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Tick tock

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Everything posted by Tick tock

  1. I rem that one interviewer asked about something dan said about being horny or something and it completly through emma and rupert off was funny. They were just looking at one another like wtf
  2. Its been a good shipping day today yay! I was just thinking at what time did everyone else start to think something was going on between the two? imagine we all pin pointed the same time. That would totally mean something.
  3. Ha its hilarious dan with ruperts hand...yeah rupert and emma look way way btr.
  4. Yeah im with you about the openess of her relationship with dan i think we can all see that difference on the way she acts with both boys oops men. i dont get what ya mean by if rupert liked her he wud be the one she wasnt sure about?
  5. These posts are gettin very exciting the buzz is inreal. Everyone seems to have a similar opinion across the board on mr and mrs giggles its only matter of time now id say. Cant wait to see them at premiere and in interviews gonna be exciting. At to emma fan look at all the support this ship has and people dnt just ship them because of their characters... The above post said it all of you look for reasons you will find them. Patience is a virtue so rem the looks the love and get ready for best premiere yet ! Tick tock shippers
  6. Ha ha lol that is excellent i agree with all the above comments cbmac12 ur soooo right. I actually cant stop laughing at this post "your doing it wrong" excellent. Ive also noticed with emma in interviews esp round xmas she cant stop smiling when rupert is brought up she tries to stop herself esp in the one where she says you can see it all over ruperts face. She tries her hardest not to smile but she does ha. Tick tock fellow shippers tick tock ha
  7. well i wont yell thats a guarantee......oh lord i have no idea what to say. I think there is chemistry and tension and feelings galore! Surely you saw/see this if you ship them?!
  8. well i wont yell thats a guarantee......oh lord i have no idea what to say. I think there is chemistry and tension and feelings galore! Surely you saw/see this if you ship them?!
  9. OMG i just watched that video all 14.50 mins of it was the best one so far! All the proof anyone needs is in that video its lovely. so sweet its full of the loooove loved it! cbmac12 best so far well done on the find There so is something to pick up on! Watch that long video....watch the videos from last few pages of posts and read the links posted on them..plenty of somethings to pick up on. the chemistry between them oozes...
  10. Aww Thanks but i defo believe that her and dan are just friends.... I dont agree with the coldness either coldness enfers that they dont like each other in any way but the theory behind what was said in completely true. They are tryin to appear indifferent to one another on public but its not working out.
  11. Soooo not giving up i defo see somethin. Its electric so sweet the way they are together. Emma has such an extreme reaction to the kiss with rupert than her kiss with dan. Its weird like she is all giggly about it in the mtv interview where she says she pounces on him. I cant wait for interview time and premiere gonna be great! Emma fan i think that her and dan are close but only in friendship way...i dont see the sparks or electricity between them in recent pics and premieres. She appears to be standing closer etc to rupert.
  12. Yeah the connection is there alrite the chemistry shines through. The body language the chemistry even if they arent together there share somethin special i imagine.
  13. I also found really cute page http://romioneshipper.tumblr.com/post/2795487013/why-i-think-that-rupert-and-emma-should-get-together
  14. Yeah i noticed Jay looking and i was like uh-oh! Rupert and Emma kept glancing at one another on the red carpet too was super cute. I love that rupert has a place near emma means they can pop over to each other. i really cant wait to see if they visit each other post potter.. i bet they will
  15. just a little reminder.....restore the faith you've prob seen them before but they are sweet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LweXjX5d_N8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XazUYL9Ka9M
  16. I agree 100%.....we just have to wait
  17. Really? Emma has always said that she is similar to hermione and ron type character is good for her. The characteristics she thinks complement her are the ones she uses to describe rupert too. Maybe they havent actually realised this yet but im willing to bet they have and havent acted on it.
  18. love it! of course they see it the proper question is why havent they done anythin yet?
  19. What a lovely description warm and fire! aww i agree i dont think he has confronted those feelings i dont think either of them have....i duno about charlotte messing with peoples heads she is his sister so i imagine it being a case of protecting her brother....roll on dh2 promotion so we can see what story is.....
  20. Aww thats the stuff proper soul mates are made of ha ha really loved the post Charlotte isnt going to confirm or deny anything so relax on what people say to her and on what she says. i know we all get impatient waiting to hear looking for reasons to doubt the chemistry...reading a little too much into things....they have chemistry both on and off screen. i think chemistry between friends is a lot different to what they have.... As the others have said dont jump ship :)patience is a virtue. all good things in their own time
  21. maybe they are friends??? friends can go out together have dinner, drinks and have it be nothing. rumours start all the time like that...could be its not worth denying..... surely they would have pictures or something by now..... all will be revealed in good time... i doubt if he is dating her he will be able to hide it for long with all the pressure poor fella...its his personal life and if he chooses to keep it private and can do so fairplay...but still dont jump ship look at the videos and pics...rem the chemistry...
  22. okay first hi, second breathe :)dnt mind what i said just a moment of madness, they will keep in contact they shared ten yrs together growing up so no fear of that i imagine...who is to say that they dont get togther few yrs down the road... chemistry is chemistry you have it or you dont and they have it defo! whether they act on it or not only time will tell..i believe they will...chemistry like that you cant ignore forever....as for Rupert dating Georgia at the moment no one knows for sure and if hes happy (like the others have said here) then thats great...dont give up just yet..
  23. i seem to always give the impression that im jumping ship which is not true at all..i read that article today and was like ah damn ha ha i agree with all your comments and i think its really rude of people to call georgia all those names because she is not emma. i hope that if the rumour has some truth that people dnt start going mad and start abusing the poor girl.
  24. OMG! Rupert is apparently dating georgia groome! oh no
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