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Status Updates posted by Arie

  1. coming home tomorrow :( i done want to leave the lake house!!! but, i miss my e-family!!!!

    1. Kim.


      =/ at least you got some time for yourself out there...I hope ;)

    2. Arie


      I did.. I sat on the dock by myself and wow it was amazing!! I will post about it in the religious thread!!

  2. Sometimes life really sucks and you need someone to lean on.

    1. Kim.


      Love you, Arie.

    2. Arie


      Love you more!

  3. Heartbreak

    1. Slash


      i know its a bit late but wat happened?

    2. Arie


      We will talk

  4. In NY, I'll be away for a while. PM if you need me!

    1. Mr. Pumpkinhead

      Mr. Pumpkinhead

      visiting gampy! =) <333

    2. Arie


      This is old!!!

  5. Arie

    No you don't. Your not that old. I'm delayed in the airport :(

    1. Dax


      Am too! Haven't commented you in awhile =O. And now the forums are all funky O_O...

    2. Arie


      I know i missed you hahaha. Woah now you can comment under the same post! This is awesome!

  6. Arie

    Hope all is well with you!!! Have an awesome weekend!

    1. Dax


      And you as well (hug) ^.^.

    2. Arie


      Thanks (hugs back) :)

  7. I'm Back!!!!

    1. Slash


      welcome back Arie

  8. Time for the Forum Awards... VOTE VOTE VOTE!

  9. Hateful people make me so frustrated!! Why can't everyone be open minded?!

  10. "And who do you think you are? Runnin' around leaving scars. Collecting your jar of hearts, and tearing love a part."

    1.  sarahelizabeth


      this is one of my fave songs ever <3

  11. "There is a poem called "Loss" carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read Loss, only feel it." -Memoirs of a Geisha

    1. Kim.


      -presses invisible like button- =o


    1. Kim.



      SEE YOU THERE! lol.

      Say hi if you see me, lmaooo. Like that'll happen -rolls eyes-

  13. Happy Passover!! Woohoo!!!

    1. Kim.


      Hey, I didn't know when to wish you!!!!

      Happeh Passover, crazy girl! <3.

  14. Happiness is intoxicating.... I love it!!!!!

    1. Kim.



      I'm happy for you!

  15. "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." August, 26, 2000 will forever be in my heart.

    1. Kim.


      I'm sorry, Arie. Must be a tough day for you. You know, you have incredible strength, and Happy Mother's Day to you--indirectly--because you've done a great job in taking the steps you need to be who you are now. I hope you are happy, Arie. That's what matters. Xoxo.

  16. I will be in Florida from Monday till Friday and won't have Internet! I will get back to everyone then, much love!

    1. Slash


      have fun Arie, dont have tooo much fun tho ;p

  17. I feel so blessed from all the Birthday wishes, thank you so much everyone!!!

    1. Kim.


      AHHHHHH. YOU'RE WELCOMEEE. I hope you realize that a lot of people on the forum care about chuuuu, you know. :)

  18. Happy Channukah!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Mr. Pumpkinhead

      Mr. Pumpkinhead

      "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in the darkness, for in him is the light of life." (John 8:12)

  19. I keep having the weirdest dreams!

    1. Kim.


      Me too. It's ridiculous.

      I dreamt about work last night and how volunteers were painting the upstairs to cool music reminiscent of the 90's. I woke up and shook my head. Lol.

  20. My life is insane!

    1. Tomâ„¢


      Does that say anything about the person who's life it is? :P

  21. All my thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the Chardon shooting today....

    1.  sarahelizabeth


      it is really sad my thoughs and prayers are with them as well<3 it hurts my heart to see that :/


  22. Happy Purim to me!!!

  23. NYC for the weekend!!!!!!

    1. Tomâ„¢


      Missing you already!! Rofl

  24. Busy busy busy!

    1. Tomâ„¢


      Not that busy obviously :D


  25. Your prof pic is making me drool over my keyboard.... yum.....

    1. padfoot


      Haha same here...

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