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Midnight Toker

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Status Updates posted by Midnight Toker

  1. I'm a co-owner to a pet sitting business. I'm also a writer. Doing a novel now and I write for blogs. It all has nothing to do with what I majored in. XD

  2. This is true. I love what I do so it's all good. It helps since I'm disabled that it's not a lot of hours. I majored in Psychology with a minor in English and Music.

  3. I ended up changing to Biology last minute for my degree which was stupid. I wanted to do medicine to make my dad happy. Anyway, I can't do any of that lol. I have a hard time with it mostly cause I have Aspergers. /shrug Being good at Psychology though is good for education. :)

  4. I can see you doing counseling. Don't ask me why, it just seems like a great fit. Especially if you are working with children. You have a big heart and an open mind. It's a good mix for that sort of work.

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