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Could be fun :o


Include the pronunciation if you want, and of course the name and effect.


Edit: Hmmm, if interested you could also create potions, or other wizarding objects/animals/places.

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I was going to create one for potions! I answered a question like this on a Harry Potter forum in order to be sorted and this was my answer.


Q. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?


A. There’s plenty of spells out there that cover pretty much everything and the same for charms. So it would leave me with creating a potion. I’m fascinated with things that explode and melt so maybe a potion that you don’t necessarily drink but when thrown at things as soon as the liquid smashes out of the glass containing it; it melts through it in an instant or explodes whatever it hits, but with no noise! So, either of the two, exploding potion or melting potion.

On another note though you have Obliviate spell I’d also like to create a temporary memory loosing potion. In circumstances where you’re being watched or interrogated you could take it without them tracing you that you’ve taken it and temporarily lose some memories by thinking about the memories you want to forget. After a day or so they come back. I would call it Memoire, which is French for memories.

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Revivisco: (Revive in Latin) Opposite of "Avada Kedavra".

You know, Avada Kedravra means "from life, nothing", and "Abra Cadabra" means "from nothing, life", so I guess Abra Cadabra would be the opposite of Avada Kedavra ;B

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You know, Avada Kedravra means "from life, nothing", and "Abra Cadabra" means "from nothing, life", so I guess Abra Cadabra would be the opposite of Avada Kedavra ;B

Oh touche! :lostit:

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