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Posts posted by SpikeTheLobster

  1. that superior pics page has my antivirus going nuts and it showed up as an ATTACK PAGE; besides that website isn't exactly clean and stuff.


    The malware warnings are either nonsense or from ads: the site itself has been around for years with no issues. As far as "clean" is concerned, depends what you mean, really.

  2. Anyone see Emma on the Ellen show on 16th? I just watched the little segment and several thoughts came to mind...


    First off, chat shows are REALLY rushed these days. Bear in mind I haven't watched any TV for over ten years but I really got the impression it was "blahblahblah, quick get the questions in, don't stop, blahblah, quick, quick, let's move on". Most unpleasant.


    Mostly, though, Emma came across as really lovely and normal. She's funny, self-aware (and willing to poke fun at herself), modest, gorgeous (of course) and appreciative of the luck she's had in her career. It was really interesting to hear her talk about the HP franchise and the fact that she knows so little about the movie industry because of it!


    If anyone wants a grab of it, there's one up on SuperiorPics. I assume it's OK to post a linkie here to the thread (not my site, don't ask me if it doesn't work!): http://emma-watson.net/2012/10/16/emma-on-the-ellen-show/

  3. One of the things that always annoyed me about the HP series - books and films - is that they have a plethora of underused and/or underdeveloped characters. This is, of course, because they're not "epic" in the proper sense of the word: they're "what Harry did today". (That's not a criticism, it's a statement of focus.)


    Films: For me, Mr. Weasley is terribly, terribly ignored. They made an absolutely perfect choice of actor but really didn't give him a chance to do more than a bit of humour and background work. There's so much more to him and he could have shone. In a way, that's probably why he's so "backgroundy" - he'd have stolen the limelight.


    Books: For me, it's Remus. There's obviously an enormous amount of depth to his character - his trust of Dumbledore, his monthly problem (!), his strict (almost obsessive) adherence to justice and truth and, of course, the whole Tonks thing. I the films, he gets a decent role as DDA professor but everything else is pushed aside (and even in the books - JKR is not one to dwell on secondary characters, IMHO).


    So, of all the secondary (or tertiary) characters, who do you think are the most underused?

  4. It'd be interesting to analyze the effectiveness of both sites, and find a way to leverage E-W.net's obvious popularity to have a higher financial benefit (obviously not knowing what they currently bring in in terms of revenue), in an unobtrusive way of course, in order to be able to afford those resources. The stats alone would be interesting. Because it's a cycle, you see... you invest in the site in order to gain revenue from it, to purchase these "exclusive" items, which generates more traffic and therefore more revenue. And so on. I'd love an experiment like that... how big can the money tumbleweed grow, haha.


    Like most online things, I suspect there would be a HUGE amount of luck involved. "Exclusive" pics get grabbed and reposted within hours (minutes?) of going up, so the site posting them would need some serious welly to hit all the PR outlets and grab traffic straight off the bat.


    Think of it this way: if E-W posted them and Huff Post grabbed them and reposted them (credited with a link, we'll assume), how many people will go to E-W? Of the millions of hits the pics would generate, I suspect the Huff Post would get the lion's share, simply because most people would already go there for news (and they rank higher in Google, have higher Page Rank, etc.). There would be some click-through but you'd never get the "interested" people to keep coming back - just the fans. Everyone else would continue to watch the Huff Post because it already has so much clout in the marketplace, as it were.


    Of course, there is the "viral" aspect (i.e. luck). If it just so happened that someone popular saw them and posted the direct E-W link - thus preempting the Huff Post link - E-W could get a massive pile of traffic before the pics got grabbed, posted, retagged, spread around, linked, tweeted, cut up into small pieces, stuck back together and used as wallpaper. :)


    "Exclusive" content only really works longer term if you are right on top of the source all the time - places like E!, the horrific mess that is Perez Hilton, JJJr., etc. - and so can get exclusives regularly.


    At least, that's how it looks to me. ;)

  5. My name's Spike and I'm from the UK. I'm one of those people who HATED Harry Potter with a vengeance because it was so popular - until a friend in Australia convinced me that I really should read the books before I whined about them. So I did. And I watched the films. And, well, you know... opinion change and all that! :)


    I ran an Emma news aggregator for a while because she is - to me, at least - a great example of proper English actresses: she's fun, silly and girly but elegant, classy and SO far above the usual "look at me, aren't I special" crap that most wannabe celebs spew on a daily basis. That goes for all the HP leads, actually, who have rather restored my faith in UK acting culture after years of the X Factor and Britain's Got Vomit. Er, talent. Yes, talent. That's the one.


    The fact that she happens to be gorgeous is, of course, a bonus.


    Looking forward to meeting you all... headed to the fun HP pics forum now, for a few giggles!

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