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Everything posted by lavieenrose

  1. lavieenrose


    haha I love that a lot of people said Emma... has anyone liked it BEFORE liking Emma Watson? It was always the name I would use when I was little, so it's been a favorite for a long time, lol.
  2. I'm sorry Katie I'm waiting for my pizza dough to rise.
  3. lavieenrose


    Girls Top Three: Ava Emma Lynnea Boys Top Three: Bryson Julien Tristan
  4. Gah the roads are freezing!! That's one thing I hate about winter, icy roads scare me so much....
  5. Thank you everyone. Katerina feel free to use the wallpaper if you'd like You may
  6. Happy almost birthday Katie! I've never been to Busch Gardens, but I'm really excited to go. They have a little zoo there too right? I'm definitely going on the roller coasters! If they still have the Jurrasic Park my nephews will looove that lol.
  7. Yes! Two whole weeks with my nephews... I'm not sure I'll like them too much by the end of the vaca... lol I'm kidding.
  8. I'm good how are you Katie? It's black friday, I might be hitting up some of the shops but we had a mini ice storm so I'm a little scared to drive... lol.
  9. I'm doing something completely different for Christmas this year. My family and I are going to Florida. We're leaving Christmas day (yay Christmas at the airport!) and we're staying until January 9. We're going everywhere, Disney, Universal (Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!!!! can you tell I'm excited?), Busch Gardens, Epcot, Sea World, etc. And since we'll be there through New Year's I'm not exactly sure of the plans yet. Another upside to going to Florida is we're not buying presents for anyone, which is awesome because I'm so broke.
  10. padfoot - The dance scene made my heart hurt so much from it's cuteness, it was corny but I think that was the point. Harry is this awful dancer and it scared him to see Hermione vulnerable, he did the best he could to cheer her up and it worked for a little. Did you see his face when Hermione was all bummed again? I was like "just shake her Harry! Be like 'listen, Ron's a fool and I love you, soon you'll realize he's like your bro, I'll be here waiting'". lol The Dude - Totally agree about the Dan and Emma chemistry thing! And yes the Godric's Hallow it really seemed like she wanted to be t
  11. This is a good questions and like others have said it's a very subjective question. It really depends on the person. To my family it's a time to spend together to remind us all of what we are lucky enough to have in life. And as a country Thanksgiving is an important part of our history. I think that when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas they're tied for me.
  12. I hope all you Americans on here have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving! And all you other lovelies from different parts of the world, have a wonderful and safe day
  13. I LOVED this movie. It also helped that Sam Worthington is a total babe.
  14. Grown Ups, was funny not as good as everyone was raving about though.
  15. I'm going in December I cannot wait!! I think once I get the WWoHP out of my system I'll be able to really enjoy everything else we go to, but WWoHP is what I want to do the most.
  16. I love Disney, not the crap that is on Disney channel. I grew up watching the movies all the time. I can't really say I have a favorite, I love so many! Lion King (1 & 2), Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, Alice in Wonderland, Up, Pocahontas, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hocus Pocus, Jungle Book, The Incredibles, Lilo & Stitch, Wall-E, The Princess and the Frog... the list goes on. My kids are going to grow up on the movies that I grew up with, not Disney channel, Disney movies, old and new.
  17. Besides Harry Potter of course I really like: The Choice by Nicholas Sparks Alice in Wonderland The Secret Garden The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen That's all I can really think of right now, I've been so busy with school these past few years that I've found it difficult to fit in time to read anything other than the required reading material, so I really need to get my butt to the bookstore or library and update my book status.
  18. I had to read this book for school and I really enjoyed it. I used to have a copy of the book but when I moved out of my mom's house most of my books got lost in the shuffle, including that one and I keep meaning to pick it up at the book store. I haven't read it in a really long time though.
  19. I'm reading Deathly Hallows again but it's because I need to get my butt to the library to borrow The Hunger Games, which I hear is a very good series.
  20. It really depends, some covers are great. Have you ever heard "Punk Goes Pop", it's all these "Punk" bands doing covers of Pop songs like When I Grow Up by Mayday Parade, it's much better than the Pussycats version. You should check them out, there are several different versions like Punk Goes Crunk, Punk Goes Classic Rock, Punk Goes 80's, etc. For the most part the covers are really good and I prefer them to the original, it also depends on the band.
  21. Actually, no I don't. I get generally upset if I get anything lower than an A on an assignment... yeah I'm one of those.
  22. You have lovely work! Your blends are beautiful, I need to learn how to do that!!
  23. Oh I know that lol, but I do think he was right for the american students taking a bit to pick up on what Emma was actually saying. Knowing what plaster meant or not it doesn't take a genius to see that she wanted a band aid.
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