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The Midnight Q

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Posts posted by The Midnight Q

  1. I agree, although I would never describe it as looking gay because that can be offensive :P. I do have a few guy friends who have leather loafer type shoes made by UGG. They look like any sort of mens slip on shoes, but have fur in them as well. They love them, and I think they look fine with pants! But, the boots are a no on guys in my opinion.

    I wouldn't say they are okay to wear everywhere. But, a long day at school they are perfect. Guys want comfort too!!!

    Here are some pics of what I am talking about:



    By all means guys have options in the UGG brand and no doubt they are very warm and very comfortable. IMO the loafer type shoes are good enough. The slippers and boots are a no no.


    (btw I apologize again for my comment on the other thread... nothing personal but I find that UGGs are almost a cliche among younger girls)


    I agree! Those are good shoes; they are normal guy shoes. But these?:


    I think not.


    Yeah let's agree that boots are definitely a no for guys. I've seen guys wear 'em (some just want to be different while others actually have it as a legitimate part of their outfits) and it just looks so weird on a guy...

  2. No, i don't think that's mean. Obviously she can have her hair however she wants it and it doesn't bother me. But I know a lot of people prefer it longer, and if i'm honest i do too -but she has the face for any hairstyle really :)


    I'm probably one of the few that really loved her pixie cut. haha


    Sounds like she regrets cutting it now. She sounds a little unhappy when talking about it.


    And it didn't take long for her to start regrowing it.



    And, honestly: While many like the pixie cut, I don't think it will be missed when it's gone.


    Well did she cut it to make a statement(other than marking the end of her career as Hermione)? or did she truly find the style "sexy and feminine" as she was quoted saying on a comment about her new look. Either way she looked good with long hair, looked good with short hair and might as well say she'll look good in between.


    Awww, am I the only one who will miss her short hair? I adore it to bits. :( But as she mentioned it'll take quite some time to grow back, she'll have fun with all the lengths she go through. :)


    I'm with you there. For some reason I find that kind of style very attractive on a woman and on the contrary not really "butch" per se. (I'll be honest though, there are certain features on a woman's face and figure that complement the pixie; some just aren't made for it, but that's ok)


    Anyway it'll be interesting to see where she'll take this, her options are much wider now that she doesn't have to have her hair long to play Hermione.

  3. Ohh Dr. Scholl's sounds wonderful. Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely have a look for some but I'll most likely have to buy online, not a problem. :)


    I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find it at your local pharmacy or supermarket.

  4. Vice City is up there although I do quite get addicted to GTA-IV whenever pick it up after a while. Cruising around and causing mayhem never really gets old, the side missions like finding all the pigeons and easter eggs are fun to go after as well if you get bored sniping people or trying to last as long as possible on 6 stars. Anyways I joined a fb group 'cause I read the title, could relate to it wholly and laugh by just reading it: "I used to kill the hookers in Grand Theft Auto to get my money back."

  5. I tend to prefer to wear dark, neutral and for lack of a better term, dull, colours. Much of my attires is mainly black, white and grey with the occasional blue. I do get compliments when I wear red sometimes since I guess it goes well with my skin tone; personally I'm not a fan.

  6. 7 for all mankind skinny jeans


    Calvin Klein white scoup neck shirt


    Aqua cardigan


    Black scarf


    Grey UGGs





    Well since I already changed out of the clothes I wore during the day, currently I'm in a Club Monaco hoodie (which is probably one of the most comfortable sweaters I ever put on) and some Budweiser print pajama bottoms.

  7. Watching Three Wise Men at the moment. This show is by far the greatest ever on the tele. I'm surprised how much funding they're getting from the BBC to film their shenanigans.

  8. Two words: gel insoles. I have a pair of dress boots I've worn for almost 3 years now. The original insoles are pretty much gone so I put in some gel insoles which are reeeeally comfy. If you wear open-toed shoes then the jury's out.


    (From a guys pov)

    As far as clothes quality and cost go hand in hand. The cheaper things I buy usually fall apart faster than the more expensive things I buy. But yeah, definitely depends on where you shop. I have a few pairs of jeans that ran me $200 each but they fit very well, made very well and pretty comfortable; not to mention stylish. The pair of $30 Levi's I got was very tight and stiff and runs small (which is weird since they're 2 inches wider in waist size than the Trues I have); they were ruined after 1 wash too... :( Finding trousers for a tiny guy like me is really hard.


    Tops are a bit iffy. I can say that anything I get from Express fits very well but terrible quality.

  9. Fair enough. But that would mean people can think differently. Because I don't see as many murders and gun problems in Switzerland. But I agree in our current world situation it's sadly not easy at all. But afterall my believe is that weapons of any kind make the situation worse.


    I seriously can't understand why people have to do that to each other (to kill and stuff). I just don't get the logic behind it.


