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Monkey Cartwheels

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Status Updates posted by Monkey Cartwheels

  1. Sweet, what kind of work? I better go soon too, have a full on day, but I cbf

  2. Haha, are you studying or working? from memory you were looking for a job?

  3. Not saying that there is anything wrong with Aucklanders!

    Just the people here arent my type, most arnt from Auckland anyway

  4. Haha, Im a good boy. Ginger Beer is my jam haha. 4 puppies, one of them was biting my nose but they have no teeth so it was more gumming my nose haha.

    This is two of them http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/180962_137801206286904_124506830949675_228725_458104_n.jpg

  5. I dont drink, and personally hate the whole drinking culture, haha thats why. Gosh I sound so militant!

    Im alright, went home for the weekend and saw our puppies again. But gets a bit stink being

    in Auckland, the people are cool as, but not the kind I would spend all my time with so yeah... Thats why Im glad I have EW forum haha

  6. Haha, yeah. Its nice company. The rest of my room mates are drinking.... again....

    So Im home alone anyway.

    Hows life been treating you lately?

  7. Haha, Im listening to The Famine while browsing around, I need to go to sleep but I cant find the energy to walk the 50cm to my bed.

    So I keep browsing....

  8. Us metal kids look after each other

  9. Thats why I waited to get my licence, didnt need it. Yeah I know of K road haha, but Im going by myself so that should be interesting! haha. There will be lots of other metal kids around for the show so I should be sweet!

  10. Haha, I got stuck on Queen St trying to get home!

    I have to go to K Road in May for a Pirate Metal concert, that should be a fun experience......

    Yeah I have my restricted, but waited a year and a half before getting my learners, I got my restricted in the nick of time to be able to do work exp and come to Auckland!

    Why have you waited so long?

  11. Yeah, Its big and loud, but alright. Took a while to get used to looking for traffic lights! But its not TOO bad. What licence? learners, restricted or full?

  12. ahh, nothing, had a shower and messed around on the web like usual. Applied for a job at Civil Video. Went to film school.

    Same ol boring stuff (apart from the school bit).


  13. I think Im a few km before the farms start.

  14. Haha, I should come for a visit one weekend, theyre so boring

  15. Im in Albany, On Albany Highway

  16. :o I live like 20km away from you!
  17. Im sure Ive asked you this before, but I have the memory of a used tooth brush so Im asking again.

    What part of Auckland do you live in?

  18. Nah havent done a hell of a lot out side of film school. To poor to afford petrol

  19. I noticed that! looks really good! and Ive been in Auckland for over a month now :o

  20. Haha, he mustve stretched it too fast and ripped is lobe

  21. Haha, I was kidding beause the guy from MCMB has 70mm, but you should show me a pic of the dude with 100mm!

  22. Oh cool, but you should go to 70mm

  23. How big have you stretched your ear?

  24. Sweet as. Listening to ABR right now!

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