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Dumbledores Woman

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Status Updates posted by Dumbledores Woman

  1. It's a little early where I am but I believe in the States it should be well and truly your birthday by now! Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day! :)

    1. Mr. Pumpkinhead

      Mr. Pumpkinhead

      Thanks Katharine! Spending it with my family so it couldn't be better! =)

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day :)

  3. This pleases me *bestows forgiveness*

    1. Mr. Pumpkinhead

      Mr. Pumpkinhead

      woot! I aim to please. =P lol

  4. Give me a year's supply of cauldron cakes and thou shalt be forgiven! ;)

  5. Never fear, I'll get my mate Harry on to it!

  6. :o You, working for the Daily Prophet, whatever next! You'll be a Death Eater before you know it... What has happened to my old friend? :'(
  7. Me? What? Where? When? OH THE PARANOIA!

  8. Thank you, Happy New Year to you too!

    Oops, I had actually forgotten about the fic... :P

    I miss you too, and good old shipping times.

    Hope you've had great holidays! :)

  9. Hey hey! I'm not so bad thank you, and yourself? I'm not as active around here nowadays either... hope life's treating you well!

  10. Hey hey! I'm not so bad thank you, and yourself? I'm not as active around here nowadays either... hope life's treating you well!

  11. Well I hope your hiatus has been pleasant - and now you can get back where you belong! :P I shall try to become less of a lurker, but as you said sadly it is becoming more difficult to find an original or interesting topic to discuss. We must make it our mission to rejuvenise the forum! I'm not entirely sure that's a word. I'm very tired. :P

  12. Aw lol don't be silly, thank you for asking at all! I am fine thank you, how are you? I miss our chats too. As a matter of fact I was thinking about them the other day lol - your presence around the forum is sorely missed. I have become more of a 'lurker' these days... :)

  13. Haha! Thank you :) Hope you had a good trip!

  14. Haha! Thank you :) Hope you had a good trip!

  15. You probably won't believe me - try not to faint - but there maybe something to your liking in the fanfiction thread... just saying...

  16. You're back! Yay! Hope you've had a nice break and all is well :)

  17. You're back! Yay! Hope you've had a nice break and all is well :)

  18. Yes sir, right away sir! And erm... oooh yeah, the fanfic... *sheepish face* :P

  19. Yes sir, right away sir! And erm... oooh yeah, the fanfic... *sheepish face* :P

  20. Hey yourself! Hope you're going okay :)

  21. Aw thank you, and the same to you! :)

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