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Posts posted by vida

  1. Oh Katharine, I'm glad you understood my point! I'm so relieved! :)


    The animated series looks like a very cool option for HP, doesn't it? I'd love to have one at some stage.

    And the TV version is a very good idea as well. A lot more from the books could be included, and the plot wouldn't feel as rushed either.


    As for a remake of the movies, I agree that people would get used to the new cast.

    I still remember that, when the actors for HP were being cast, there were rumours about that Haley Osmond (the one who could see dead people in 'Six Sense') was going to play Harry Potter.

    And then JK Rowling stepped in and said that the characters needed to be British, just like in the books.

    So, what I mean is that we wouldn't have had Dan otherwise and a very different boy would have played the lead instead. But we would have adjusted (just because we wouldn't have known any better).


    So, because now we have some parameters that need to be followed, that doesn't necessarily mean that a new, more canon version cannot be made.

    Of course that version would have some obstacles from the get go, as imo they cannot predict as I mentioned earlier, if the children they cast will have good chemistry or not later on.

    That's why I think many decades will pass before a remake is remade, as they will target a completely new generation(s).

  2. Best moment? Paul the octopus predicting everything. What a legend Paul was. RIP little man.


    Worst moment? England getting dominated by Germany. But it was the kick up the arse we needed to get stronger. Although it'll take a few years. And 4-1 is annihilation, but it's no 5-1. :lol:


    Paul the Octopus stole the show! 2010 FIFA World Cup will forever be remembered thanks to it!


    As for the moment I remember the most?


    Robert Green (England's goalkeeper) dropping the ball and scoring a goal on his own against England.

    Poor guy...

  3. I'm in love with Tennis. I try to follow all the 4 Grand Slams as much as I can.

    Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are my favourite male players, and Kim Clijters and Justine Henin the best female ones (imo).

  4. These pics are great. Emma looks stunning in all of them!


    She wore this for the Bill/Fleur wedding in DH1.


    GingerCat said she imagines Hermione wearing the dress during the final battle, but she knows it's actually what she wore during the wedding.


    All the pics are gorgeous! :)


    I have to point out that FINALLY they did Hermione's hair right! :P Since POA they toned down the bushiness[?! lol] and she kept going blonder and blonder (OOTP was baad >_>)

    but finally for DH they got it right again. :)


    I agree. Hermione's hair has been getting blonder and blonder and straighter with every movie since PS.

    I'm glad they made it bushier now and (a tad) darker.

  5. @cbmac, we got a much more canon Ron during DH. That's why I mentioned that some people are saying that he got corageous 'all of a sudden'.

    They obviously haven't opened the books so I'm not gonna bother with such nonsense. But still hurts me that Ron is so poorly treated and underestimated by some because that's not the way JK Rowling wrote him.


    @rupertandemmagrint, I actually would like an animated version of the movies. That looks like a good idea. We already have the HP Lego games and no one has a problem with that. :)


    But I think a remake is due at some point. Maybe we won't live long enough to see it though. But I tend to think that, if the HP books become classics as I suspect, children might be reading the series 100+ years from now (as I did with Tom Sawyer :)).

    Hopefully they find children that have such a good chemistry as Dan, Rupert and Emma. Especially the ones playing R/Hr because they'll have to sell the aundience that they are romantically involved. And that could be a problem, as you cannot predict if such teenagers are going to have natural chemistry or not later on.

    Luckily, it happened (in LARGE amounts) with R/E. However, the opposite can be said about D/B even though they've known each other for just as long.(Please don't hate me Katharine! I'm just talking about the actors and not their characters! :yesyes: XX)

  6. I don't know, there were rumours a few weeks ago that he had cut his hair and, of course, we now know that he didn't.

    So it might be a rumour once again...


    I personally wouldn't mind if he cut his hair, but I think he likes wearing a fringe, and his current hairstyle truly suits him very well.

    Maybe a shorter version of the same would be nice, similar to the one he had during OotP era.


    But, to be honest, I like how the back of his hair flicks when it's longer. LOL

  7. I feel sometimes that this is the neglected ship, as we try to defend our canon couple (R/Hr) so much and we tend to forget how important Ron is in Harry's life -and viceversa.

