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Posts posted by CRAPMUFFIN

  1. Ashley: you look pretty as always! I love the picture where the kitty is behind your screen, I imagine it like he just popped up behind there :P


    Matt: Wow, that is quite the studio! Is it at your home? You, and everything else, is looking great, but those shoes Matt... I'm speechless. Haha, just kidding, my roomie has the same ones and they're pretty comfortable ^^

  2. I started smoking again... It's only like the odd one every week or so but it got that bad I brought a pack. I used to get the odd one every now and then and eventually brought a pack. The day I brought them I was HIGHLY stressed and smoked two and I haven't touched the pack for like three weeks. But I crave another one. I might just keep them and have one every time I get stressed or something. I won't smoke them for the fun of it because I'll end up starting smoking full time.


    Be very careful, you sound very wise about all it but it's sooo easy to make excuses for having a smoke. I have a friend who started smoking recently, like a couple of months ago. Just like that. She kept making excuses, like "it's only for this period" and blahblah, but she is quite hooked now. I do know because I smoke sometimes myself, it's bad and I hate myself for it but it's also nice. Yep. Especially with wine. *hides*

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