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Everything posted by Roberto

  1. Okay, so back when she starts school, she isn't doing any other projects, and she says she's totally focused on school alone. That's her statement at that time. Then, she starts taking on more projects, doing movies, and living away from Brown. These actions, which happened after the original statements, means that her priorities have clearly changed. You're saying that her being in movies and being the face of Lancome isn't telling everybody that her priorities are on those things as well? And the fact that she isn't telling interviewers that her priorities have changed means she
  2. You were saying that Emma needs to say "I'm doing other things besides studying". And that since she isn't saying that, she is misleading people into thinking that she is constantly studying and focusing only on that. So I said, everyone who watches her movies knows that she isn't only studying. So she doesn't need to say that, because her actions already do.
  3. Their core demographic is 12-34, so not quite that young. If they're teenagers, then they would understand that actors don't just show up for a weekend and make a movie.
  4. I have no idea. Do 7-10 year olds ever read or look for anything that Emma says off camera? Do kids that young even really care that a celebrity is going to college? I honestly don't know. I don't really talk to that many little kids.
  5. Once again, you are combining Professional Emma with Private Emma. In interviews she's talking about what she does in her real life. Not in the press. She doesn't wear inappropriate clothes around New York. Also, Ray-Bans aren't considered oversized by anyone. Oversized as seen in The Bling Ring: In Real Life: Do you have any other examples?
  6. So her actions aren't contradicting her own statements, her actions are contradicting your interpretation of her statements? Have I got that right?
  7. Do they watch the movies she's in? If they do, I think it's safe to say that they managed to figured out she's not always at school, don't you think?
  8. Saying one thing and doing another is the definition of a hypocrite. Nobody is putting words in your mouth. The problem is that you keep saying that Emma is always talking about how school is the most important thing in her life, but every time I ask you to prove that she is saying that, you can't.
  9. Like all those movies she's doing? Don't you think people would figure out she's not just studying 24/7? If people can't realize that, why is it Emma's responsibility to point out what is already so obvious?
  10. I looked up the history program at Brown, and a thesis is only required for those in the honors program.
  11. You usually write a thesis for your masters degree, and a dissertation for your doctorate. Normally their is no long form research done at the undergraduate level.
  12. So let's say, hypothetically, that she does graduate after this semester. Are you going to suggest that she accomplished this because of these "donations" you claim she is giving?
  13. No actor can forcibly make others more famous. Unknown actors don't suddenly become famous because an A-list actor promoted them. That's not how fame works.
  14. That would just make the spotlight on Sofia alone. It would solve nothing, and would make her miss out on one of the biggest events in her acting career. Broussard and Chang aren't famous. They won't suddenly become famous just because Emma isn't there. They will continue to be ignored by the press. This is not Emma's fault and she has no control over it.
  15. How is that Emma's fault? She doesn't run Cannes.
  16. There's a difference between Professional Emma and Private Emma. You may think you know Professional Emma, but when it comes to Private Emma, you will never know the whole truth. If you were a serious actor, and a movie you were in got screened by Cannes for the first time in your career, you wouldn't miss that for the world. I promise you.
  17. She is promoting a movie that she appears in. If she, one of the most well-known Hollywood actresses today, chose not to promote it, don't you think that would negatively affect the movie's performance? Actors don't promote movies because they like going on talk shows and having awkward conversations with the host. They promote movies because it's a part of the contract they signed when they agreed to do the movie. Most actors hate going out and promoting movies. It's not fun for them. It's work. Also, Cannes is one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. If you'
  18. Either you believe the things she says about herself or you don't. Is she not really shy and boring, and only saying that to try and control her public image through lies? Or is she just trying to honestly describe how she views herself? Which do you believe? Promoting your movie is part of making a movie. You don't purposefully try to hurt the marketing of your movie just because you don't like the spotlight. It would affect everyone who worked on the film, not just herself. Are you saying that she secretly likes the spotlight but lies about it to make people think sh
  19. You were saying that if Emma continues to be a private person, people would eventually forget about her. As if this would be a bad thing, and that she wouldn't want that. So I said, she wouldn't see that as a bad thing, since she doesn't like being recognized constantly. In response to that, you said "Emma likes being in the spotlight". I then showed you evidence that contradicts this. So. Knowing what you know now, do you still think that Emma wants to be in the spotlight currently? Let me get this straight. You're saying that Emma is purposefully attempting to t
  20. I never said: "If she suddenly wasn't rich and famous, she would be fine with that." I said: "If she woke up tomorrow, and the world didn't know her name, she would be fine with that." Do you still disagree with that? Just because she can change you're image of her, it doesn't mean she can change it for the millions of other people who talk about her. Why do you want her to try to take control of something she could never actually control?
  21. I never said anything about money. She has enough money to last a lifetime. I said if everyone forgot who Emma Watson was, she would be totally fine with that. Fame and stardom isn't what allows her to live her life, that's what money is for. She could choose to be a recluse and enjoy her money if she wanted to. She just chose acting instead.
  22. "I think when you take away all, like, the premieres and press stuff and all the special effects, then you just come down to the fact that it's all about acting, and I think that has been the best bit for me." "I want to be normal. I really want anonymity." "School was my retreat; the one place I could go where people couldn’t follow me," "I never wanted any of the things that a lot of the people who go into this industry want, I never wanted to be famous. My parents never wanted this for me. I never even wanted this until a year ago. I was so overwhelmed by the way that people respond
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