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Midnight Toker

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Posts posted by Midnight Toker

  1. I don't really belong to one "religion". I am more on the spiritual level. I am a practicing shaman and medium. Yes, most people might think it's wonky or not true but it's what I do. If I were to classify myself, I suppose I fit in with Wiccans/Pagans.


    We have a thread on it but it's dead somewhere lol. I guess not enough interest in it. I do practice magic sometimes. It's nothing like what's in the movies or in books. We use different things because we believe they do different things. I have never done black magic and it annoys me when people think all Wiccans do this. In fact, because of our rede (Harm None) we technically cannot do black magic. When you see black magic it is usually Satanists, Santeria or Voodoo. Santeria and Voodoo are not all black, again, for the most part they are good people. I practice some Santeria as well as some Voodoo. I also am learning a more Native American approach but we'll see where that goes.


    I suppose all of this is very "new age" but I hate that term.

  2. Revan: I usually tell people I am just some dude. I don't go into details. Online I like to hide but since so many people on this board knew the old me, I came out here. I identify as a male though. I am a pansexual man. /shrug


    Ling: There is a double-edged sword with taking it away as a disorder. The reason being that Obamacare covers the surgeries in certain states here. If it were to be taken away as a disorder, then perhaps it won't get covered. I think this is stupid but this is what America is. I'm not sure how it works in Canada and in Europe. Perhaps someone who is trans over there can tell you more about the process.


    Listen, I am open to educating people. Especially on this forum because I feel a lot of you are mature and open minded. So if you have questions, just ask me. I'll try my best to answer them.

  3. lol@Free ponies for everyone. XD I wish, right?


    Anyway, I'm Green Party so I wanted to vote for Jill Stein.. but I am stuck in a state that cannot make up it's mind. Florida has got to be the dumbest state in my opinion. I was voting today and so many people lead their vote based on what I call "blind facts". What I mean by this is that they have no idea what they are voting for. They see something shiny and that's what they go for. *sigh* Miami is especially bad.


    I went for Obama today and I hope I do not regret my vote. I think, as Dax said, that he is the lesser of the two evils. Romney to me is just evil. I see nothing good in that man. Many people will disagree with me but when a man is caught on tape calling 47% of Americans "lazy" among other things he loses all good will. Romney is a capitalist to the extreme. To me, he is everything that is wrong with this country. Don't even get me started on his flip-flopping. He was terrible in the last few debates and his policies are terrible for women. How any woman can vote for that monster is beyond me.


    I will jump for joy if Gary Johnson or Jill Stein win this but I doubt it. No one gives 3rd party a chance because we are stuck in a broken 2 party system. We are divided, not united.

  4. You are going to miss her. There is a lot more to her character that ends up drawing you in. In my opinion, she was so much better than Martha. I don't know if you might like those episodes with her cause she was kinda Mary Sue for me. I loved, loved, loved Donna though. She's the funny girl so series 4 might be up your alley if you like the more humorous side. Oh! And in that series, you meet River! River Song is my favorite character and I got to meet Alex Kingston! It was magical to say the least. ^_^

  5. I need new pictures of mine..


    I have a whiskey bottle pouring out stars on my arm. A heart that's been stitched up on my chest and a succubus on my leg. I took a pic of my arm but I haven't uploaded it to my laptop yet. I'll see if I can do that tomorrow or something.

  6. I guess I should try my best to educate people on this. First of all, we do not like the term Gender Identity Disorder. We find it to be hurtful and incorrect.


    Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people who do not feel like they are in the right body. I fall under the term transsexual, meaning that I want to change my outside to match my inside which is male. Gender is not as binary as people think. It's all about gender continuum. We all move in the spectrum of male and female each and every day. I can go more into that if anyone wants more info on it. I actually recently got credited to teach gender so I'm kinda excited about it. :D


    Most transmen do not get a "sex change" because it's not beneficial. I'm not going to go into details on how that works because it gets kinda graphic.


    Revan brings up a good point too about our genes. There was actually a test done (which I can find the results for that if anyone is interested) that brings up how transgenderism is linked to our genes. Also, there are a lot of people who might be intersex and not even know it. I had a friend who was cysgender (meaning that you are okay with the gender you were assigned at birth) and she has a Y chromosome. She had no clue she was intersex until she had a test done. So there you go.


    It's sad though that biology loves variety but society doesn't. We do things in such a black and white manner.


    Revan, you sound awesome. Just be yourself. :)

  7. I have to say this was tough one! Since I'm fat, I went for food!


    playing new games after waiting for a year or more for it to get out


    and one secret thing i shudnt say in public lol... NOT, letting out gas after holding it for sooo long (not in public ofc) lol there you go hahahaha

    Oh dude yes! I so agree!

  8. It's been a long time and I don't remember what you need to get into those sections of the board. O.o Can someone help me out? Also, sorry if this doesn't belong here or if I should have PM'd someone. As usual, I'm confused.

  9. I have a temper and to tell the truth had that been my mom I would have probably lost it and cussed up a storm at them. But thats me...Emma knows that if she does that then the stupid media will brand her as a bratty diva. So what does she do, she smartly tweets her frustration and anger. Emma is seriously the classiest actress I have ever seen. Those photogs beyond crossed the line that day.

    I have a bad temper too. If I were a famous musician and that happened to my mother.. The headlines would paint me as a psychopath. I would have ended up in jail. XD Thankfully, Emma is a smart girl and not a stupid boy like me. I didn't see that Tweet though. I should just get her tweets to my phone..

  10. I think dying your dog is silly. I have some clients who do that to their dogs and I honestly do not get it. However, I can tell you that it doesn't hurt the dog. The dog doesn't even notice. I know that the one time I saw a dog get dyed by a local groomer, it was just whining cause it didn't want to take a bath. I'm serious. The dog thought it was taking a bath. Anyway, I agree with the "we as a society should be pitching in". Not sure who said that but that's correct. I barely have cash but I donate to this cause. I've had too many people die because of breast cancer.


    While I may think it silly to dye a dog pink, she's doing it for a good cause. I guess I can't be too "lol that's so silly" on her cause of that. I think it's wrong for people to criticize Emma when it's not even her damn dog. Isn't Emma more of a cat person (and chickens apparently lol)?


    Humanity: it always needs something to bitch about.

  11. What is normal anyways? Can anyone really answer that? ;) I have some weird questions but I'm sure she has gotten them already.. :x


    I would ask just 2 anyway.. that I'm curious about but I dunno.


    "Are you interested in singing or playing music? If so, what instrument can you play and/or have you taken voice lessons?"


    and the other thing I'm curious about but I think I know the answer to it already is:


    "Would you get a tattoo? If you would, what would you get and where?"

  12. Quick edit: Hey Ling. I for sure remember you now. I'm a transsexual pansexual dude. My grandmother used to throw the Bible at me telling me I was going to hell. Nowadays, she supports me and even met one of the boys I liked. She no longer thinks it's a sin and is even trying to get marriage for gays. I believe also believe that people are taught religion and people are taught certain things that may not be true. They take these teachings to heart and then they spread it like wildfire.


    If someone thinks homosexuality is a sin, fine that is your CHOICE but do not put that choice on me and tell me whom I can and cannot marry. So yeah, I totally understand you Ling. Well said.


    Christians that believe homosexuality is a sin don't hate them.

    End of story, I know untold amounts of Christians that are anti-homosexualty but will still love a gay.

    Perhaps you may not but do not generalize saying that they do not hate. If you deny someone their rights, human rights, because you believe it is a sin. This is a form of a hatred and the God I believe in does not look on this kindly.

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