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Everything posted by perfect.shivers

  1. perfect.shivers


    Nervous. -perfect.shivers
  2. I'll incorporate the advice about 'less texture' into my next designs, but for now - here's last nights work before my exam. I think this is all I did, but then again - my brain is foggy. I used different coloring for each one. Oh, and this first one is an X-Files episode one, I should have accompanied it with text 'Boredom', but I was way to tired to think of how to do it. Boredom; Tardis siggies; -perfect.shivers
  3. I'll keep experimenting, thanks! ;D Hehe, thank yoo. =] I'll remember that most people like the clear lines, and thanks! Thankz yoo! ;D I would try different fonts, but the ones I've been using are the ones that go best with my graphics. Thick ones seem to stand out to much. I will try again though. -perfect.shivers
  4. Got in trouble of course. -perfect.shivers
  5. Amazing! Very pretty! -perfect.shivers
  6. Finding some textures, and then exam studying! -perfect.shivers
  7. Made sum graphics last night. The first one is for Kella as a personal request. Here's sumthin else. My new set. And a question, which coloring is better for this? 1'st 2'nd Thats all, I'd appreciate if you tell me whut yoo think. [; -perfect.shivers
  8. Looks fine and dandy to moi, I'll try 'em out this week, thank yoo! -perfect.shivers
  9. perfect.shivers


    Tasty? -perfect.shivers
  10. perfect.shivers


    Hurried. -perfect.shivers
  11. Your gif is breathtaking! Haha, actually in a way. But yeah, love the gif set, and the retouch is amazing! -perfect.shivers
  12. Going to play sum Halo. -perfect.shiver
  13. Oh, I thought this might be a good time to ask. For the first time in a while, I have free time on my hands, like I mean - lotsofit! I've been meaning to learn how to properly cut out and select objects from stock photos and practically anything, like most graphic makers here do, and I was wondering if someone could point me to a good tutorial for learning how to do that. I've tried before, and I'm no better then terrible. So if anyone of you know a good video/tutorial/write-up that could help me, it would be absoulutley fantastic if someone could give me a link. Thanks in advance. [=
  14. perfect.shivers


    In pain. -perfect.shivers
  15. Of course you can, here you are. ;D
  16. New wallpaper is stunning! -perfect.shivers
  17. Thank yoo very much! Your very, very flattering! Was very stoopid yesterday and stayed up all night (or attempted to) on a school night, without coffee. Fell asleep at 6:30, woke up 12:00. So, er - besides all the Minecrafting I did, here's one of the things I did last night. EDIT: Aah, whutever. Here's the whole image I was messing around with. I've been messing with overlays and 'lightens' (lightens?) of certain stuff, trying to make 'em look good. So here you have it; -perfect.shivers
  18. Very, very beautiful! I love it! -perfects.shivers
  19. Going to school hours late. I slept in. >.< -perfect.shivers
  20. perfect.shivers


    Tired. -perfect.shivers
  21. Thanks so much! Yoo have made by day! Thank yoo so much; I really need to keep practicing. <3 -perfect.shivers
  22. Cute chapter Jade. Seriously amazing. [; -perfect.shivers
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