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Monkey Cartwheels

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Status Updates posted by Monkey Cartwheels

  1. Haha, I know! It would be awesome to wake up to whiteness everywhere!

  2. I've seen a little bit on the desert road, and had a little play at the mountain. But not really

  3. Yeah I know, it stupidly cold, but I think if its going to be this damn cold it may as well go the whole way and snow instead of being snow quality cold with out the snow

  4. I only just posted that! haha.

    We only got a tiny bit, but it melted straight away. Hopefully we get some real stuff!

  5. Did you get any snow today?

  6. Oh, well that sucks.

    I've got a really good feeling that things will pick up for you soon

  7. I was having a look in you "The Last Night" topic, I'm way to tired to read at the moment but what I did read was really good! And did you draw all those pictures?

  8. Chun chun chun weeeeh

  9. D: Sorry to hear that. Im guessing sleeping tablets do nothing?

  10. Your boyfriend doesnt like interacting with you?.............I wont say what I want to there. What does insomnia actually cause? I dont really know mucch about it sorry.

  11. How does she stop you from sleeping? Thats terrible. Have you considered leaving? Moving in with your boy friend? You cant be treated like that mate.

  12. Good to hear the riots are over!

    What does your mother do? Thats terrible that she doesnt let you sleep, Im amazed. What can you do to escape from all the fuss?

  13. She wont let you sleep D: Thats quite serious.

    I suppose you cant get out of the house either because of people trashing the place or has that died off now?

  14. Well I guess thats the thing. You shouldnt be depressed over nothing. I admit I know jack all about depression. Blast some music real loud, play some guitar, find something to escape from what surrounds you and makes you upset. I wish I knew more about the topic to help.

  15. PM me if you want to chat about it.

  16. Such a quality show! I love it, the whole concept is utterly ridiculous!

  17. Makes me sad...

    And we where watching the "Lost episode" of Spongebob where he learns to fly. The show just gets me everytime

  18. Oh man that sucks. There doesnt seem to be anything being done about it. But on a happier note, Spongebob has me in tears

  19. I saw so many homeless people looking for cigarette butts to smoke. And the fact that so much money goes into making flash buildings and roads when they dont seem to do a lot to help those people

  20. Haha, I give Wendy's a very good review!

    Also the city makes me sad

  21. Nah we just had a walky walk, I got Wendy's for the first time EVA

  22. I went to this city again today

  23. They still seem to care for you though. Hope your feeling better today though

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