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Everything posted by lana_

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWTuXJFarzI&feature=player_embedded
  2. thank you SO much!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. wow then she IS wearing a wig... it doesn't really look natural
  4. i've posted what i had found. =/
  5. it's weird, cause it was taken the 15th aka on her birthday! is it just me, or it is more common to look happy and all dressed up on your birthday?? but apart from that she does look really lovely =)
  6. that teddy bear in the back of her room looks scary....
  7. I'll fourth that statement. ♥ i'll do so too! just one question: what kind of crazy people stay indoors because of acne????
  8. img img1 img2 img3 here are some more, if you please =) more more 1 more 2 more3 more4 more5
  9. well ,she looks like her. especially in the last shots.
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