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Monkey Cartwheels

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Status Updates posted by Monkey Cartwheels

  1. Haha, I cant say I have seen that tbh. So Im sorry I just cant picture that :P haha.

  2. Haha, I cant say its my fav but good.

    Hard to believe that they digitally shrunk him for the first part of the film

  3. Haha, I didnt know they could talk! :o

    In all honesty I think I like Alpacas better.

    Just look at that fluffy thang!


  4. Haha, I do have binoculars that can see to the other side of the world, so I might just be haha!

    The hardcore scene is where its at. Only the cool kids hang with us!

    I want to make a movie about the underground hardcore scene some day.

  5. Haha, I dont know a hell of a lot about baking, so it works out great!

    So is the course 5yrs?

  6. Haha, I give Wendy's a very good review!

    Also the city makes me sad

  7. Haha, I got a fair bit of ADTR!

    :o You cant leave the forum! Why?

  8. Haha, I got a spam one a while back that said someone saw me on this forum and wanted to meet up. My beat is that its just people going on here and getting email addresses from the contact information. I don't think it would be anything too major, Unless its messing your computer up

  9. Haha, I got stuck on Queen St trying to get home!

    I have to go to K Road in May for a Pirate Metal concert, that should be a fun experience......

    Yeah I have my restricted, but waited a year and a half before getting my learners, I got my restricted in the nick of time to be able to do work exp and come to Auckland!

    Why have you waited so long?

  10. Haha, I had to google what the freshman 15 is, haha. Nothing wrong with PE, I wish I did more exercise. You wanted to end up being a teacher didnt you?

  11. Haha, I imagined that. I remember seeing the trailer AGES ago.

    Is it worth a watch?

  12. Haha, I keep telling them to stop watching Spongebob, but they never listen, they just bleat rude words at me.

    Dedication from Sammy right there! haha

  13. Haha, I know! It would be awesome to wake up to whiteness everywhere!

  14. Haha, I like more hardcore ish like ADTR, Hundredth and To Kill

  15. Haha, I should come for a visit one weekend, theyre so boring

  16. Haha, I thought it was a compliment, guess not :(

  17. Haha, I was just reading through the Christianity topic in Current events. And saw your comment on the 9th of July, saying "Shouldnt this be in the Religion thread". Even though you where the 2nd person to reply to it in early March. Made my day

  18. Haha, I was kidding beause the guy from MCMB has 70mm, but you should show me a pic of the dude with 100mm!

  19. Haha, I was on holiday and wasnt on here much.

    Ive been pretty sweet though. Having to readjust to early mornings again :(

  20. Haha, I was so confused at the start of that comment! haha.

    Hows life been the last few days?

  21. Haha, I was thinking "This might be a bad idea"

    haha, you dont actually look like him to clear it up, you just dont have a nose! haha

  22. Haha, I washed dishes for 2 years at a cafe.

    You cant make me sleep! haha. But Ive listened to 3 deathcore albums so I better. Goodbye/night, good luck job searching

  23. Haha, I'll give you that! You'll waste me in a PS comp hands down. I cant compete with that

  24. Haha, Im a good boy. Ginger Beer is my jam haha. 4 puppies, one of them was biting my nose but they have no teeth so it was more gumming my nose haha.

    This is two of them http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/180962_137801206286904_124506830949675_228725_458104_n.jpg

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