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Status Updates posted by Dax

  1. Dax

    I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...y'know?

  2. Very cool miss kim -_o.

  3. Dax

    If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss. And if to live the fewer the greater share of honor! God's will I pray thee, I wish thee not one man more. BoMa, proclaim it that he who hath no stomach for this fight depart. His passport shall be made and crowns put into his purse! We would not die in that mans company! ;) (I'd put more but the character limit ...

  4. Dax

    (takes BoMa's hand) they can beat us, mistreat us, and kill us, BUT THEY CAN NEVER, EVER, STILL OUR WILL TO FIGHT BOMA!!!!!!!

  5. Dax

    dude I say still but meant steal @_@, guess it works loosely though O_O...

  6. Dax

    Omg, BooooooMa, I get it, it's because you are a ghost!!! :o!

  7. Dax

    I was thinking more ghost owl.

  8. Dax

    You know what Arie? IIIIIIIII DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIGGGGG AND I DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIG DIIIIG DIG DIG DIIIIIIG. Yeah...I see you couldn't stay away from my profile either -_o haha.

  9. Dax

    I'm burying myself now after the horrendous trade my team just made. Uggggggggh T_T

  10. Dax

    Yes it does

  11. I have lost the will to make a signature

  12. Dax

    Yeah I know, I just wanted to prove that you are stalking me :D.

  13. Dax

    You only eye roll because you know it's true ^.^.

  14. Dax

    Hey if you pay for my plane ticket I'll dig you out. Might take me a couple of days but I'll get you out :P.

  15. Dax

    Hey no problem, enjoy your icy paradise ^.^.

  16. Shall I recite for you, oh kim?

  17. Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast,

    To feel for ever its soft swell and fall,

    Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,

    Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,

    And so live ever - or else swoon to death.

    -Bright Star, John Keats -_o

  18. Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art-

    Not in lone splendour hung aloft in the night,

    And watching, with eternal lids apart,

    Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,

    The moving waters at their priestlike task,

    Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,

    Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask,

    Of snow upon the mountains and the moors-

  19. Read from top to bottom!

  20. Hiding in the shadows eh kimba...

  21. A collapsing heart, forced in by the gravity of life, becomes an endearing star...

  22. Dax

    Ohh Arie...

  23. Dax

    I'd like to think of it more as great minds think alike, unless of course you disagree.

  24. Dax

    They can be ^.^.

  25. Dax

    Talking in tongues again eh? I suppose I'll have to exercise those demons. I'll be on in an hour, hour and a half tops. I hope you have the energy and will to stay on, but I'll understand if you don't =P.

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