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Midnight Toker

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Posts posted by Midnight Toker

  1. Borderlands 2


    Jade Quarry, and my tag is Elektrolysis.1569


    Last played:


    Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

    You're on my SERVER! I'm gonna get on Friday I think. I just haven't had time to play. I'm still a low level. I think I'm close to 40 or something. I dunno. I can't remember.

  2. Judaism itself... not really. It does sort of depend on the sect of Judaism. Meaning, I am orthodox so I follow the old testament very closely keep all of the laws. I believe that those laws are binding. Conservative and reform Judaism don't follow everything as closely. They view the old testament as more of a guide then actual law. This is very fast explanation. There are also more sects. As I am sure you are aware, the old testament is not exactly pro-gay. Thus, most orthodox (or more religious) Jews are not always so excepting. I am. Most people I know are because we are Modern Orthodox. Which means we accept the modern world and adapt to it. I hope that makes sense. So the friend you had was probably not so observant. Which is why he was more open to it. I think it also depends on the generation. My father, for example, is pretty homophobic and he has said some not great things about homosexuals. I am more open and accepting to it. I don't judge my father the same way I don't judge anyone who is gay. My point being is that there are many different factors that can go into this belief. It is hard to generalize in Judaism since it such a personal belief. But, when you break it down to our laws... its complicated. I think, I may be rusty on this, the bottom line belief in Judaism is that G-D accepts those who are gay. It is okay to be gay, he created those who are gay. But, it is not okay to act upon it. I am not going to go farther into detail about that. I don't want to start a big debate about this subject. I don't feel that I know enough on it to be able to explain it. But, I think that is the simplest way to explain the idea. I hope that all makes sense!

    She was a conservative. I live in a Jewish neighborhood where I think my house is the only non-Jewish house hold. We have a synagogue on my block. I'm guessing it's a conservative place since my friend Sarah went there for years before she moved. She's the one who taught me as much as she could about her religion. She was very into it. It was who she was. Her parents were very devoted as well. Every Saturday she would come to my house after her service was over. Her family never missed a service.


    I don't understand how God can make homosexuals and then tell them not to act upon it. I question everything. It's in my nature so I hope I do not offend you in any shape or form. This is just me questioning it. I don't believe that God would be so cruel and petty as to create a life and then tell them not to act on their natural desires. If you think about it logically, it's very cruel. I don't think God is as cruel as the Old Testament made Him out to be and I believe a lot was lost in translation. However, I do think that the Torah is more accurate than the Bible. Just my opinion again based on years of theological study. I still need to study Judaism more because it is an interesting religion. I've noticed that education is taken more seriously among Jewish people.


    I'm glad that you are accepting. I don't think God wants his children to be against one another. At least not my vision of God. I see Him as a holy divine accepting light. He loves all of us.


    I posted my thoughts on this on my tumblr a while back




    I'm sure someone will disagree with me on the matter... I'm not worried though

    I get what you're saying but I'm a little confused on some parts because you lost me a bit. In the terms of gay marriage, or as I call it marriage, you don't mind if gays do it because to you it will always just be marriage? Is that the gist of it?


    Sorry, just want to make sure I understand because if that's the case you are one of the few I know who doesn't care either way. I believe marriage should not be made legal by any religion. If you want to have a ceremony at a church, synagogue, or whatever that's fine but you should have to see a judge to get legally married. That's just how I feel about it. I think it's best to separate religion from the state. It makes things less messy.


    I think if Jesus were alive today, he would be for marriage. Love is love.

  3. Whoa, wait, you can do this?! I'm in the same boat with you! I get them all the time and it's really annoying. I have to have those foam strips to stop the bleeding and on top of that saline nasal spray. >_< What is this? They burn the inside of your nose??

  4. Thank you guys! smile.gif



    haha her name's Callie but I'm sure she'd come if you called her Lassie...she gets too excited with any sort of attention haha



    you're welcome and thank you :P

    Aww, that is a cute name. :) I love dog's like that. My dog is like that. :D


    Sounds like the dude I used to have. I haven't seen him since I stopped stretching my ears though. Sadly. >.<


    Haven't posted one of myself for a while. Spazz out moment.


