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Mrs Duck

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Posts posted by Mrs Duck

  1. Wow, those pictures are amazing! :)


    I'd love to visit Scotland some day. I believe it's an amazingly beautiful country. And I love the Scottish accent :).

    Thanks, and they're not totally fair to the real landscape either ^_^

  2. So what's up with the Doc Martens trend? :) Is it just here in Sweden or everywhere?



    I've wanted a pair since I was about 13/14 and first read The Princess Diaries. Mia wore "combat boots" aka Dr Martens :) I got my pair this summer and have started wearing them now but can't wait to wear them constantly come fall!

  3. With my family I was on a roadtrip through Scotland for about 10 days the summer of 2006. We saw some mindblowing scenery and the whole trip was amazing, Scotland is magical and very special. :) Especially the highlands where we spent most of our time, though Edinburgh was also awesome.



  4. I don't suppose my best friend counts as something I could bring? ^_^


    I'd probably choose a really good knife (maybe a machete or something), it seems like something really useful to have on an island for many purposes.

  5. To use my area as an example, to learn how to correctly frame someone for a shot on camera. I learn it better by doing it hands on than reading how to in a book or by someone telling me how its done.

    I agree on that, learning photography or active things (like cooking, drawing etc etc) I need hands on, but normally I'm like Andrea. :) Auditory learner. I need to hear first, then talk/discuss and also read.

    In maths and similar subjects repetition is the only thing that works for me, and lots of it during a longer period or a very short period if it's only for a test.

  6. I wanna go to NZ!!! thats a must!!

    Skydiving I wanna face my fear of Roller coasters!!

    I wanna swim with dolphins!!

    meet a penguin!

    Haha you can do all of that in NZ ^_^

    My bucket list is too long, but I intend to follow through with everything before I die. :) For me the meaning of life is to die satisfied, definitely my goal so the bucket list gotta be my bible

  7. I've seen the photos not posted on here as well, I was gaping at the screen literally asking it "Why Emma? What are you doing love?" Haha, I dunno whether she knew the paparazzi where there, it sure doesn't look like she did... anyways, doesn't matter, she looks awesome anyway and I love her dress. :) And her ice cream, give it to me!!!

  8. Have you heard that we might be getting snow in Auckland? Second time on record I believe, if it does actually come. It's been on the radio and everything! I'm so hyped about it :excited:


    When? We better get some or Im going to be sad


    Ooooh, Im so excited


    Snow in AUCKLAND? :o Yikes, didn't even have snow in Nelson (except in the mountains), well if you want it and hope you get it haha

  9. I don't know about outfits but I did score at least 3 amazing deals that I am extremely proud of!!!

    1. DKNY Leather Jacket for $70.... It was orginially $380!!!!!! Leather is crazy expensive so $70 is an amazing deal!!! This picture is the one ichave, only mine doesn't have the hood.


    2. Kid leather Cole Hann Flats. I am not sure of the exact retail price of these shoes. Well over $100 maybe more. I got them for $15!!!!!! pays to have tiny feet lol

    This is the closest picture I could find, same style but different material and darker color.


    3. DKNY dark wash stretch skinny jeans. I have no idea how much these cost normally and I was sick of sevens and true religion. I desperately needed a new pair of jeans and I found these for $6 and nordstromrack!!! They are AMAZING!!! Softest pair I ever head. I wear them all the time!!! I am one of those people who pays a ton for jeans so this was an amazing deal for me!


    I have more but those are the things I use the most lol

    Wow :blink: How do you do it? I never find expensive brands on sale, and if I do it's like 10% off so instead of $400 it's $360 which is still $300 too much... I make bargains on ordinary stores, buying nice pieces for under $15, but of course the quality will be crappy.... sigh

  10. There's no words describing my love for cats and generally the feline population of the world! I adore them to pieces ^_^ I can see why some people don't like them, they're not like dogs who will love you unconditionally and do whatever you tell them etc etc. A cat is an independent creature who is the master of any house. You train a dog but a cat will train you :D And you will love them!


    My family's had cats at home since before I was born, always pure breeds though. I love all cats but the mixed ones can be a bit wonky in the head so to speak, usually because when you get a cat from an unserious owner/breeder you will take the kitten from their mother too early which can be fine but also go wrong. We've always had British Shorthairs which are very expensive (like dogs) but they have such personalities and great temperaments, and they are fine with being indoors. :) We don't let our cats out, don't want the road to take them. :(


    These are my babies Lancelot



    and Guinevere


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