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Everything posted by Imagine

  1. Abercrombie track pants - red ralph lauren polo shirt - white Thick socks lol
  2. Yup sucks majorly but i just cant wait to get rid of them and ill have some of my summer left. I have to do uni work in the summer because ive extended my essay deadlines due to something that happened. Yeah i see your point, now im getting into it when i get over 1500 words i am starting to get there so yeah i see what you mean. In my second year now, hopefully i pass these then i go into my third year. Yeah its a huge concept in teh criminal justice system, it is very broad but because of that its difficult because there is so much to write about. Thank you oh wow that book do
  3. haha that made me laugh, thats something someone in my village would do. It was calm last night, i think the rain put people off to be fair.
  4. I used to paint my nails all the time, but my job stops me from having them nice anymore lol. So i dont anymore but when ive got time off from work i do paint them, with OPI colours.
  5. that is just proof of the intelligence of the people committing this. They are that thick that they think posting it on fb will not bring about any consequences.
  6. England Riots in pictures, think i should get the topic name changed because its now all over the country lol. Pictures. Miss selfridge, Manchester. Riots started about a hour ago in Manchester Salford Arndale Manchester.
  7. It has started in Manchester, the tram system has been shut down and things are getting serious already in the city. GETTING angry now lol. Not going into uni tomorrow because god knows what ill find tomorrow morning, as apparantly my campus has been broken into as well. Perfect!!! If they burn my library down thats it!!!
  8. I like to have cheese with brown sauce. That is the only strange thing ive ever mixed together lol.
  9. I found a group on facebook "Let's riot *close town to me* tonight" So i rang Cheshire police, told them the URL and the individual who created the account and the group has been removed. And they rang me back to tell me that they have arrested that person. IF YOU find anything like this, ring the non emergency phone number for your area and tell them.
  10. What are you working on currently? Essay? Dissertation? Exam prep? I am currently working on two essays that i had to defer due to bereavement. And the first one was a 4000 worded essay on Mental Health within the criminal Justice system and the second i am currently doing right now is a Human Rights report which is 3000 words. Shoot me now lol, i have no summer.
  11. EXACTLY lol if i was looter and i wanted something awesome i would break into that place and nick everything i love to read about. But obviously TV's and Laptops are what the looters want.
  12. that video just was horrible lol the woman saying, "getting my taxes back init". That is just proof of the intelligence level of these people. I did however love how he said that waterstones hasnt been touched, that made me laugh. It does seem to be the places with high value products they can sell on.
  13. Yeah that is just proof of what is wrong with our country, people jumping on the band wagon I said that to someone and they spat this law back in my face, so im not sure if its as easy as bringing the army in. However i really really think the government should, it would put a major stop to it. NO one respects the police anymore.
  14. This has consituted to pure mayhem. AT the end of the day, the indivdual was carrying a gun and was not relinquishing that firearm to the police. The shooting was just and fair, however the MET police have failed in containing this problem. They did not respond quick enough to the rioting and have not been able to contain it to one area. When the Brixton riots happened in the 80's, the police had it contained then. Yeah it was a mess but it was at least contained.
  15. I loved learning but hated the people, i got bullied you see.
  16. Well this erupted on Saturday night, and it has not stopped much since. It was all down to a shoot out between armed police officers and a individual with a gun. The individual was shot down after they shot at officers. Since this happened, the community thought it was unjust and unfair and went berserk. Check out the stories here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14449675
  17. one older brother and one little sister. I am the middle child, and i am the typical middle child stereotype lol.
  18. I registered yesterday cant wait for it to open early
  19. Went to a private school since i was little till i couldn't take the highschool alternative and switched to a public school after a row with my parents. I switched because the private school was not a good fit for me lol my behaviour was atrocious and i got majorly bullied. Personally private is better because the curriculum is a lot more advanced and holds more weight compared to public school. For example public school teaches you the basics, where as privates teach you the basics and expands on them so you tend to learn more. Doesnt make your GCSEs easier, it just meant that when you go
  20. Yeah i had this at sixth form, we had to £50 a term for each student. It went to good use though, and that was obvious by the amount of stuff we got in return. Up to date textbooks/computers/equipment.
  21. Oh wow some clever people in here GCSES: I would label them all but I can't be bothered lol so I got 12 GCSES between A*-C AS Levels: Business Studies - A (full marks in most modules - always proud of that) Theatre Studies - A Sociology - B Maths - B A Levels: Business Studies - A Sociology - A Theatre Studies - B University- Criminology: First year average - 79% (which is a first class honours) Second Year on target for roughly - 81% (Which is a first class honours)
  22. I have a skirt like that but in peach!! lol yay
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