    What size are your ears? I'm at 9/16th of an inch. I think I'm stopped here. Still not sure.


    Also, that picture made me choke on my soda cause I laughed harder than I should have. XD Love your ink btw. I wanna get the Deathly Hallows Tattooed on me. Gonna do it for x-mas. Also, Avengers? The Hobbit? If you say you like Doctor Who I might ask you to marry me. LOL


    Not me but a picture I took.



    Merry Christmas

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS PRICELESS! How did he do that?

  5. The kid looks thrilled.


    He'll be kicking himself in a few years when he realizes he met Emma Watson. He'll be thinking "if only I knew then what I know now." But for now, some lady accosted him on the street and interrupted him during prime candy gettin' time.

    I was thinking the same thing!! Dude, that is hilarious. Some strange lady came up to him while he was getting candy. XD "Stranger danger"!


    But yeah, aside from that, this is adorable. Girl has a huge heart.

  6. My religion, Judaism, is not very supportive of homosexuality. I personally have no problem with it. I am a big supporter. I am very pro-gay marriage. I have a lot of friends who are gay. My feeling is that it is not my job to judge whether or not someone is doing the "right" thing. I don't judge anyone. I support my friends for their choices as best I can. It has never really effected my religious beliefs. I have been able to fit the two together fine. I remain a devoted, religious Jew.

    I thought that the Jewish faith was more open to it. Back in High School I had a friend who was Jewish and her family was really open and cool about everything. We had a gay guy in our group of friends and her mom was always super open and nice to him. Does it depend on the branch of Judaism?

  7. It's about time I found someone else who likes them! Barely anyone I know has ever heard of them. They deserve much more praise and recognition than they get.


    Also Two Door Cinema Club.

    lol, you need to hang around more stoners. We know Morning Jacket. I need to look into Two Door Cinema Club. Are they like Morning Jacket?

  8. It's sounding more and more like Iowa and New Hampshire are going to go Obama. I suppose if I had to predict in terms of swing states at this point I'd say Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, and Ohio are going Obama, and that Florida and North Carolina are going Romney, with Virgina a complete toss up (To be honest I kind of think that will be the closest race).


    Anyone else want to offer up predictions? I'm sure some of you from battleground states can offer a better viewpoint.

    You know Dax, I'm gonna agree with you completely here. I'm sad that Florida is going for Romney but I knew it. Every time I drive up and down the streets here, there is more support for Romney. The only time I see Obama support is in the black part of town. That's terrible to say but it's the truth. Miami is very divided. :(


    I threw out my vote for Jill Stein because I wanted Obama to get FL. *sigh* I just hope my vote wasn't in vein.

  9. I can't edit my post. If a mod sees this, could you please do me the favor of adding this to my preious post? Thanks!


    I posted this in the said thread and I wanted to share it here:


    That, in fact, was the case among the Sodomites (Genesis 19), whose experience is frequently cited by modern anti-gay critics. The Sodomites wanted to rape the visitors whom Lot, the one just man in the city, welcomed in hospitality for the night.


    The Bible itself is lucid on the sin of Sodom: pride, lack of concern for the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:48-49); hatred of strangers and cruelty to guests (Wisdom 19:13); arrogance (Sirach/Ecclesiaticus 16:8); evildoing, injustice, oppression of the widow and orphan (Isaiah 1:17); adultery (in those days, the use of another man’s property), and lying (Jeremiah 23:12).


    But nowhere are same-sex acts named as the sin of Sodom. That intended gang rape only expressed the greater sin, condemned in the Bible from cover to cover: hatred, injustice, cruelty, lack of concern for others. Hence, Jesus says “Love your neighbor as yourself†(Matthew 19:19; Mark 12:31); and “By this will they know you are my disciples†(John 13:35).


    How inverted these values have become! In the name of Jesus, evangelicals and Catholic bishops make sex the Christian litmus test and are willing to sacrifice the social safety net in return.

    I agree with this Priest. I wish more people would.



