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Posts posted by jim

  1. I love Andrew Peterson's Music...and I love his Wingfeather series of books.  He is on the list of people I would like to meet in person. 


    But here's what's crazy.  I can mark that off my bucket list...BECAUSE I ACTUALLY DID MEET HIM...I was serving as an intern at a larger church, and they needed volunteers to set up for one of his concerts.  So I volunteered to help.  

    And he was there...and I was helping him carry in some kind of heavy sound stuff...and I'm like..."Hi".  And he's like "Hi".  And I didn't know what to say...but my wife was really a fan of his music, too...and she wanted me to get him to sign one of her CDs...they were going to have a CD signing afterwards...but I'd have to wait in line forever...


    So I was like..."Can I ask you a favor...I hate to even ask this..."  He's like, "What?"  I'm like...I know you're having a signing later...I don't mean to be skipping line or anything...but I have this CD...and I have a pen...can I get you to sign it for her?


    He looked at me...I bought out the CD and pen...he took out the insert...and he said, "What's her name"?  I said, "It's Julie".  


    He wrote, and smiled as he handed it back to me.  It says, "To Julie, tell you husband I said NO SKIPPING"  Then he put a smiley face next to it and signed is name.  


    WE STILL HAVE THE CD, of course.


    One more thing...if you live near Nashville and actually want an opportunity to be in his latest music video...they are having some kind of casting call this coming Wednesday (2/21/18).  You have to fill out the form here:






    I'm just glad she's seen some of the Narnia movies!  They really need to make the rest of Chronicles of Narnia books into movies!  They've only done 3 of them  :(.  I'm just such a big C.S. Lewis fan.  I don't think he would have been upset about the Aslan comment.  His fictional creations were much better looking than himself.  C.S. Lewis answered an admirer's fan male once like this, "I'm tall, fat, rather bald, red-faced, double-chinned, black-haired, have a deep voice, and wear glasses for reading".  Although, from studying C.S. Lewis I know that he tried to answer ALL of his fan mail (can you imagine that!).  Sometimes, however, he would employ his brother to help with the task.  It would be even funnier if that was his brother's reply in C.S. Lewis' name.  


    Anyway, me and Julie saw the Beauty and the Beast movie about 2 days ago.  It was amazing!  Loved it!

  3. The soundtrack is available on amazon.

    Here is the link.




    I believe the song is "Mercy Is" track 23 I think.

    Two cool things about the noah movie that made me happy. I made an ascii art picture of the picture on the front graphic novel and I posted it on Twitter and Darren Aronofsky retweeted me!! I also won one of the contesta from Regency films and they sent me a movie poster. :)

  4. I agree with equality. However, the first book Emma recommends is by Gloria Steinem.  Another feminist (Camile  Paglia), called Ms. Steinem's brand of feminism a "Blame men first mentality."  That's not the same thing as equality (although I don't like Ms. Paglia, either, so maybe that can be taken with a grain of salt).


    But my problem is that I've seen Ms. Steinem interviewed live, she was asked what I feel was a fair question, that being, "Can you be a feminist and be pro-life?" She gave what I thought was a smart-aleck answer, basically saying, "You can be pro-life for your body, but not for anyone else."  Well, a pro-life person could say the same thing, they could say, "Well, you can be pro-choice for your body, but not for a developing baby's body".  But where does any of this playing with words get us?  


    Honestly, I think there are many areas where people that consider themselves pro-life and people that are pro-choice feminists could work together.  Both would be against sex trafficking/date rape/population control, etc.  But in Steinem's view, you can't be a feminist if you aren't pro-choice.  


    So I think it's disappointing that Emma posts a Gloria Steinem work as her first recommendation.  You're not going to broaden the base of feminists by basically alienating half of the population.  


    I mean, I'm not one that's going to go around and protest a planned parenthood clinic with signs and such.  But at the same time, I've seen people trying to deal with the guilt from making a decision to have an abortion.  Of course it's forgivable  But the guilt is real.  Ms. Steinem may think that the guilt comes from society, but I don't think that's the case.  I think it's internal and real.  So, in my opinion, when you have someone that's promoting reproductive "rights" to the point of trivializing, what at the very least is a difficult situation, that's a terrible thing.  And to not be willing to work with any people that disagree, that's just beyond the pale.  


    But that's just my opinion.  And there's nothing wrong with reading books (or watching interviews) from people that don't agree with one's opinion!   :)

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