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flying kiwi

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Everything posted by flying kiwi

  1. Aww I'm so sorry to hear that, RIP and happy Birthday to your sister. lots of love and hugs for you and your family too xxx
  2. Emma is an actress, how do you know she isn't always acting for the camera's. Yeah she seems like a lovely girl and probably is, but you can't really know her unless you know her. Besides, there will be hundreds of girls with her personality, or with just as much in common with you as Emma has, best thing to do, keep enjoying Emma as a fan, but back off a little on the love, enjoy your life and get out and meet some real girls.
  3. I love this film haven't seen it in an age though, once my eyes are better I'm going to have to dig it out and watch it.
  4. Haha I don't think I own any socks that are similar colours to my jeans. Sometimes I'm really sad and match my socks to my top or underwear....
  5. I agree with what was said above, they're lovely looking cats. Great names too
  6. Your seriously saying feeding a baby is the same as taking a dump? Nice. Well you eating your dinner is perfectly natural, but maybe I'm going to be offended by it, should you have to leave the restaurant or go eat it in the bathroom to avoid offending me? I seriously don't see the problem, most women when they do it cover up, why is it an issue if you can't see anything? And its nowhere near on the scale of taking a chuffing dump. Fair enough if a woman just has it all out, I think its ok to ask her to either leave or cover herself up.
  7. I wasn't a fan of the first :/ they showed all the jumpy bits in the ad so when we saw it at the cinema we knew what was coming, we've ordered the 2nd one on love film, not got it yet though so can't comment
  8. But if you have a towel over yourself then your not exposing anything
  9. I think it completely natural, and there are plenty of ways to cover up. Personally I've never seen someone completely whip out their boobs, but if I did then yeah that wouldn't be fair on other people. However I think some people are just rude, I breastfed my son and used to do it in public, I remember a couple of times telling my mum that people gave me funny looks and she always assumed I didn't cover up properly (which I did) so once while I was out with her and he needed feeding she grabbed his big blanket and put it over us, you could literally see my head poking out of it and his feet
  10. Yeah it sounds a lot healthier, I'd love to try some. I always make my own burgers, taste much nicer and better for you.
  11. Maybe she doesn't drink it regularly, the odd frapp wouldn't harm you. Or maybe she's changed her mind on not drinking it, who knows. If she said she didn't drink it because of what it does to your insides, she probably wouldn't drink it to wake her up either. If she drinks it on the odd occasion it would just be because she likes the odd frappachino i would have guessed. It could also be decaff
  12. I'm not a cat fan, but I do think those cats look very nice, aren't they expensive though Your cat looks like the one I had when I was younger, me and my sister both had one each, they were the only two who survived a litter....her's disappeared a week after we started letting them out and my neighbours stole mine after we'd had her a few years :/ I think my mum was quite happy when they'd gone as she isn't a cat fan either and they scratched her wall paper.... I'm weird with cats, sometimes I'm ok but sometimes I really freak out. I was bitten when I was about 3 by one and althoug
  13. I've never had any sort of peanut butter icecream, but it sounds lush
  14. I eat and drink at the same time, but thinking about it I don't tend to drink much while eating, a few sips or a quarter of my drink at the most, I then normally finish my drink after my meal
  15. I follow slimming world and they have a green plan which is for vegetarians, it helps you get all the nutrients making sure you have a certain amount of calcium and fiber ect a day. Being vegetarian can be healthier then eating meat, but it isn't necessarily. It completely depends on what your eating. Quorn have actually changed the recipe for their sausages and they're not as good for you as they used to be, still better then most meat sausages but not all (thats just because most meat sausages are filled with rubbish anyway though.)
  16. Blue jeans with white T-shirt with a skull and guitar design on the front
  17. I think in theory euthanasia is great, you can stop someone suffering, give them a dignified death.ect. However I can completely understand why it is illegal, it would be too easy for people to manipulate vunerable relatives. People who want a quick inheritance could talk someone into agreeing to it when they dont really understand what it is they're doing. also you may say you wouldnt want to live if something happened to you, but when that happened you could find you change your mind. For example my boyfriend has a weird thing about loosing limbs, we were watching house of wax the other da
  18. they dont always get a hard life, at least not here. Yes they are the lowest of the low and even the other prisoners hate them. There is actually a bloke here who attempted to kill a famous child killer, then managed to kill a molestorer. However because of things like this the prisons actually protect the lowest of the low, if they know other prisoners will be after someone for what they've don erv they keep them seperate. Which makes sense, if we dont allow the death penalty how can we allow someone to be hurt by their peers. an extreme case of this is the jamie bulger killers, because what
  19. I agree I don't think I'm better then those people in a sense that I can decide which life to take and which not, but as far as I'm concerened if you rape or kill you give up your human rights. At the end of the day the life of a person like that is less important then the life of the innocent people who you could be saving. The whole point of prison is to rehabilitate and some people just can't be rehabilitated. We don't have the death penalty here and the punishments people get are stupid, everyone seems to get off extremely lightly unless their crime wasn't that bad... But if the de
  20. I cant remember the name but benand jerrys coconut and caramel one is gorgeous!!!!! Other then yhat I love chocolate an fb mint...or rum/raisen. im not fan of fruity icecreams either
  21. The green lantern was terrible....well not terrible but not nearly up to the standard of other superhero films which have come out recently. Green lantern is DC though and not marvel
  22. I really enjoyed the film, but did feel it had some major problems. Magneto and prof x were meant to have a massive history and set up the school together.....however that didnt happen and they only have a little history before going their seperate ways. I dont think its enough, it also contradicts the other films. They also had the usual thing of not using very good mutants and writing out the powerful ones with a rubbish story line, I mean Emma Frost showed she could quite easily escape when she cut the glass but then she waited until the end of the film for magneto to break her out. Darwi
  23. I always get heartburn my throat. Ive had the shallow pains before as well, I got them at any time but remember gettin gb them more often after drinking. I havent had that pain for ages, years actually...fingers crossed I wont see them again. As for what the topocs aboit yeah I get that when I have a sudden scare, like when I see something from the corner of my eye, or the dreaded falling dream.
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