    The longest biblical passage on male-male sex is Romans 1:26-27: "Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another."


    The Greek term para physin has been translated unnatural; it should read atypical or unusual. In the technical sense, yes, the Stoic philosophers did use para physin to mean unnatural, but this term also had a widespread popular meaning. It is this latter meaning that informs Paul's writing. It carries no ethical condemnation.


    Compare the passage on male-male sex to Romans 11:24. There, Paul applies the term para physin to God. God grafted the Gentiles into the Jewish people, a wild branch into a cultivated vine. Not your standard practice! An unusual thing to do — atypical, nothing more. The anti-gay "unnatural" hullabaloo rests on a mistranslation.


    Besides, Paul used two other words to describe male-male sex: dishonorable (1:24, 26) and unseemly (1:27). But for Paul, neither carried ethical weight. In 2 Corinthians 6:8 and 11:21, Paul says that even he was held in dishonor — for preaching Christ. Clearly, these words merely indicate social disrepute, not truly unethical behavior.


    -Source: http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/15/my-take-what-the-bible-really-says-about-homosexuality/

  10. Then how about you don't generalize Christians mate?

    All you do is put all Christians into the same pot and say that our God teaches hate, and its pretty damn annoying.

    I will place money on it that 99% the real hate you see toward gays, bi's and lesbians come from people that aren't Christians or are only Christians on facebook. Sure there are Christian extremists that don't like Gays. Just as there are Atheist extremists that hate Christians, just as there are extremist that have martyred over 250 million Christians. Just as there are any extremists in any form of religion, cult, belief, lifestyle. Just as I bet there are extremist Wicca Pagans.


    In perfect honesty I think your only goal here goes a lot deeper than your opinion on Homosexuality.

    I think that your only goal here is to attack Christians and put down God. I think that is your only goal here.

    If not, prove me wrong....

    I wrote what I wrote quite a bit ago and since then I've grown a bit. However, my goal was NOT to put down God or Christianity. I believe we all have the same God but we view Him differently or as Karen put it "he is comprised of all religions". I do not hate anyone. I try my best to love and understand as much as I can. I do get frustrated at the judgement. We are not God therefore we should not judge or condemn anyone based on sex, race, creed, sexuality, gender and/or nationality.


    What I believe is God loves everyone. I used to be a Christian, believe it or not. When I was, I followed Christ's teachings and took what I could from it as a lesson. I find that the Bible is figurative not literal. Jesus did not care if you were a hooker or a rich man, he gave his love to everyone. He did not judge.


    There are many things in the Bible that are out-of-date. Part of the Bible was man's way of explaining his surroundings. It was his explanation to the world and the people around him. I believe that God gave certain people the ability to hear Him and those people were the ones who wrote their parts to the book.


    Also, I'd like to state that while that famous quote "man shall not lay with man" and say that it was mistranslated. We have proof of this. A lot of what is in the Bible was mistranslated.


    This is a very good article that was written by a Priest. I think a lot of people should listen:



    That, in fact, was the case among the Sodomites (Genesis 19), whose experience is frequently cited by modern anti-gay critics. The Sodomites wanted to rape the visitors whom Lot, the one just man in the city, welcomed in hospitality for the night.


    The Bible itself is lucid on the sin of Sodom: pride, lack of concern for the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:48-49); hatred of strangers and cruelty to guests (Wisdom 19:13); arrogance (Sirach/Ecclesiaticus 16:8); evildoing, injustice, oppression of the widow and orphan (Isaiah 1:17); adultery (in those days, the use of another man’s property), and lying (Jeremiah 23:12).


    But nowhere are same-sex acts named as the sin of Sodom. That intended gang rape only expressed the greater sin, condemned in the Bible from cover to cover: hatred, injustice, cruelty, lack of concern for others. Hence, Jesus says “Love your neighbor as yourself†(Matthew 19:19; Mark 12:31); and “By this will they know you are my disciples†(John 13:35).


    How inverted these values have become! In the name of Jesus, evangelicals and Catholic bishops make sex the Christian litmus test and are willing to sacrifice the social safety net in return.


