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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Yeah, I saw it...planning to do a review on it shortly. In short, I liked it, didn't love it. But it's on par with the old trilogy.
  2. Waking u....zzzzzzzz *headdesk*
  3. My patented "Stranded on a Desert Island Survival kit" of course.
  4. We will not go quietly into the night! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l31UUl5SyXk Sorry, just love this speech Happy Independence Day for those who celebrate!
  5. Ruby Rhod, from The Fifth Element.
  6. Someone complimented me on my driving a couple of days ago, found a note under my window sweeper which said "Parking Fine" which was nice.
  7. There is already a post a picture of your pet topic over HERE. I encourage you to post your pets in that topic I'll close this topic.
  8. Yay, new forumcat picture. It pretty hard to get a picture from her where she looks in the camera...stupid cat, not liking being in the spotlight and stuff
  9. The thing that you should realize though, is that the paps only do this because they know it will make money. Because people apparently want to see those pictures for some reason. If everyone would just stop caring that Emma or any other celebrity comes out of a plane the paps would be out of a job. Now, this is pretty unrealistic of course, there will always be people who want to see those kind of pictures and they are not monsters for wanting to see those. Although I do think that the paps go to far sometimes. I once saw this video of Britney Spears where the paps were almost right into he
  10. You really had to quote that?! It was long enough going to it the first time. Although funny though
  11. E3 gameplay demo! And boy is it sweet. So looking forward to this game now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZrklEy9ohQ
  12. Not in the theater but I have never seen the end of the second Tomb Raider movie because I always fall asleep when watching it...it's just sooo boring.
  13. Looking forward to it. I love the Lego Games.
  14. Or his friends are assholes and make him wear this.
  15. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4315957_700b_v1.jpg
  16. It kind of reminds me of the fifth Harry Potter game where they also wanted you to perform magic with wand movements (only that was with a regular controller, maybe the Wii was more like this). Although so far the wand movements have just been flicks to all kind of directions to shoot instead of specific motions to shoot a specific spell.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AeaCts1KBQ So, I bought this game yesterday. I was planning on buying it when it was announced three years ago together with the move. It's quite an interesting game so far, the two main characters are pretty fun so far and as far as I can judge the Move works pretty well as a wand. Your arm does get tired pretty quickly because of flicks you have to do each and every time you want to do a magic spell. And I kinda wish there was a targeting system...but ah well. Anyone else playing this?
  18. http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2870/15613845647035771575620.jpg Looks like someone had a beef with Old McDonald...anyway, MOOving on...
  19. Oh that's easy! Villains: Dr. Horrible Dr. Doom Dr. Insano Me Brain General Zod My brother Forumcat GlaDOS Heroes: Spider-man Iron Man Captain America Altaïr Malcolm Reynolds Richard Castle Captain Hammer Nathan Drake Indiana Jones Obi-wan Kenobi The Hulk
  20. Soooo, watched all the movies leading up to The Avengers flick. And boy did I have fun! Hadn't seen Thor and Captain America before so I was pleasantly surprised by those. Iron Man 1 and 2 are fun. The least fun was with the Incredible Hulk but even that one was enjoyable enough. So, that was my weekend in a nutshell (oh and I got new phone )
  21. Don't know if I have to: or to
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