    Oh no doubt on that. Even when people are the ones that cause violent crimes, weapons are only the tools. Tools make things easier to perform. The human mind is the most difficult thing to understand, I too have no idea why people would want to deliberately take another life. I just know that there are those that do. As far as wars are concerned, any combat veteran you meet who says that they enjoy taking another human being's life is either lying or a clear section 8. Mostly though, they're just doing what they must whether they like it or not. The cause in doing so can be left for argument but lets not go there.

  10. I'm against gun use. People shouldn't have guns in their homes, it's crazy. If guns would make anything safer, the US would be the safest country lol. Germany has very strict laws. Most people don't own any guns. You need a lot of special permissions. It's a pain to get one. But on the other hand Germany is a major arms-exporting country.


    It can only be stopped if people start thinking differently. That war and aggression isn't the way. Otherwise I don't see how it can be stopped.


    I beg to differ. Switzerland, a country in which every male citizen keeps a government issue assault rifle in his house is one of the safest. Per capita, Switzerland has more guns than the US. Guns aren't the problem, people are. And sadly people won't start thinking differently. I'm a realist and believe that there is no such thing as Utopia. In the meantime I plan on keeping the guns I own. Mainly for collection purposes, right now I'm trying to acquire long rifles used by both sides in WWII.


    As long as we have criminals they will find weapons. I think the real issue here is looking at the reasons why crime and violent crime are increasing (if in fact they are). Weapons are simply a tool to commit a crime. While owning a gun may be protection it is not a deterant, as most criminals are not going to know whether or not you own a gun. I'm not going to feel safer until we do a better job at decreasing the motivations for people to commit violent acts on other people. There's a very complex social, economic and phsycological aspect to criminal motivation and criminal deterance.


    Washington, D.C. completely bans handguns but has one of the highest rates of crimes involving handguns in the US. As you're saying weapons are only a tool. If guns kill people, pencils misspell words. The Philippines has much more strict laws regarding guns; in short unless you're very well connected with government officials, a bodyguard or very rich it's close to impossible to obtain a firearm legally. On the contrary many guns involved in crimes are obtained illegally from various sources.


    In short my argument is, guns aren't the problem. People are.

  11. I dreamed I met Emma Watson! Wish the dream was real. I just can't describe what I feel for her. Its more then a crush I guess. I like her for 3 freagin months now :$ I nees help...


    Join the club man.



    I woke up around 7AM but went back to sleep until 10. Between that I had a weird dream. Another thing is that I had the dream in the first place. I haven't really remembered dreaming for months now. Well in short, I spent the night at the house of the family of this girl I kinda had a crush on last year. We ate dinner with everybody, watched a movie with everybody and then me and her fell asleep on the futon 'cause there wasn't a room for me. It seemed more as if we were family friends but nothing else. After I fell asleep in the dream, I awoke in reality. Another weird thing was that in reality, I fell asleep and woke up to the song "Just a Dream" by Nelly.


    Honestly I'm just glad that I had a dream in the first place haha

  12. I will be at home with my husband and my son, but certainly doing nothing special.


    We by each other cards but thats all.... the whole thing is a waste of money with the cheap tat presents that go on sale, it's just an excuse for card shops to make money.


    Card shops need to make money year round one way or another... there are also the jewelry shops hiking up their marketing for Valentine's Day.


    I will be spending that day at work, nothing special.

  13. I'm guessing you have a 4X4. It is fun to drive in when you have that. We've been hit recently with snow as well. I always like to get in the 4X4 and go out in it. I end up pulling out people in Camrys and Mini Coopers and such that are stuck. I honestly don't know what they're thinking trying to drive those tiny cars in such conditions.


    Unfortunately, I don't. We would have a lot of fun sliding with my friend's 4x4 F150 in a parking lot. I make do with the few 'powerslides' in the FF I have. Getting and maintaining traction with such a small car and such slick roads is a little tricky but not impossible.



    We already got them. High winds, rain etc. My boyfriend set flight in a gust of wind i was holding onto the handle bars... we were laughing after though. It feels impossible to breathe in it.


    Tame the winds! Only then can you learn how to fly. j/k On the lighter side, spring is right around the corner and hopefully things should calm a bit then.

  14. If I was a girl... no. If I was getting it for my girlfriend or someone... possibly, not digging the whole backless thing.



    Would you pay £275.00 for this Burberry scarf?



    ...Checked the site, counterfeit. But I did for a real one; ran me around US $345



    Would you dish $235 for these?


  15. I was just posting the graph to show people how much snow we actually got :P. I didn't mean for it to be interpreted as global warming (etc).


    Mini Winter Olympics FTW!!


    We got an immediate freeze after rains the other day. Some buddies and I went to a local park and pulled a sled with an ATV, waaay more fun than downhill.

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