    In a nut shell: Abuse in any form is wrong and does not belong in the gates of Heaven. Good will and humanity is what is needed.


    The Bible is against abuse not against homosexuality. A lot of the real context of the Bible was lost, sadly. Now, because of this, we pay for it.

  11. I'd describe myself as an atheist. I don't believe in any god, but I'm not one of those atheists who criticise you for believing in a god. It's none of my business what you believe in, and to be honest as long as you're happy then I'm happy. I don't really see religion as a barrier between who I like and who I don't like, on the same level as race or sexuality. I'd be friends with a gay black buddhist and it wouldn't bother me. We're all humans. I dislike people that are douchebags, not people that believe in a god. :P

    I agree with you there. Glad to see that you are so open-minded. I wish more people were like you as well. We need love in this world, not bias or hate.


    On the subject of sexuality, how do all you religious people feel about homosexuality? I'm curious to know where the different religions stand on it.

    Oh dear, that's a can of worms right there. I know we had a thread about this in this very section of the board and it kinda turned into a flame war in some areas and a heated debate in other areas.


    Some people on here think that it's a sin while others accept it wholeheartedly. It makes me sad when people still think of homosexuality as a sin. I really think that it was placed in the Bible that way because while it is the word of God, a lot of it was written by men who were afraid of the unknown.


    People pick and choose what they want out of the Bible and that's fine. It's a great book that lends strength and faith however I find it a bit overwhelming when people use it to exclude others. I don't think the Bible is something to be taken literally, it's mostly figurative. This goes for the Quran and other holy texts as well.


    It's also quite confusing. In one section, man should not lay with man but in another section, Paul states that homosexuality is not a sin but it is unclean. It's also confusing because Jesus was for all intinsive purposes a hippie. He didn't care who you were, he loved you. I don't know. When I was following Christianity, I followed Christ's word. Love, understanding and tolerance.

  12. I'm on facebook resting up for a party tonight.


    Lamenting the fact that I am now lactose intolerant and so cheese will always hurt me, even though I love it so much and we can never be together now and T_________T.

    I'm lactose intolerant too! Cheddar is your friend. It has zero lactose because of the way it's processed. :) There are certain cheeses that are okay to eat and if you take a Lactose pill, you're even safer! ^_^

  13. thank you! i love your piercings! I'm thinking about getting my eyebrow done



    Eeyup! I got mine removed the other day. :( I'm super sad about it. I ended up yanking on it in my sleep like 2 months ago and since then it hasn't healed right. If you do it, take super good care of it. Eyebrow piercings are so sensitive it's crazy. If you're like me where you sleep on your face a lot, it so is not the right piercing. LOL I can't help it. I always wake up on my face. XD



    All gone now. It's all red now. :\


    I did get my ear pierced though the same day I took it out. XD


  14. Yup, I've seen this a lot and I've heard it, too. My anthro. prof says her boyfriend's mom is SUPER catholic and there are crosses over every doorway, she prays about everything, etc. At my house, I have a crucifix in my room that's been there forever and I can't bear to take it down, but maybe someday I'll hang a cross that's more my style in there :P

    Yep! Tall tell sign. lol My grandmother is a Born-Again but she's not.. I dunno, I can't think of a good word. She's not snobby about it. Anyway, she's the one who actually taught me all about house cleansing. She taught me the Christian way and then my mom taught me the Wiccan way. We work really well together when we get together to pray. It's interesting how two different things have so much in common. People over look it.


    lol! Get a cool cross. XD I actually have a cross that I can't get rid of. It belonged to my great-grandfather. I never knew him but my grandmother gave it to me. I have it hanging in my room. :)



    I think the same thing; it's nice to know that there are other people besides my boyfriend who think the same! I think there is One God but He is comprised of many different beings and he brought all religions/faiths to the earth in the forms of prophets, world changers, etc, so that we can be better people. I also think He gave us nature for a reason, not so that it could be destroyed.

