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Status Updates posted by sarahelizabeth

  1. ohh thats kind of AWEsome =] Me I always wrote sense i was little

  2. aww thats really smart with me I Mostly write poems and I wiret Songs..

  3. yea..I have a journal Too =]

  4. I Always That way with people I never Open up to anyone.

  5. idk It kind of scares me.. to be with someone b.c i always expect the Unexpected you know?

  6. aw thanks i feel so loved <3

  7. Yea.. basicly lets hoppe nothing Chances :( lol

  8. we had a couple problems but it all worked out and he is like the only person that really helped me though everything.. helped me though my big heartbreak =]

  9. haha yea.. Scott isn't much of a bad Guy he hates to swear.. and he hates guys that are really mean and rude to girls

  10. it is going good.. I am just reallytired cause alli do is workout thats pretty much basicly my life

  11. oh god no Scott cant stand aaron.. b.c of all the crapi been put though

  12. awww i miss you too =] hows life ?? i know i dont go on chat muches anymore I dont thikn anyone does

  13. he lives next to my mom which is pretty cool.. thats why i go to my moms alot so i can see him lol

  14. Yea.. but really close a good 45 mins he Moved up here actually like a month ago.. so it was exciting.. he has some family up here but who knows..

  15. yea his names Scott <3 I knew him the same time as i started dating Aaron and he was always there for me when Aaron wasn't when i went though pain Aaron pretty much avoided me but Scott never left me side and Scott never liked Aaron at all b.c the way Aaron treated me

  16. For one I Am not going get back with him.. b.c he probably is going on all the Single Chat Websites and randomly hooking up with girls like he did before.. and I might date someone else<3

  17. aww i am sorry dear.. you must feel a little hurt from it :( thats sad. being lied to is one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship and I found Aaron is trying to get me back b.c he message me on face book bugging me with messages

  18. aw well after you guys all went though with those couple of weeks of him being hurt Both of you guys Deserved having a Nice 1 year Anniversary =]

  19. your welcome I am just glad everything with good for you but hows your Fiance doing?? I remember you were talking about how he got ran over :/ that horrible..

  20. haha yea love i get what you mean well i am gld you had a really good day =]

  21. I bet you guys did alot of speical things <3 for you big 1 year soo cute =]

  22. Guys Come and go but friends will always be there to catch you when the boy you love doesn't

  23. Oh yea It isnt that easy

    I hope your Anniversary with your fiance went well =]

  24. and a good 80% of the time thats what i think about alot

  25. yea.. sense i was 15 i lost my boyfreind my siter my 2 aunts.. my best friend.. and My Cousin and that was all in the past 4 years old my life from 15 to 18

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