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Posts posted by trixie2

  1. I really gotta stop going MIA so much lol. Overtime at works been kicking my ass. How is everyone??


    Hi and welcome !

    It really feels good to be back.

    Oh woah!!!!! As long as you are happy that's all that matters yes?! :)


    I started the new school year- 30 students but they are sweet, parents yeah some not so much Lol

    Other than that well :)


    A lot of people are talking about how that interviewer is a GRINTSON shippa ;) it is interesting she asks about Emma and not Tom Felton LOL Rupert's response btw was funny ;) but "she does call me that" is so sweet.




    She must be a shippa, why else bring EMMA up, how did she even knew that Emma kalls him Rupes?


    He looks really good anyway, I'm so happy to see him he looks so fit.

  2. JON great post, as always! And the same goes for our number one shipper, you girl ^^


    I REFUSE to believe that Ron would not be the right for Hermione.

    I cannot fatom how such a great character like Ron even can have readers that hate him, and totally missunderstand him, the always see the less good side of him and never the good side. Some even wanted him dead!

    And all because the want Harry To be with Hermione?


    Well he will always be my favorite. and Ron and hermione ARE meant to be with each other and they make a great couple.

  3. Hallo guys, I'm back and I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for these two!  And You ^^ girl IS the best, I love you posts!


    Oh yeah! This is the old trixie, I had to create a new username because I don't use my old mail address anymore and I couldn't remember the stupid pass word.

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