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Lady Deadpool

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Status Updates posted by Lady Deadpool

  1. Awhh :) I've been good, really tired lately- i don't know why; i'm not doing much, but i feel tired and sleepy most of the time haha. How about you? Anything new? ;O

  2. Awhh bummerrr ;( I hate when my plans get cancelled when i spend hours getting dressed -.- And stupid rain always ruin peoples moods :c Awhh so you didnt get to do anything today?

  3. Awhh D: well in that case i really wish you'll be much better soon!

  4. Awhh find something interesting to do ;O no..wait, you're chatting with me, nothing can be more interesting *nods* ughh i am okay, being bored cause i had plans to go out but it's raining like hell soo puhh <_<

  5. Awhh haha it's because of your facial colors. Not everyone can pull off a color but don't worry. I would never be able to pull off blond haha

  6. awhh haha you had it coming then xD

  7. awhh haha. Ugh aren't you tired of all this just yet? >.< tell her offff once and for all >.>

  8. Awhh i see ;( Well glad everything's cool now.

    Oh dear lord the last sentence!! All the metal images right now ;O

  9. Awhh journalism is difficult and interesting. Good luck with it! And good nighttt, sleep tight ^^

  10. Awhh okay if you say so *pinches cheeks* haha uno is funnn! There are some other ones, not card games though, that you hit some balls of the same colour and stuff :P It's fun but i can't remember the name so i can send you the url :(

  11. Awhh ouchh, that's why you feel tired because your sleeping pattern was a bit messedup those two days. But ohh a day off sounds awesome! haha. And thank youuu it's a little silly picture haha <3 Not much, was online for some time then went out with the guys but was raining a lot so now i am home. Hbu?

  12. Awhh poor her. She's at this age where she's starting to realise that reality sucks and dreams are not gonna come true lol. But seriously awhh i'm sorry for her :(

    Uhmm i don't really know? i think we know each other since Jan '08?

  13. Awhh poor wiwi, you won't ever let it go, will you? :P be unbored ;O

  14. Awhh poor you *pat* yeah you should rest it more until you fully recover. haha awwww awesome, i'm sure you had loads of fun :D

  15. Awhh poor you D: ...OH MY HOLY JARED LETO!? Did you make this! This is amazing! :D Our protagonist is a sexy fairy!!

  16. Awhh thank you Delta! Now, keep crying..keep crying young one.

  17. Awhhh *cyber hug* too many assignments! :C Good luck with that. How can you concentrate after watchin HP? tch tch :P

  18. Awhhh *glomps* kaaay i'll do my best to be online :D

    Toho we both know i'm lying :P

  19. Awhhh *tackleglomps* poor you. Butttttt you must have some fun at least :P Haha i'm good, many friends visited so i'm having fun.

  20. Awhhh D:.. BUt but but i already own the puppies!! You pwomised meh :sob:

  21. Awhhh lies :o haha nothing much here either haha i'm just gonna go get ready and go out with friends haha. So i'll see you at night wolfy *pats* ciaaaaao

  22. Awhhh no fairrr *sob*

  23. Awhhh sounds sooo interesting...NOT! :P You can play FB games, some of them card games are fun :P

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