read!!! Thanks!!!


    I have a sort of silly question. But, I have been wondering for a while. How do you, and mormons in general, feel about the award winning broadway musical "the book of morman"?


    Hi, Arie! Thanks for your interest, and thank you so much for your kind words. I'd be happy to answer anything you may have, whether it may be personal and private, or just an interest. :)


    Your question isn't silly at all! It's perfectly valid! Well, the official Church stance is that the musical is okay. However, I actually find it a tad offensive... it blatantly makes fun of our faith and does not represent it at all.


    Oh, well. It's not like it hasn't happened before.. (Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Utah...)



  8. Seeing as I know basically nothing about Mormons.

    How does it differ from the likes of Baptist/Evangelical Christians?


    Latter-day Saints have some similarities and some differences with mainline Christianity.


    The first and foremost differences are the LDS church's acceptance of the Book of Mormon, and as Joseph Smith as a Prophet. Other Christian demoninations do not recognize either the Book of Mormon or the Prophet.


    Secondly, the LDS church believes it contains the full and valid Gospel of Jesus Christ, whereas all other churches on earth only contain a part of the Gospel.


    Now, before you may reject these ideas, I ask you to consider them. Learn our history and beliefs, and decide for yourself.


    I'm curious, what is the book of mormon? I mean, I understand that it is one of your holy books, like the Bible is for Christians and the Torah for Judaism, etc.


    The Book of Mormon is the record of an ancient American people. In short, God came to one of His servants; this servant was called Lehi. He was very devout, and very close with God. He knew God in the same way that Enoch or Jacob did. God called Lehi and his family, along with several other families, out of Jerusalem to live in the wilderness. At an appointed time, God led them to the Promised Land, Zion: the North American continent.


    This was not the first time that God had led people to North America. After the fall of the Tower of Babel, He led a people called the Jaredites to North America. When the followers of the son of Lehi (called Nephites) arrived in North America, they found the Jaredite society crumbling.


    Throughout the history of the Nephite people, they experienced much calamity. Almost as soon as they landed, they split into those who kept God's commands, and those who didn't. These two groups, eventually becoming separate nations, were at constant war with each other.


    God eventually gave detailed prophecies of a Messiah that was to come in Jerusalem, who would be crucified for their sins, and be ressurected three days later, after which, He would come visit them. And He did. :) When Christ visited the early American people, He established His Church just like He did in Israel.


    The story of the Book of Mormon ends with the destruction of the Nephite civilization and the triumph of their un-Godly enemies, the Lamanites. The Lamanites would go on to form the principle ancestors of the Native Americans.


    Much like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is divided into sections. Three principle sections form the Book of Mormon:

    -The Plates of Nephi: These describe the full history of the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations.

    -The Words of Mormon: This is an intercession in the Plates of Nephi, to bridge a gap of time. It was named for it's author, Mormon.

    -The Book of Ether: This is the record of the Jaredite civilization.

  9. I'm going to throw my name in here as someone who will pray for others. Just shoot me a private message if you need something, whether it be prayer, counseling, or anything at all.


    I'm here for you, regardless of your faith.



  10. I do have a question though!!! Do either of you attend church frequently then? How strong do you feel your faith is (because I know even people within a particular denomination can vary soooo much in terms of how they display, demonstrate, or follow beliefs/faith). Also, where does the Church of Latter Day Saints differ from other denominations?


    I personally do not attend an LDS church with any frequency. I usually just gather individually with like minded believers, and we discuss scripture.


    As for my faith's strength, one must as what faith is. The Bible tells us that "faith is the hope of things unseen". From that perspective, my faith is rock-solid. I am a man of reason, and I am a man of God. I know for a fact that God is there, that He speaks to us all, and He will continue to guide me. While I may doubt myself at many times, I never doubt God's will for us. No matter what, His will is best.


    The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS differs from other denominations in that we accept the Book of Mormon as canonical scripture, while others do not. While the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS accepts the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as scripture as well, other Latter Day Saint denominations such as the Community of Christ do not.


    If you'd like more information on the Book of Mormon, just ask. :)


    I LOVE this topic, thank you SO much for posting it!! I was actually thinking about Mormonism and the LDS because of the Warren Jeffs trial that's been so prevalent in the news recently. I'm curious, what are your opinions on the trial and on Warren Jeffs? You already answered the question about polygamy which I'm sure is probably something you both get asked a lot. What are some stereotypes you face, if any? And how do you address these? Again, thanks for posting this! This is great and super interesting! I'm looking forward to reading all the questions and answers. :)


    The Warren Jeffs Trial, I must say (to everyone reading this) IS NOT representative of Latter Day Saint faith at all. Just as Islam has it's fundamentalist bombers, we too have our fundamentalists. Warren Jeffs claims to be a Latter Day Saint, but in truth is an abusive cult leader.


    The main stereotypes I face as a Latter-Day Saint are the questioning of my faith as Christian, and polygamy. Oftentimes, Latter Day Saints are accused of not being Christian; however, our entire faith is based around Jesus Christ.


    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


    On a personal note, Karen, thanks so much for taking the time to moderate this forum. Much love to you.

  11. Greetings! My name is Revan, and I am a genuine Latter Day Saint. I'm here to answer any and all your questions. Don't be afraid to ask anything; I'll answer it all, no matter how simple or how complex.






    Q: Are Mormons Christian?

    A: Absolutely! We follow, love, and worship Jesus Christ and hold Him to be our Saviour.


    Q: Why are you called Mormons?

    A: We're called Mormons because of our use of the Book of Mormon. We prefer the term Latter Day Saints, as God called us when the Church was founded.


    Q: Do Mormons use the Bible?

    A: We sure do. It's one of our Holy Scriptures.


    Q: What is the Book of Mormon?

    A: The Book of Mormon is a record of ancient American people who sailed here from Jerusalem many hundreds of years ago. It tells the story of these people, their interactions with God, and how Jesus came to visit them after His ressurection. Mormons use it as a companion to the bible.


    Q: Who was Joseph Smith?

    A: Joseph Smith is the founding Prophet of the Latter Day Saint movement. He was chosen by God to find and translate the Book of Mormon from ancient records into English. In addition, he founded and led the early Latter Day Saint church until his martyrdom.


    Q: What are the Doctrine and Covenants?

    A: The D&C are another book of scripture. It is the collected revelations of Joseph Smith from God, other than the Book of Mormon.


    Q: What is the Pearl of Great Price?

    A: The POGP is another book of Holy Scripture. It started as a pamphlet that the early Latter Day Saints circulated to teach others about their faith and ideology. It contains part of Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Matthew from the Bible, as well as the Book of Moses and the Book of Abraham, and the Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


    Q: What church do Mormons belong to?

    A: Most Mormons belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. However, there are several other splinter churches that occured throughout the years. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now known as the Community of Christ, was founded when Brigham Young took the Saints west after the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. Some Saints stayed behind and founded the RLDS church.


    Others, who believed that a man by the name of Strang, rather than Brigham Young, was the rightful successor of Joseph Smith, founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite). Still others formed the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, in order to preserve polygamy.


    Q: Where can I learn more about Mormons and their faith?

    A: You can always go to www.mormon.org or www.lds.com to learn more. Alternatively, a quick Google search will bring you to online copies of the Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price, where you can read what we believe.

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