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The Emma-Watson.net Forum

2 Pints

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Status Updates posted by 2 Pints

  1. can't believe it's been 10 years..never forget September 11th, 2001.

  2. the flu sucks. that is all.

  3. wow..just had a 5.2 earthquake o.o

  4. i got a 0 on a project that i turned in. sent the teacher an email, so she better change that 0 into some points..

  5. my freedom is slowly slipping away, i start classes again next week D:

  6. i officially hate the oscars..yup

  7. I don't even know why I try anymore. No matter what I do or say I always get someone pissed at me even when its not even my fault.

  8. just when I thought my mom was starting to get better I was proven wrong yesterday, its not fair!

  9. eff everything.

  10. "dude I wasnt that drunk" "dude you threw a mushroom at a midget and yelled GROW MARIO! GROW!"

  11. idk why but i feel like i've done something wrong :/


  13. whats the point of having any friends or even best friends if they only get in trouble for talking to you? fml

  14. if heaven wasnt so far away..

  15. i miss you mom :(

  16. can't believe its been a month, there isn't a day i don't think about you, but the only thing that makes me feel better is that i'll see you again someday

  17. so if this phone interview goes well i may be spending a semester of college in Florida :D

  18. can't believe we're stuck with Obama for another 4 years..

  19. that still sucks though :(

  20. if your still online, come back to the chat

  21. thanks. I might be back on the chat in a little bit..i just needed to get off for a awhile

  22. sorry i was really quiet, i had to go do something really fast

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