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Everything posted by Faraday

  1. They say most guy's sexual fantasy is to be involved in a threesome. I had a threesome recently but I didn't enjoy it, in fact halfway through I said "listen Rick, Jim. I am not enjoying this". I'm not very good at hide and seek I think you'll find. A badly timed high five is a real slap in the face. I've been called too vague by you know who...but you know the old saying... I hate indecisive people, well hate's a strong word. Where I was once opposed I am now in favour of fat people being buried together. The plot thickens!
  2. Have I already done my déjà vu joke?
  3. A jet flew a bit too close to my house last night. I walked from the kitchen to the living room and a stewardess told me to sit down.
  4. I was going to join the debating team at university but someone talked me out of it. I woke up this morning and everything in my place had been stolen and replaced with an exact replica. I'll always remember my grandfather's last words, he said "a truck!".
  5. Ballerinas are always on their tip toes, why don't they just get taller women?
  6. I'm hoping he tours around my way fairly soon. "The headmaster told me I had to go see the school psychologist and I said 'why do I have to see the school psychologist?' so he shows me the petition" "I thought I was being followed by a paid assassin but the guy's a volunteer"
  7. Why can't fairies give blood? Not enough Haemogoblin. Some kids challenged me to a water fight recently but they were no match for me and my kettle! When I was ten, my family moved to Downer's Grove, Illinois. When I was twelve, I found them. You know what I hate? Indian givers... no, I take that back. Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the Devil. Other than that, though, it's been a good day. Well, my brother says "hello"! So, hooray for speech therapy. I always wanted a beautiful loving wife and she always wanted to
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