    The only time that Harry felt completely defeated was when Ron left. And the only time that Ron felt absolutely miserable is when he saw Voldemort's vision of Harry's 'betrayal'.

    Both Harry and Hermione felt miserable when they were apart from Ron, so I guess who they both felt more connected with, is clearly out of the question in the books.

    I only wished the filmakers would have kept Harry/Ron's conversation oafter the locket is destroyed. It would have been a nice touch to show the audience who Harry's best friend truly is.

  8. Welcome back R.Hr.Fly.With.Me! We missed you and your wonderful R/Hr graphics! :)


    Vida, just do what I do-enjoy Ron for who he is from the book and in the movies-he was never cowardly tbh in the movies...actually if someone can refresh my memory of any scenes where he was cowardly I would be curious...Ron was always the hero if yas ask me...yes Harry the hero for the world, Ron the hero for his friends, family, and especially Hermione :)


    Ron changed in the movies, cbmac. One of the clear examples is the one Galadriel mentioned above: Ron didn't defend Hermione against Snape, like in the book, but actually went along with him! It's outrageous!


    And also he wasn't the one who told Harry that he didn't have a choice and that he and Hermione would go along hunting horcruxes as well. He just tagged along in the movie, 'doubtful' about it.


    I think we had a truthful Ron in the first movie, but unfortunately everything went sort of downhill from there... The 5th movie tried to right their wrongs and gave us a more canon Ron once again, but unfortunately the 6th movie sort of ruined the character once again.


    So, if we have had a more canon Ron in the movies, people who haven't read the books wouldn't be saying things like 'he got so corageous, all of a sudden'. That's for sure.


    Hopefully a remake with more truthful characters is due at some point. I just hope I live long enough to see it! LOL


    Luciana, that vid is beautiful! :wub:

  9. jeez people...I wish some of you could for once stop connecting Emma in every possible post to Rupert or connect everything to Ron and Hermione. This is real life folks.


    The implications can easily lead to argument. I believe that's why some would like to keep contained in the correct threads.


    Well, this is something Emma herself said, and this is 'Emma's quotes thread', so I don't see the problem stating something that she, herself, said.

    Maybe ignoring the subject, if you don't feel comfortable, would be a good idea. :)



    I love Emma's philantropic side, and her involvement with Fair Trade.

    This is one of my favourites from her:


    'I first started learning about Fair Trade fashion simply because I did a piece of geography course work on it. I thought why isn’t everything Fair Trade? From that point I started to look for labels that were Fair Trade and started researching it. When I thought of Fair Trade I thought of bananas and coffee and I thought this was as far as it went. But, of course pretty much anything can be Fair Trade. My collection is very much based on cotton and jersey which all can be made Fair Trade and organic. It’s so great to work with something that hasn’t been made with chemicals and is helping someone abroad who isn’t earning a lot of money.'

  10. Ron has always been very protective, and quite corageous (in the books).

    That's why it was very hard for me to come to terms with the sometimes cowardy portrayal he suffered in the movies (not Rupert's fault, obviously).

    I read somewhere that it's now interesting that Ron got so corageous 'all of a sudden'.

    Well, if those people would have read, for example, that Ron was the one who said that they would go hunting for horcruxes with Harry, they'd understand that he was always been there for Hermione, Harry, and the ones he loved.

    So, at this stage, I'm not going to bother replying to such nonesense anymore.

  11. My fav quote from Emma is this:

    "I think I'm quite similar to Hermione and I think that a Ron type character in my life would be good for me. He's very chilled out, he's very funny. You know I think it's so nice to have someone in your life who makes you laugh... like I think that's such a good, valuable quality" :)


    So Emma's perfect guy is someone who is chilled out and funny.


    And she's also after someone who can make her laugh.


    It's interesting that she also said 'Rupert has great comedic timing. He can make me laugh, like no one else'.



    Emma's words, after all. :yesyes:;)

  12. This topic is for CANON couples, either Harry Potter related or not.



    My top 5 list:


    Ron/Hermione (HP)


    Jack/Kate (LOST)


    Ross/Rachel (Friends)


    Rhett/Scarlett (Gone With The Wind)


    Elizabeth/Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)


    This is the list that came from the top of my head as the romances that struck me the most while reading the stories/watching the series, but surely I have plenty more than these 5. :P

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