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Everything posted by Nordhausen

  1. I've been wanting some from time to time It's been like 2 weeks since I quit Been doing pretty well though I've been wanting some from time to time It's been like 2 weeks since I quit Been doing pretty well though
  2. lolol Yeah it sure suits you and no, not Goku, it's Vageta... from this video
  3. Thanks! lol Is that your house? Nice pink bike
  4. Let's just say I wasn't thinking quite straight about the quote lol Not until you pointed it out
  5. Good! Your hand is not bigger than your face! That would have meant you had cancer jk
  6. We are in the 21st century. We have no need for monarchy in this day and age. We have progressed to something a little more reasonable for political ruling and monarchy doesn't match up. Responding to SomeBloke on the armed forces and monarchy. The armed forces would prevail just fine without the monarchy. It's rather silly to just say, " Oh no! We have no queen. Time to burry our heads in the sand!" It's about catching up to the times. Just look at what other countries are like and what their armed forces are like. I understand the tradition of the Queen and the monarch, but I think it nee
  7. Nice heels Chris! They suit you well lol
  8. Yes, that is intentional with how the photo was taken
  9. okay... ONE MORE PICTURE! It's black and white
  10. Chris is right. There is no serving really. It's coming from the money of all the British people. The queen mostly sits on her ass anyways. There are many people through England who are struggling to make ends meet and they have a monarchy that doesn't do very much and they have all this unnecessary money. People are dying for your country of England too and more honor goes to a cowardly queen while a brave soldier dies in Afghanistan on the same day. I will honor the working class and anyone who is a real human. I will not give my attention to the queen on her "jubilee"... I will honor the
  11. Thanks Jo Snazzy pics you got there as well Well thank you Dina I'm glad my eyes are hypnotizing lol Thanks Jade! I really like your new pics too. The one with the dress is really cool. It's something different and definitely a good look for you
  12. oh and another serious one lol after being at the pool
  13. A sort of serious picture A not so serious picture
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