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About Lollipop

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  1. Im about 5 hours too early but its your birthday here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (and fathers day )Hope ya have a great day and get loadz pressies lots lof love lolls
  2. Happy birthday jensey love ya lots hope you have a great day and for god sake come see this jsjs see ya later xxxxx and i clearly know you betteri wud neva give ya green supplies pfff pink all the way!
  3. EMMY WEMMY, I know you wish Jen was here but im better rofl jsjs HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRENCH PRINCESS by far the best bridemaid now we must have fun and be bold as usual...bring on the boys Lolly xxxxx
  4. Lollipop


    Hi again Nina hope you have loads of fun. Theres a great bunch of people here soim sure you will.
  5. Its an epic video made by the shippers here...cbmac, soulsister, mr p, luciana, namedcouertney and tt....its my fav ever! With regards tts reply to me i get you can believe in things you dont see. I hope its not the end
  6. I agree Jon everybody he is lovely and respectful of each others views which is lovely. You dont see that in all forums. LOL esp with people like me I loved the video too its joint favourite with the ten year one and its not because im biased! I think Jen you made a mistake with 6 people it should be 7 also dedicated to the creators impossible optimism also... With all that being sad my heart sank when i saw the pics of Johnny in London and now im wondering will our ship sink or sail. What does everyone think? i mean if you look at the evidence they were both in relationships at the premier
  7. Hey Guys im back!!!!!! Ive been trying to keep an eye on this johnny thing! I kinda believe they are together i mean i dont think emma wud fake a kiss would she in public esp? it did look like an awful kiss though jeez i was like on no watching it! She kissed him at the MTV awards too didnt she! After everything that happened over premiere time and everything...so sad i dont think it will last though i mean how can it and esp with the chemistry her and Rupes have this guy doesnt stand a chance i just hope her and Rupert can get it together...and fast! Im beginning to think Rupes is shy...and
  8. i thought this was nice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw_XyVPKB18
  9. i loved this video one of my favourite songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiTpDbjNfBo&feature=related
  10. Ha ha good old Rupert his tshirts are the best! He is such a comical character. I think its sweet ha ha Toms face was so funny when he saw
  11. Nah couldnt Would you lick dirty shoes to meet emma?
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