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Posts posted by Imagine

  1. :0_0: Hey, I don't plan on going back there?!?


    One day you might lol.


    I smoked for a year and quit. I had 2 years not smoking, I was repulsed by it.


    Then I met new people get mixed up in all sorts and started smoking again for about 9 months. Until I ended up in a traumatic position and quit drinking as well as smoking again.


    THEN I stopped for 2 years. I smoked for about 2 weeks in November and now I've quit again and I'm repulsed by them again.


    I have to agree with Andrea about going back. :P


    Thank you lol I thought i was alone on that one. I cant help but fall into that stupid trap over and over lol.



    All non smokers don't understand why smokers smoke. Heck even some smokers don't understand why they smoke. But to some of us,going outside,lighting a cigarette and taking that first drag...man,there's nothing like it. I can't explain it and I don't expect people to understand it,but smoking is my thing! My favorite thing to do! Just talking about it makes me wanna go and light one up!


    P.S. I overused the word 'smoke'...in all it's variations!


    haha could not have put it better.



    The thing is, I DONT KNOW WHY I SMOKED! it is so frustrating looking back at it. Constantly lighting up whenever i felt that urge, smoking in my car, on breaks at work, breaks at uni, smoking in my garden at home. Spending loads of money every day, £7.07 a packet because i had to smoke Marbolo lights which as everyone knows is one of the most expensive. When Sammy my best mates smokes Sterling, which is miles cheaper at £5.60 i think. WHY lol so frustrating but my god i miss it lol.

  2. Columbine by Dave Cullen


    Truly magical, the way he wrote about the entire incident was chilling but intriguing. I was gripped and personally loved the interviews he conducted to. You gain a new perspective on the media and on the two boys.

  3. I have smoked on and off for years. I started smoking when me and my best mates thought it would be hilarious to try this single cigarette one of my mates stole of their mother. Do i wish i never tried that one cigarette? Hell yes. Because it started my smoking habit which i am not impressed with sometimes. I tried smoking when i was 12, and i quit when i was 15. I managed to stay off the cigarettes for a few years, mostly because the boyfriend i was with stopped me from hanging around with my old friends and he didnt smoke or his mates. So i managed to stay away from them.


    But I tend to turn to cigarettes when times get hard for me, if im majorly stressed i buy a packet, if i am upset i buy a packet etc. Some people turn to therapy or alcohol when times get tough i turn to cigarettes. They tend to mellow me out, and i can just sit and have one and nothing will upset me for the short time i have one.


    I started up again soon after my mother died, the day of her funeral I smoked a good five cigarettes within a hour before i had to drive me and my sister to the church. I then smoked in secret all year till i told my boyfriend at the time, finished him and continued to smoke all over again hard. Smoked about 15 a day give or take until me and my current boyfriend quit at new year. But like clock work me and Chris had a row this week, i bought some cigarettes again and smoked again lol.


    Basically all i can suggest to those thinking of trying it. DON'T!!!!! Once you are a smoker you will continue to go back to it no matter what. The smell will always entice you in, the culture will entice you in and the thought of chilling out with one entices you in.

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