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Status Replies posted by cbmac12

  1. I know I'm a bit early, but that's so I cover my bases. Have a wonderful New Year and Christmas Kristin! 2014 is the Year of the Grint on the Chinese Calander. =D =P

    1. cbmac12


      LOL!!!! No you are not Jon ;) Merry Christmas to you too and Happy New year as well! GRINTSON will happen!!!!!!!!! ;)

  2. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      GIRL!!!! Whats up!! Sorry been away!! :) Your post was too funny LOL...I LOVED the kiss simply because it looked so real...but yeah wanted to strangle Yates for the angle!! I loved everything about it to be honest probably because R/Hr moments were perfect for me. I cried my eyes out when they show Snape, Fred, Remus,Tonks, even Lavender!!! I dont even like her and I cried! R/Hr holding hands w. Harry at the end,the epilogue-yeah I was a...

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  3. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      I KNOW I SAW!!!! ;) That was SO cool!!! I am so glad ya had the time of your life-I cant imagine what that must have been like to see JKR, Rupert, Emma, Dan, I mean EVERYONE in person!!!! Thanks for sharing your pic w. us btw :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  4. im so excited for christmas!

  5. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      HEy no worries :) I have been officially done w. school for 5 days now LOL...That is awesome that a yank will get to see the premiere w. yas!! SO jealous!!! PLEASE take lots of pics!!!! Oh yeah update FF stories when ya can...premiere stuff first (takes priority ;))...in the USA we dont get it till later so yall are SO lucky!!!! ;)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  6. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      did ya see the trailer clips? I had a heart attack at the R/Hr moments-especially ONE of their MOMENTS ;)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  7. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      Hey girl!! School is OUT for us FINALLY!! :)

      The sign for ILY in case ya want to know...keep pinky up, put down ring and index finger, keep next finger and thumb up ;)yes SO cool for R/Hr to learn it!!! :) I AM DYING FOR THIS STORY GIRL!!! ;) 3 hours!! What are ya cleaning!

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  8. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      AWESOME :) Research? That is so freakin cool that you are doing this!! What did ya think of it? I thought oh Laura is a better idea person than me :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  9. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      YEE HA!!!! :) WOHOO!!! LOL...awesome girl...new FF idea-I dont know why this came to me...btw HERMIONE LIVES LOL-I have to admit yas scared me there in that last one...ok will email yas at FF since it is too much to write here. LOL

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  10. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      ITS DONE!!!!! DId ya post it yet?? YES you SHOULD celebrate!! Hey goofy question... will ya take another FF idea for R/Hr? :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  11. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      You are evil! LOL!!! WOHOO TO THE LONG ONE!!!! YEAH!! Thanks for the concern for my shoulder-yea bad 2 weeks but finally healing!!! PHEW... welcome back "home" :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  12. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      Ahem my friend-where is the next chap??? I am with a crappy shouler injury now and would love to read my fav story ;) Broken!!!! ;)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  13. conspiring over fan fiction. new works coming soon ;)

    1. cbmac12


      ok so where is that next chap missy? ;) Hope all is well!! The max movie mode-UNREAL-my friend has blu-ray-thank goodness!! :)

  14. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      I know isnt it? I am reading Perks now (SOOO GOOD!!!!!) and will be starting HG #2 after!! Did ya see the hug between R/E on it? :) SO SWEET AND SO SAD TO SEE THAT WITH EVERYONE CRYING!!! :(

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  15. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      SAW your pics- LUCKY ;) It sounds like it was a BLAST!! :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  16. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      Hey Laura! I am well :) How was the DVD launch?!! Sorry Emma couldnt make it and same w. Rupert :( I know the KISS is OMG unreal isnt it!!! ;)

      2 weeks NOOOO LOL kidding- you take your time... I just finished reading Hunger Games and now am in part 2 of Perks of being a Wallflower-wow very different role for Emma! Rupert's new role also is very different (Comrade)...the 2 of them def spreading their wings! Good on them :) Take care Laura!!

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  17. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      ARE YOU GETTING READY!! ;) I heard that it sounds like Emma wont be there so far- hoping she will be at NY one though but maybe her schedule is packed right now. Rupert is also busy, filming.

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  18. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      Take lots of pictures :) Have a B-L-A-S-T!!!!! :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  19. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      Is that the DVD launch? They said he would be filming 5-6 weeks-so my guess is yeah he will miss it :( I wonder if Emma will be there? My guess would be they would want SOMEONE MAIN from trio to be there ya know? :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  20. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      AWESOME!!!!! ;) I dont know if Rupert can make it-he will be in Norway filming :( Emma might though! I hope maybe BOTH can be there!!! ;)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  21. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      SO cant wait Laura!!!! :) I loved Chp.5-the scene when Hermione cant get Mudblood off so sad!!! :( Ron being there for her-ROCKS...

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  22. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      I got it :) I think FF is working again :) I want to re-read it-SOOOO good.... ;)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  23. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      WHAT???? NOOO... send it to me then LOL...kidding...did ya email FF.net?

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  24. im so excited for christmas!

    1. cbmac12


      LOL NIIICE :) That sounds awesome! I was wondering if you were gonna get this chap up BEFORE the DVD launch event ;) You would be so distracted that ya probably wouldnt be able to concentrate! I know I wouldnt be able to!! SO LUCKY AGAIN!!! :) Ya deserve it!!! :)

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

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