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The Midnight Q

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Posts posted by The Midnight Q

  1. I seen this and had to comment boob! Your hair has gotten so much longer since the last photo. :o


    I took this one when the UK had nice weather about a week or so ago. Messing around as per. I don't like smiling now I have a brace my chin goes weird.



    Nice weather for once? (Then again my definition of nice weather is cold, raining, gloomy, and sad.)

    Looking good :)


    You all look amazing!


    Why do I always look so sad xD


    Your pretty face isn't making us sad though.





    you're so cute!


    you're so pretty!!



    it's my name tag for work ha

    love this one! aha so cute


    another picture of me but from yesterday:




    You look nice Ashley, very spring-ey. (if that's a word)


    The air conditioning and my driver side window isn't working. It got a bit warm in the car > :(




    Pretty ballin, dude. Mirrored right? You car isn't right hand drive is it?



    Sister's friend is a photographer and we took a bunch of random shots after her graduation photos.





  2. So many rumours going around this season. Sorry but I'm still a Red Bull fanboy- even with the drama brewing the past few years.


    Still.... I'm a little ticked that F1 will be switching to turbo V6 engines next year :mad:

  3. Happy May the 4th everyone!



    (I don't know how to embed a video on here)


    I was really hoping to finally get a costume together but alas my laziness consumes me. Still... was browsing 9Gag when I found this with awe:


  4. persia existed in the crusades and earlier. 90% of iranians today are shiites. shittes are arabs.




    Shia muslims belong to a religious/political demographic, not an ethnic one. It's like when people often use the "democracy vs. communism" notion, one is a political system and the other is an economic system. The two can not and should not be compared.


    I called one of my Persian friends an Arab once and I he almost went nuts over it. Same happened when I jokingly called my Taiwanese friend Chinese, and he took it personal. (Even though the people of Taiwan are mostly ethnic Chinese, they're just not of China.)


    Part of the post-invasion sectarian violence in Iraq was attributed to old embers from the Iran-Iraq War 20 years prior. With the "Sunni" dictator gone, and coalition support for the Shia minority, they were able to gain more influence over the events of the war. [Much of the rebels involved after Desert Storm that fought against the Iraqi regime were affiliated as Shia]. During OIF-2, it was widely believed that the Mahdi Army, one of the largest militia groups the coalition had to deal with, was supported by Iranian government.

  5. the thing is, people with Western-type views (America, Europe, NATO-allies, others) never actually want to use these horrific weapons and choose to leave them in the background as the unspoken deterrant, while these north korean clowns, and the nutty tinpot arab dictators like aberdinajhad, parade them out, brag and boast about them, and given half a chance would actually USE them directly or through their terrorist-puppet stooges, like hezbolloh and al-quaeda. when was the last time you heard the USA actually talking about their nuclear weapons and programs, much less even acknowledging said weapons deployed or actively in use? the USA does not discuss these programs, and Israel is even more secretive, as they have had the capability probably since the 1960s and still deny their existence to this very day. there is a huge difference in the views of these weapons, between the West, and the nutbags currently joining the nuclear club.


    President Ahmadinejad is the head of a Persian country, not Arab. The common belief is that France sold one of their warheads to Israel during the Cold War when Israel was fighting their Arab wars. Any truth behind this is still yet to be discovered I guess. The US, or most nuclear armed country for that matter, have absolutely no intention of using these weapons for fear of global retaliation. Virtually every ally will cease to be one should a country use a nuclear warhead offensively; even if it is a pre-emptive strike. The concept of MAD still exists to this very day. This is why most wars fought by the larger nations are fought conventionally with the use of boots. Tactics nowadays use precision rather than destruction to achieve military goals so long as collateral and friendly damage is minimized. Although the exception would be the stupid drone strikes that Obama keeps ordering.

  6. Why should only North Korea have to undergo disarmament, why not America, and Russia, and the UK, and France? Any of these countries could radically become unstable tomorrow, and become rogue states, what if the nukes are Kim Jong Un's safety net, so that if America attack, he actually has some basis of defencive threat. 


    Just an alternative view..


