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Everything posted by Luciana

  1. Do you think it's a BTS? It's really cute!!! http://omgronandhermione.tumblr.com/post/14407993075/guess-who-aww-they-just-like-to-be#notes-container
  2. Please keep voting!!!!!!!! Twilight is winning!!!!!!!
  3. I voted like 50 times!! Lol I will keep voting!!
  4. 20 sexiest screen couples of 2011 20. Rupert Grint & Emma Watson, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II' We know "sexy" and "Harry Potter" aren't usually used in the same sentence outside of fan fiction, but in the saga's final film, moviegoers were finally treated to the sight of Ron Weasley (Grint) and Hermione Granger (Watson) resolving years of pent up sexual tension with one magically climactic snog. http://www.nextmovie.com/nggallery/post/sexiest-movie-couples-2011/image/5243 They should be number 1, though...
  5. Keep voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Voted!!! But I will keep voting!!!
  7. Hahaha this is so funny!! http://rompert.tumblr.com/post/14083366087/tenpointstohufflepuff-asked-why-do-you-think-they
  8. A cute vid of our lovely couple!
  9. I was reading a phrase in the front page of this site and I don't remember Emma saying that. She was asked about the romance between Ron and Hermione in OotP and she said: "The romance between us is there if you watch carefully, it's underneath the surface..." I love when they confuse themself with the characters
  10. Hahaha I've never seen this before!! Nigel's face is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://magicalromione.tumblr.com/post/13585444801
  11. Lovely R/E vid! "I love you, I really do"
  12. Snape's memories "After all this time?" "Always"
  13. I hope so!!!! It deserves it! If it doesn't get the nomination, I will be disappointed!!!
  14. This little scene is so beautiful!!! http://ron-hermione.tumblr.com/post/13759694435 Why so nervous,Hermione?
  15. Anybody watched the last episode? Poor Sophia...
  16. Into The White trailer!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks amazing!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vAVfOwNrtg&feature=player_embedded
  17. Yeah, I know... It's annoying!!!!
  18. I think they didn't use that take because it was too hot!! which is a pity...
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