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Jokes In School or The Workplace

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Okay, so here goes another one of my discussion topics. I got up with someone prior to putting this topic up and it was determined that this forum is the best place for it. Anyway, this one has to deal with jokes in school or the workplace (whichever one applies to you. My question to all of you is: How do you feel about them? Do you like playing jokes on other students/co-workers? How often do you get jokes played on you? What is your limit as far as joke-playing goes? Do you have any stories? If so, please share; we would love to hear them. :D I have quite a few stories and I will share one here. This particular one occured while I was in Iraq.


This particular story was about a prank that was played on me. So here goes.


I was on duty one night in the main building. And btw, we worked in an office most of the time in Iraq. And I worked with 2 other Corporals (lets call them Joe and Kodey) and a Sergeant (lets call him James.) And at the time, I was only a Lance Corporal. And keep in mind that I had forgotten to lock my desk drawers and the key was still in the keyhole. So anyway, that particular night that I was on duty, one of the corporals (Joe) took the mouse of my computer and locked it in the top drawer of my desk. And the key? Well, he hid it somewhere (I had no clue of the whereabouts of the key.) Then, here came the video recorder. Kodey turned the recorder on and explained what had happened as far as the key and the desk and stuff. The funny part was the fact that he explained perfectly in great detail of what my reaction was going to be when I found out what had happened the next day. He said "He's gonna walk through that door...go to his desk...and freak the f*** out."


So, that next day, right before I came into work, they turned the recorder on and hid it from my plain sight, while at the same time, recording me right at my desk. At first, the other three people acted like nothing was going on and then when I sat down at my desk, and found out what had happened, they knew that I had found out. So I started freaking out and going off on the others and throwing random things across the room, because of what they had done lol. Of course, I didn't think it was one bit funny, but the others thought it was perfectly funny and that my reaction that I had given them was the icing on the cake. And then the fact that they had caught it on tape made me even more angry, but made them laugh even harder.


So that's my story. Of course, I'm over it now and the more I watch it, the more I realize how much of a retard I looked like and now I laugh at it. I would post the video, but it has a few personal things on there that doesn't need to be heard. I think that taught me more to just...let things go and not be so serious all the time. Because that is my nature. I act serious 99% of the time, especially at work. I do think there is a limit, and I still think to this day that what my co-workers did back in Iraq was crossing that line just a little bit. I don't mind jokes, but too many jokes can lead to loss of team cohesion and trust in your co-workers.


I will share more stories later. In the meantime, let's hear yours stories and takes on this. :)

Edited by Turbo
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