    Yes! Exactly! That's how I see it. It would be so boring if we only had one religion, one skin colour, one nationality, one sexual orientation, one identity.. The way I see it, God built everything. So He built biology. Biology favors variety. However, it's a shame that society didn't evolve in the same matter. :( I think there's a reason for everything though. So, there has got to be a reason for the hate in the world. I'm guessing it's there to remind us how important love and tolerance truly are.


    I was thinking a few weeks ago about Native American religion(s) and how, if Christian colonialism/manifest destiny hadn't taken over and people hadn't essentially eradicated most native peoples, the world would probably be less polluted, more connected to nature, and so on. There is something within pagan religions that abrahamic religions lack: the connection to the earth and to nature. Christianity doesn't emphasize it, and I've never seen it in any other abrahamic religion. Not to say it doesn't exist, but it isn't common. The concept of having a spirit within plants, places, and the earth is something that doesn't appear often, but I think it should.

    I think so too. It's one of the main reasons why Wicca intrigued me. Before I was Wiccan, I was Christian and the lack of nature in the religion was weird to me. I had a stint where I was agnostic and then atheist. -_- That was my fault for listening to my ex-fiance and having her control my life. I'm glad I'm back to where I was. I was lost without my faith. :\



    I had a chat with my friend who's wiccan yesterday, and she told me about the cloacks and she said that's the one stereotype, so to speak, that she's okay with, just because the cloaks, especially black cloaks, can cleanse the aura. Did I get it right? Hahaha :P She's awesome though, and she's been a really good resource for me.

    This is what is so awesome about Wicca. XD We each have different interpretations of things. The older wiccans I know are more into the symbolism and what the clothing does. Younger wiccans tend not to like that sort of thing cause it feels stereotypical. XD Black is the colour of cleansing for us. It takes away the negative energy. Red is the colour of passion and lust. Pink is romance and it up lifts moods. And so forth. :) So the colour is what the cloak does but the cloak itself is used because it's light and airy (like the Air element) which allows the Divine into us. The Divine, for me, is the God and Goddess plus mother Gaia and so forth.


    I think people misunderstand wicca and paganism in general because of the terminology sometimes, like using the word "spell" - my friend described it to me as a prayer or a blessing. It's pretty much the same thing, it's like an intention for someone or something. She also said the coolest thing about Wicca was that it helped her look into herself and confront painful things and accept them and love herself for it. Not many people can or will do that. I do that on my own time; I'm a big fan of introspection :P

    Yes. Or the way we conduct our business. Outsiders view it as something evil because they aren't educated about it. It's that whole fear of the unknown thing.Let me tell you, it's not just Christians who don't get it, it's everyone. I even had an atheist size me up and tell me what I was doing was wrong. o.O I was like "You don't believe that this has power so how can it be wrong?" -_- He couldn't answer me. lol


    Earlier this year, at a Christian Fellowship meeting that I stopped going to because of many reasons, the guy who was co-leading the meeting was like, "Before christian fellowship there were several "cults" on campus, blah blah blah...". I told my friend about it and she said there was a wiccan group on campus about five or so years ago that was made up of good people but there were a couple people that went for the wrong reasons and so it gave them a bad name. Eventually, the club had to be disbanded, which I think is a shame. So yeah, I agree with you that there are people that do it for the wrong reasons, and there are people who don't understand who give wicca a bad name.

    Oh come on! LOL Why do people think Wicca is a "cure all" or a "we place hexes on people". I blame Hollywood. I mean, I love Harry Potter but someone asked me if I believed I could do what Harry does. I was like :blink:. We don't place hexes on people. It's against our religion to do so. If someone is using magic to do that, then they aren't Wiccan. :\ Oi, people annoy me. XD!


    I'm thinking of starting an interfaith group on campus for next semester, and I want it to not only be a place for open dialogue, but I also want to go to different ceremonies, religious events, and do service as a group. I really want it to be all inclusive and just a place for people to express their religion and feel safe. I think there are more people on campus than I think that would be into that!!

    That would be awesome! I think more people need to think like you do. I wish I knew more people like you. I only have a few people I can count on one hand who are this awesome. LOL


    I would so go to something like that. I wish we had something like that here in Miami!

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