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Everything posted by Karen

  1. please keep praying for my gram! she's really not doing well at all :/ I'm super worried, and kind of sad
  2. I will definitely pray! It might be a little selfish but, please pray that I get a different job for the summer! Also, please pray for my gram who fell today and who isn't doing so well (not related to the fall). She's just very old and I think it's almost her time :/
  3. Wow everyone!! I am so happy with all of your blessings and gratitude Hello to people I haven't met yet or haven't talked to in a while! I am blessed because I am getting an education at college and have the opportunity to do almost anything I want after graduation, God willing. I am blessed because God loves me just the way I am!!
  4. My school just put on a genocide panel a couple weeks ago and one woman was a Holocaust survivor; it was amazing!!
  5. definitely Arie, sorry I'm late getting back to this. This is something we should be praying for every day!!
  6. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Jaw drop! That was deeeeeeep. That is also an inspiration
  7. That's so interesting, that's how I learned what passover was haha. When the Angel of death literally passed over the houses with the lamb's blood. So it's interesting how the christian inteppretation and the jewish interpretation differ, hmmm! I hope you had a great time with your family
  8. I am so happy you're seeing God in everything you do, Kim! I am so blessed and grateful to have a lovely boyfriend who accepts me for who I am!! I am grateful that even though I still get anxious sometimes over the thought of the future, he supports me and cares for me.
  9. of course, we will pray!! also, please pray for me letting go of fear as well! I also pray to realize that my past does not control my future and I can't base my experiences now off of what happened in the past!
  10. I was going to create a separate topic, but this is easier (I'm super tired!): Tonight started Passover, one of the main Jewish holy days! It celebrates the story of the Angel of Death passing over houses marked with lamb's blood as one of the final warnings from God to let the Israelites go from Egypt. In the Bible, this story is found in the Old Testament (Exodus, I believe). So from me to all the Jewish members (only Arie?) of the forum, HAPPY PASSOVER!!!!
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARDIIIIII! I'm sorry I haven't been around much! I've been so busy but I miss you </3 have a great B day my big bro <33333333
  12. Everything you say is very true! I do agree that as a PERSON it should be a natural right to learn about these issues and do something about it, however, many people don't feel that way or just don't know how to get involved. Even though I've technically been a Christian all my life, I didn't really start to get involved with social justice until this year because I fould people who encouraged me and taught me that my small voice can make a really big difference! I'm also really proud of you getting your acceptance at simmons yayyyy go you!! and you getting your crisis certificate
  13. Mhm, you did just express it. Self-chastisement and humility aren't the same thing. We can be thankful of what we have which is why many christians take time to count their blessings, but it's not the same as self-chastisement and saying that we suck, we deserve nothing, we have no self-worth. Being humble in my eyes is just realizing that God gave us the means to do things, but sometimes we just have to take the opportunity. The movement was our own but the idea and the way to do it wasn't. It can get pretty complicated, but in the most basic form it comes down to realizing that there is some
  14. So first off, I would like to say I am SOOOOO SORRY I haven't been around much. I know this section has been kind of dead lately, and I really do apologize for that. I want to start spicing it up a little but more! I've been very busy with school and over my spring break I was doing observation hours so I didn't really have time to post. But yeah! Here it is, a new topic for y'all. Also, a warning: This is a really long post, but please take the time to read! So firstly I would like to say that even though I put the title as "social justice in Christianity" this is a topic for everyone, bu
  15. Why shouldn't people be more positive? Counting blessings and fortunes in life is a wonderful thing because it gives people the opportunity to appreciate what they have, rather than what they don't. Everyone needs to take a step back sometimes and realize how good they have it because (I know it's cliche) there are people in the world that don't have nearly as much or almost anything at all. As for being positive, it is a choice. We can choose to be negative, or we can choose to be positive. But when I think about it, honestly, why would anyone choose to be negative? It benefits them in
  16. Hi Matthew! Thanks for posting, I'm very glad you felt like you could post here. Welcome I'm Karen, the mod of this forum. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner, I have been swamped with school and work and observation hours and everything else under the sun. It is very interesting to look at religion from a historical point (and the Bible as well), I agree! I personally believe that Genesis, and a lot of the numbers in Genesis, are exaggerations of what they should be because people 2000 years ago didn't have a concept of time like we do. For example, in Genesis, Rebecca (Abraham's wife)
  17. she must be very blessed joe! And you have been blessed with the gift to see that in her, which is very amazing Being able to see potential is a great thing I am grateful that I'm on spring break That I'm doing my observation hours for my child study class this week to gain experience also I got to meet a speaker from the Red Cloud Indian School in south dakota yesterday, which is a place that I'm considering going to to volunteer after I graduate. It's amazing because out of all the universities she came to my school and I got to meet her and the other people that came with her and it w
  18. I love your answers to these questions Arie! I agree 100% with everything you say, especially about separating free will from God. A lot of people think that these are the same things, and they use that as the excuse that God is wrathful, vengant, distant when in fact it is the PEOPLE that are doing these things, NOT God. Here's a really cool video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ug6rXBmMMw&feature=related It shows what God is vs. our perception. As for referring to God as male, I also agree that He (She...it...) doesn't have a gender. We can't define God like that, He is a for
  19. I completely agree!! I totally see how this relates to God. might not be a question or anything, but it's still a great observation. Actually, it's funny that you posted this because in a couple weeks I'd like to bring the peeps in my Bible study up to the observatory at my school. I think it's really important to get an idea for what infinity really is, and how small we really are. It is SO important, in my opinion, to realize that we are NOT the center of our universe and that we are tiny compared to the wonders of God. I think that space is amazing, absolutely incredible, and when I reall
  20. I know I texted you already but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3
  21. Well, everyone has their own opinion on it. For myself personally, I choose what I want to be shown and I'm not comfortable with showing a lot of skin; that's just how it is for me. In the Bible it says that the man looks on outward appearance, and the Lord looks on the heart, and this is true. I just don't want my clothing to get in the way of my actions...you know? If I dress very provocatively my actions will probably go unnoticed because of my clothing. People will look at my body instead of what I do, and I don't want it to be that way at all. Everyone has their own level of comfort wi
  22. Mmm, this is true. The Bible is actually a very interesting book, to study and also to learn from. I used to think it was really boring, until I actually started reading it. I think there are lots of things in it that are based around the culture of 2000 years ago, but the Gospels are what modern-day Christianity is (or at least should be) based on. HOWEVER. People's interpretations of the Gospels differ and that is why there are so many problems among different religious. I honestly haven't met one Christian who has exactly the same theology. I personally believe that Jesus is the epitome of
  23. Ireland!! Wow is it really 6 nations time again? how the year flies...
  24. First, please don't launch personal attacks on someone because you don't agree with their opinion, calling someone childish isn't going to get any closer to unity. Secondly, I also agree with you that God created everything, gay, bi, transgender, pansexual, etc etc etc people alike. I fully accept gay people because I believe that every single person was made perfectly, straight or otherwise. I also think that the Bible was written in a very different time, and there were different social rules driving some of the things being written. And this isn't to say that the Bible isn't accurate i
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