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Everything posted by KS987

  1. Unfortunately, Emma and the rest of the cast didn't attend the MWWM screening at the film festival. Variety really got it wrong.
  2. Emma just keeps getting more beautiful every time I see her. Stunningly gorgeous as always.
  3. Jo still works on Emma's official site, and she does have an account on this forum but doesn't come here often.
  4. It's great to hear from you that you are safe and doing well. . I hope you don't have to stay in the hospital too much longer. I also hope the scumbags responsible suffer the consequences
  5. I hope this is true and that Emma is able to attend. I have a question though: since Emma started her semester later this year, when does her break begin?
  6. That's great news to here. Glad to hear that they were rescued and that they will be returning home soon. Are you asking Sgt Harbinger why the father didn't contact this site's administration? Harbinger seems to be friends with gwendelin outside of this website and might have been getting these updates directly elsewhere, and is just sharing the updates on this forum.
  7. I am not sure whether or not I have ever responded to one of her posts(did she post often in the Emma section?), but either way this is terrible news. I hope that they are returned home safely. And the kidnappers can burn in Hell.
  8. Mistook this topic for the other picture topic lol. But some of the latest pictures are new to me, but that's because they only came out recently.
  9. And the Definitive edition won't include everything either. A good chunk of it will be saved for the "Super Ultra Mega" editions. And then they will announce there are more features that won't come out until the NEXT edition..... Anyway, I am getting the Deathly Hallows Part 2 DVD for Christmas
  10. I remember Emma also had a Christmas card as well. Does anyone have that? This will be my favorite for today as well.
  11. Update on Emma's official site about the My Week With Marilyn premiere: http://www.emmawatson.com/en/Latest/Emma/Emma-Attends-My-Week-with-Marilyn-Premiere/
  12. There's no quote from Emma regarding it. It's just mentioned in the article, so they could have just read about the rumor and added it to the article. This rumor has been around for a while, but Emma hasn't mentioned it at all, so it's most likely a false rumor, because how else would they know about something like that if she didn't say anything?
  13. New still of Emma from My Week With Marilyn
  14. Emma's official site team recently met with Rob Noble, who said that there will be updates coming up. Didn't mention when though.
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