    Ever heard of the START-1 and START-2? During the Cold War, both NATO and the USSR realized the potential dangers of having such weapons (both sides have thousands of nuclear weapons at this point). The agreement was to disarm their nuclear stockpiles significantly while still maintaining a 'healthy' number of weapons for deterrence. The two sides have matured after half a decade of trigger fingers getting itchy. The problem with regimes like Iran and the DPRK having nuclear weapons is that they will use such weapons offensively rather than in a defensive stance. The US does not even want Israel to have such a weapon for the same reason, considering their actions against Iraq in the 90's and threats against Iran and Syria recently.



    There was a discussion made not too long ago about why Saddam Insane did not deny any accusation of having WMDs. Whether or not the UN was absolutely sure he had such weapons. Saddam would've wanted to seem armed to the world. Why? To keep control of his own people. With the mustard gas attacks he ordered against the Kurds and the Iranians, his people knew what he's capable of. In order to deter a possible large-scale rebellion Saddam needed to have a major show of force.

  7. Most people that know me on this forum already know where my stance is regarding the various military ventures the US has been involved in. I won't go into detail about my opinions so I will just state some facts.


    i have no wish to argue political points or anyhting of the sort, but i am disappointed with Pres. Obama and his foreign policy promises, because he promised to end two utterly useless and highly destructive wars on foreign soil, Afghanistan and Iraq, and over 5 years later, nothing has changed. Pres. Obama sent 17,000 MORE troops to Afghanistan in his first term, stepped up the drone campaign even more than Bush did, and we are still stuck in Iraq. he had promised all frontline troops would be out of Iraq by June 2013, and there are over 30,000 more personnel of all US military branches, in Iraq right now, then when Pres. Obama came into office in January 2009. it took THREE YEARS to bring everyone home from Iraq in the 1991 Desert Storm, and they haven't even begun to reduce troop levels in Iraq, as of March 30, 2013.


    60 years after the armistice, we still have combat troops in Korea [the Korean war never ended and there have been many instances where both sides have exchanged fire];68 years after WWII we still have troops in Germany, Italy, and Japan. 115 years later, we still have troops in Cuba. The presence of combat forces in these theatres is a show of force against potential aggressors towards American interests overseas (whether that be oil, political influence, economic sovereignty, etc) and also serve as a quick reaction force should a flashpoint present itself in each region. After Desert Storm, the US kept at least one combat ready naval battle-group in the Persian Gulf to keep Saddam Insane in check.


    Although saving many American lives by keeping them out of harm's way, these drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen are illegal acts of aggression by US. The mission to kill Osama bin Laden was praised by many but was an illegal act of war against Pakistan (technically speaking). The drone strike in Yemen that killed Anwar al-Awlaki was an unconstitutional act against an American citizen. President Obama went against the 5th and 6th Amendment to the constitution (although the rhetoric in the 5th Amendment may allow this as an exception with the "in time of War" clause).


    i have always been disgusted by these two oil wars, due to the sheer waste of lives, material, and money we don't have, and it is all a waste, because as soon as all US forces are removed from Iraqi soil, the puppet gov't will collapse, and the Sunnis will start killing Kurds again, same crap will happen in Afghanistan, as the taliban will topple the corrupt puppet karzai, and everything will revert to the way it was before we invaded. opium rules Afghanistan, always has, always will. we are now 17 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt because of these wars, and people wonder why i am so disillusioned about politics in the USA. they are all corrupt. we cannot afford all this world policeman crap.


    Firstly, any oil in Afghanistan too insignificant for the West to want compared to lets say Saudi Arabia. After the USSR pulled out of Afghanistan in '89 there was a power vacuum in which the Taliban took advantage of. One way or another, Afghanistan is a country in which the people are so divided that no single entity can govern it. It's just like the European colonization of Africa in the 19th century, the Europeans were too dumb to realize that certain African tribes should not be pooled together. This is why Africa is cursed with continuous civil wars. The same can be said about Afghanistan. The British weren't able to rule, the Soviets weren't able to rule, the Taliban weren't able to rule. "Ðикто никогда не Ñумел завоеват афганиÑтан, никто никогда." (sp? [since Genghis Khan]'No one has ever managed to conquer Afghanistan, no one.' -9th Company)


    About the useless spending, my only personal opinion: We live in an world where economies are run by fiat currencies; there's no solid value to money anymore. What is debt when there's no legitimate value to the money we owe/earn. Money is only as valuable as we say it is.


    (I think we should return to the pre-Bretton Woods gold standard system)

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