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Bagel of Death

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Everything posted by Bagel of Death

  1. Very beautiful. Really like the glove and roses complex. Gives the whole ad a sophisticated yet sultry concept.
  2. He's a very handsome fella for sure! Falls into the category of "tall, dark and handsome."
  3. Just arrived home from my friend's parents house after their Thanksgiving dinner. Now going to put on my pajamas and watch some films on Netflix. =]
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! =] Unfortunately I couldn't visit my family in PA and they couldn't come over, but luckily I have my friends' company and they're family is always warm and welcoming. Loads of delicious dishes to feast on!
  5. What are your thoughts (what seems never ending) conflict that's going on in the Middle East? Do you particularly support or sympathize with one side? Here's a link for those who've been following up or are just plain curious what's been occurring: http://timelines.latimes.com/israel-gaza-conflict/ Personally, I support neither, yet sympathize with both. The situation is enormously complex, and even the facts + examining the big picture from an unbiased viewpoint doesn't really help. Both sides commit atrocities. When Israel retaliates against Hamas rocket attacks, more civilians perish
  6. I live in Arizona and the temperature here is steadily dropping. It's getting quite chilly in the mornings and during the night, but the weather is beautiful during the middle of the day. Perfectly warm.
  7. Midnight Toker, I voted for Gary Johnson. I really wanted to pick Ron Paul if he was still running, but Johnson's views are very much alike to Dr. Paul's so that's good enough. In other news, I cannot believe the majority of Arizona reelected that egomaniac, Joe Arpaio.
  8. Well, congratulations on your re-election, President Obama. Even though I didn't vote for him (nor Romney), I will admit he delivered very eloquent speeches and arguments during the debates. Unlike Romney who instead of discussing his plans to better America, only focused in bashing the President. By the way, is it not ironic that Obama won BOTH Massachusetts' and Wisconsin's votes (where Romney and Ryan respectively came from)?!
  9. This is meant as a compliment, but you remind me sooo much of Kelly Clarkson, especially in these music video screen caps. Very nice! :] Gorgeous! I love your smile. Okay, I am going to sound childish for a few seconds, but... CUUUUUUUUTE! I am a sucker for rabbits! They are utterly cute, warm, fuzzy, fluffy. <3 Correct me if I'm wrong, but yours looks like a broken chocolate Holland lop. :]
  10. Happy belated birthday, Arie! I hope you had an amazing day, but even better night. Ha! :]
  11. Another photoshoot...and I am back to being a blonde! :]
  12. Very beautiful! I am in love with her dress on the second photo, I wish we had a full view of it. But the color is fantastic. :]
  13. 2 things I want to comment: 1) Good idea for a threat title (no joke, seriously) 2) I seriously busted out laughing at "You don't have to if you've got more important things to do like feeding the dishes or washing the cat." In fact, I woke up my mom (who came in town to visit) and she yelled at me to shut up, but that's ok because it was worth it. Anywhooo, in a sense I would agree with your title. :]
  14. I think you look great! I like the hat...you should let me borrow it one day. ;] You look fantastic, hun! I really love the top (or is it a dress?) I like how big and bright your eyes. You can certainly grab attention.
  15. Obviously, nobody can tell the future, but we would still like to know. What are your thoughts on the 2012 Presidential Election candidates? ALSO what did you you think on their recent nomination acceptance speeches? Personally, I've never been an Obama supporter. However I believe Obama delivered a great speech, simply because his speech focused on what he would do, rather than Romney speech, which was mostly Obama bashing. Still, I think this election could go either way. What are your thoughts?
  16. I heard rumors that she wasn't going to show up for this premiere because she was still filming Noah, but I am glad she made it. =] I really love her dress! The length, neckline and sparkle reminds me of a fairy. Though, I wish her hair wasn't extremely slicked back and her lipstick wasn't such a rough color. She would've looked ethereal if she didn't.
  17. The UK photoshoot, hands down. Love how they dressed her & she looked classy. :]
  18. Watching this incredibly boring movie, haha, and surfing through this forum.
  19. She looks lovely, hopefully there's more photos or at least a look behind the scenes. The guy laying on the couch looks A LOT like Gael Garcia Bernal. Yummy!
  20. Not quite crazy about the wardrobe, but she looks beautiful nonetheless. Something about her look reminds me sooo much of Mariska Hargitay (Law & Order: SVU)
  21. Arie, you got a stunning smile. Miss you, chica! :] Stunning eye makeup! You look gorgeous. :] A few of mine. I did another photoshoot with my brother when he was in town. Credit goes to him for the lighting effects. And a picture of my friend and I at a club/bar. I lighted my hair. I'm thinking about going back to being a blonde. =P
  22. Well, I think Ecuador has blatantly disregarded the British Legal system, however, they claim to have good reason to do so. There is the argument that Julian Assange has not been charged with any offense in Sweden, he is simply wanted for questioning. There is also the argument that he was effectively cleared of the offense a while ago but then, suddenly, he was once again wanted for questioning. This has raised suspicion around the world that the United States, using Sweden as a go-to, is trying to covertly get him to America where he will be tried for treason because of the thousands of c
  23. Simply put, this movie is one of best I've seen in a long time. Action, humor, and not a single cheesy moment to speak of. Fifteen minutes into the film, it was quite clear why Joss Whedon was chosen for the job. He is the master of ensemble storytelling. Bringing in multiple characters and having all their appropriate screen time count to tell the complete tale. Watching this film, I realized that nothing was out of place. Every scene had a purpose, every action had a reason and every line no matter how minute, needed to be there simply because it is going to be substantial in some way as th
  24. I am amazed that they have not simply organised for America to request his extradition as it was the American School in Jordan which he was accused of bombing in Jordan. He could then be deported to America and they could ship him anywhere they wished. A simpler way of course would be for Theresa May to simply get an undertaking from Jordan that they would neither torture him, nor use any material obtained under torture against him at his trial. They have another two months (maybe even more) to present this to the ECHR before he effectively becomes a free man. They've have already wasted eno
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