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Posts posted by lavieenrose

  1. I really like the song but not just because of Emma, I'm a little bummed it's not available here. Their first album is but I'm not too much of a fan of it. The video was so cute, the face licking thing cracked me up and of course she looked beautiful, I loved the whole them being like the lady and the tramp concept, super cute.

  2. Listen, I thought it was cute. I don't think Emma is dumb when it comes to tech. I understand that software can be a hassle from time to time. It was just funny.


    I retract my earlier statement.


    I wasn't aiming it at you. I just seems that everyone was thinking she didn't know how to use twitter, lol, that's all.

  3. :whaa:





    I have a soft spot for German Shepherds, I'm going to get one someday, in the very near future. I'm such a dork I already have names picked out...

  4. As many times as we've all voted I'd think she would be a lock. But maybe I'm underestimating the Twilight fan base. If Kristen Stewart wins another one of these things I'm gonna puke.


    Honestly I think it's between Emma, Kristen, and Rob. I mean I haven't seen Vanessa Hudgens in awhile (so why is she even nominated??) and I'm not too sure about Zac Efron's fanbase, because honestly I'm not a fan of his at all. But yeah the Twilight fanbase is huge, it's actually disgusting how many people find it a good and interesting series. But I feel the same, if Kristen wins I'll probably puke as well...

  5. Is there not something similar in the US? A lot of people do tend to wear them in the UK.


    Veterans Day is similar. We celebrate both the soldiers that have lived and passed in the wars. But we don't have anything special to wear, most schools and several companies close for the day though.

  6. I have seen loads of HP tattoos, everything you can imagine, quotes, symbols, spells, characters/creatures, etc. I personally don't think I'll be getting one. I love tattoos and there is one that I want, but it's not HP related, I mean I guess I could tie into HP somehow. But I'm so indecisive about it and I don't want to get it and then regret it later... no regrets is what tattoos are about.


    I wouldn't worry so much about the pain, I've went with friends when they got their tattoos and they've said it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, it also depends where on the body you get it, your wrist, tailbone, and ankle are the most painful because there isn't much muscle there. My friends have said it's like a burning feeling, also depending on the size and detail of the tat has a lot to do with the pain factor, it's part of the reason it takes some tattoos a few months to get finished (these are usually huge tattoos though).


    What all this blah blah blah is about is, if you really want a tattoo (HP or not) and you're fully committed to getting one, don't let the fear of pain stop you.

  7. Well, they don't remember their lives. They think they are someone else, different names and everything. And no daughter.


    Oh yeah forgot about the new names, haha. This is true.

  8. "When we first started this, kids were driven by their parents to see Potter," Fellman says. "Now they're driving themselves."


    I'm not sure what this is from, I just saw it on another site and I felt that this, above everything else, drives it all home. How long it's truly been. How much they've all grown up. How much we've all grown up. It's the end. One more movie left...

  9. Yes, it's not in the book. JKR said Hermione found her parents and restored their memories in a press conference.


    Was it an Obliviate charm? In the book Hermione tells Harry and Ron that she has modified her parent's memories, and that if they survived she would find them and lift the enchantment. Later in the book, Hermione says she has never done a memory charm, just that she knows the theory, before she uses Obliviate on Dolohov. So, I think she didn't erase the memories with Obliviate, just added new ones so they thought they were someone else.


    Yeah she modifies their memories so they don't remember her, but they still know each other and their lives. She also makes it so they feel like they HAVE to go to Australia so she can get them out of the country.

  10. The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas and Marley and Me made me cry, along with a few others I can't remember. I'll also admit Toy Story 3 and when Hermione wiped her parents memories me tear up a little. I have a feeling DH Pt2 is going to make me cry though...


    I've only seen parts of I Am Sam. Is it really that sad? I know it's the one famous for Sean Penn going full retard.


    It is sad but I didn't cry while watching it but I can see how some people did.

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